Why does Komplete Kontrol Plugin Scanning take so long ? SOLVED !



  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    I have VST3/VST2 - Roland Cloud plugins, and softube,several ilok plugins too maybe that's the issue. So maybe NI needs to properly test and identify why certain plugins are hanging up with their app. IDK I just know it's maddening to deal with it.

    Glad there's been some open dialogue on this. Hopefully NI checks this out.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,296 mod

    But it is not up to NI to fix ridiculous problems caused by other developers who insist on using extremely heavy, paranoid and user unfriendly protection solutions for their plugins, right?

    They need to follow the example of Steinberg and few others which their new licensing/protection systems are fast, super user-friendly and most importantly, very lightweight.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    Well, idk which one is more paranoid the roland cloud stuff or NI's system.The better question is, do I need to remove all softube / roland cloud / and all ilok plugins ? NI doesn't mention this on their website regarding KK specs / possible compatibility issues, maybe they should ?

    As I've mentioned, I don't have the issue with Steinberg Cubase or Studio One, once they scan the plugins, they just work.Yet with NI KK each time I scan, these plugins get hung up. So to think NI KK is scott free here, that's not the case.

    In everyone's advice they recommend limiting the number of plugins used to scan. That's not really a solution, it's a work around to be able to use Komplete Kontrol, so in my opinion, this has more to do with NI's plugin scanner being the real issue here. Hence why I think they need to focus more on fixing this issue once and for all. You can see many years of people with similar issues on these forums, and the previous forum that was removed.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,296 mod

    Sometimes we need to be pragmatists.

    No, of course you do not have to remove your roland, softube etc. plugins.

    Also no, you do not have to limiting the number of your plugins.

    But, the "price" for that, is a little bit of patience while scanning, until developers create a more flexible version.

    Unfortunately, no one of us can do anything about it, so……

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor

    right, well I hope this helps others who may experience any similar issues. thanks for the replies.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert
    edited December 2024

    "As I've mentioned, I don't have the issue with Steinberg Cubase or Studio One, once they scan the plugins, they just work. Yet with NI KK each time I scan, these plugins get hung up. So to think NI KK is scott free here, that's not the case."

    This is exactly why any comments and speculation around "once scanned - never scanned again" makes no sense.

    If that was the case (Plugins being selected/unselected in Prefs→Plugins) - no plugin would ever hold up the parade - regardless of it's cloud authorization methods, it's local auth or whatever.

    ALL scans for every user would be close to instant - yet as we can all see - this is not the case. Some plugins simply do not accommodate "once scanned - never scanned again" capability regardless of KK's makeup and processing.

    "In everyone's advice they recommend limiting the number of plugins used to scan. That's not really a solution, it's a work around to be able to use Komplete Kontrol, so in my opinion, this has more to do with NI's plugin scanner being the real issue here". 

    To be fair - I offered my "reduction" solution NOT to absolve KK of any poor coding.

    I did it for two primary (and selfish to me and only me) reasons:

    1. Ensure (with 100% accuracy) that I only ever have to interact with (VST3) NKS compatible plugins within the KK environment.

    To allow anything else to be available (like 165 cranky old UAD VST2 plugins) - makes no sense to my workflow. Regardless of money spent, ownership status or coolness factor of the plugin - if the item in question cannot be called up and controlled via my S61 - it's out. Simple as that.

    2. To get me working as fast as humanly possible.

    I stand by my testing and use of "unselection" despite conversations to the contrary. Any excessive wait time (Because of #1) must (and is) eliminated.

    5 secs startup is about as good as it's going to get - and that is good by me.


  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    I just attempted to unselect a bunch of plugins. I then hit rescan, that was 20 minutes ago. So I’m not sure why certain systems don’t require the long rescan times other than the number of plugins and different vendors etc.

    I’m doing my best to only use VST3 plugins, but in some cases that’s just not possible for some of us as we’re still waiting for vst3 versions of certain plugins, or the developers never decided to upgrade to the VST3 spec.
    If you’re going through a similar situation, just know you’re not the only ones.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    Going on over an hour this morning for my plugin scanning ! Awesome ;(

    Stuck on XLN + Slate Plugins this morning ! hard crash it, relaunch KK, sitting here waiting again ;(

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor

    Ok so I have come to the conclusion, this version 3.3.4 NI Komplete Kontrol is completely broken on my system. I've never in my life dealt with such a terrible piece of kit here. I've un-selected the Vsts I no longer want KK to scan, yet upon starting the program, it just decides to rescan ALL of the plugins I just told it not to scan.

    There is something completely wrong with this plugin manager. I have tried deleting the database and rebuilding it. = nightmare.

    Allowing multiple rescans, same issue. It's like it's stuck in a weird loop. No clue on why this software is acting like this. I need some help from NI here.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor

    more weird issues with 3.3.4 now certain plugin UIs specifically from well known 3rd party plugins with NKS support aren’t showing up.
    Deleted the database, rebuilt and let scan all my plugins. With no UIs , not even the greyed ones.
    We need a new update asap 3.3.4 is not working as intended.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert

    Still think this is (most likely) a local issue to your machine.

    There are most likely thousands using KK v3.3.4 out there - if there was a giant issue like you are describing - there would be mayhem on these boards.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,296 mod
    edited December 2024

    I agree. He should check his Windows settings and maybe do some necessary optimizations.

    Such as those here (which i find absolutely a "must") but there are others too, more complex, if you search online.

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor

    If there's some sort of optimizations I could do other than what I've already done, I'd be game to try them. I have all windows tweaks done to my cpu, and it's super stable in every other daw I use.

    Waiting to hear back from NI regarding these issues.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 125 Helper

    @Matthew_NI what is Native Instruments take on this? About to set up a new computer with a lot of plugins so would like to know more about current versions efficiency & planned improvements. Tx

  • trusampler
    trusampler Member Posts: 312 Advisor

    You may be one of the lucky ones. I did notice yesterday when loading Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 on my laptop, it flew through the plugin scan vs 3.3.4 I mean in seconds kk 2.9.6 was up and running. Nothing like my experience with Komplete Kontrol 3x

    But as others have mentioned, it's probably just my cpu. I've been building DAWs since the early 2000's and know my way around them very well. Everyone of my other programs are rock solid on a 5.2 ghz overclocked PC, but yet somehow it's only when I use KK 3x I start having issues. Probably my cpu. My other DAWs scan plugins very quickly, but KK 3.3.4 on my cpu has major issues. Hopefully your one of the lucky ones.

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