About your ideas for Maschine 3



  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,311 Expert

    some people are way too dramatic in their criticism and exaggerate a lot

    On that we are agreed at least. That's my main point here.

    I'm not by any means "defending NI". Search my posts. You'll see I'm critical probably more than complimentary.

    No, having to click to hide the tags is not "the end of the world". None of this stuff is - so why behave like it is? It's the default in Maschine 2 as well, right? In 2 and earlier, were people complaining about having to click?

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,311 Expert

    …but it's "not the end of the world" you say. Since the release of Maschine 3 yours is the only post I'm aware of that mentions it - so it seems the majority don't see it as an issue either. Click, gone.

    Making mountains out of molehills for no reason.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru
    edited January 30


    It's definitively not unusable, sure. If it's not as good, worse, too dark, etc… is subjective and people are entitled to their opinion as paying customers… You dont need to keep trying to refute it over and over… it's annoying.

    Beg to differ here, I'm afraid.

    Different people respond differently and have different eyesight abilities. I definitely wouldn't call it unusable if it wasn't to me.

    Now OK, that might be an issue in some way with my eyesight, but from the comments I've seen here and on the beta forum, it is far from just me suffering. I can't change my eyes, or AFAIK buy something wearable that could make the GUI less uncomfortable, so the only solution is to keep asking for an NI solution or move away, something I'd actually prefer I didn't feel I should have to do.

    Even if the current design was so innovative and seductively appealing but left some users finding it too uncomfortable to use or even like, surely that's an own goal and something that could be addressed without breaking the bank So far, I've seen more complaints than praise.

    Hell, even striking a dialogue with users that found it so bad and attempting to find solutions shouldn't really be thought too difficult……………………..

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,311 Expert

    You persistently post attacking anyone

    I'm attacking you, am I? So what exactly is it that you're doing, using terms like "little idiocy" and "little sign of intelligence"?

    So it's not OK for me to question the validity of some of the claims made about the software, but it's OK for you to call me an idiot? 🤣

    Other statements effectively saying the people who designed the software GUI are amateurs? It's not enough for you to call me names, you have to do it to the NI staff as well. And you expect them to respond positively to this and help you?

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    PK The D

    I'm attacking you, am I? So what exactly is it that you're doing, using terms like "little idiocy" and "little sign of intelligence"?

    You have endlessly attacked me and any others that have complained about the still unaddressed scanning issues, as well as those complaining on here about the GUI… as I say, to what end?

    How does people pointing out issues cause you such problems?

    You can question, if you feel you must, the validity of 'claims', but then if you find them invalid, perhaps you could show how, preferably perhaps trying to take a less entirely self-referential approach, i.e, if it doesn't affect you, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    The design of the GUI does appear unprofessional, badly conceived and implemented to me. Might be interesting to submit it to a panel of design professionals and get their opinions and see if they concur. That is not me calling NI staff names, it is pointing out shortcomings in the design and implementation, as far as I and going by comments, at least some others, see it.

    Sadly, I don't expect them to respond positively to this because so many issues are being left unacknowledged and untreated.

    If you really do feel that telling people to just use Maschine 2 is an intelligent response then I'm sorry, I do have to beg to differ…..

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,311 Expert

    Endlessly? There's that exaggeration once again.

    Self-referential? Yet it's you writing things like "submit it to a design panel"…

    I'm not "telling" you or anyone to do anything. I'm making a suggestion. If you don't like the GUI of Maschine 3, then using Maschine 2 is a valid option.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 438 Guru

    PK The DJ

    Self-referential? Yet it's you writing things like "submit it to a design panel"…

    Exactly, that is me saying OK this is my opinion and if it is astray, then try it on people whose job it is to professionally assess it and get their opinion.

    Using Maschine 2 is a very poor solution, as I would then miss out on any new features introduced...is that really a valid solution in your eyes?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,359 mod


    You will either stop personal references or attacks, either admins will close this thread
    (as they did, sadly but correctly, on other important threads).

    Stay on topic!

    Use personal messages if you want to play rooster fights among you!

    From now on, any similar comment will get warnings and warning points.

    There are people here who just want to discuss and learn and exchange opinions, not to read your personal problems.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 135 Helper
    edited January 31

    I haven't noticed this issue at all. But that's because I won't update to V3 because of the unnecessarily dark interface ;)

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 135 Helper

    Where is the best place for feature requests now?

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