About your ideas for Maschine 3



  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 93 Helper

    Some of the ire is definitely justified, but imo not nearly all of it. Of course, there're so many products under NI's umbrella that everyone will have their own particular negative experience and subsequent battle(s), and no doubt there will be people who have been let down numerous times e.g someone who owns a 'Jam' an S61 MKI, who doted on the KORE controller, and for whom Absynth was the best synth ever made, will certainly have good reason to be upset with NI. I, on the other hand, have come out pretty unscathed, especially given my 20 years as a customer.

    I have only recently entered the world of Maschine (+), though I've owned the software for a while. As such, I don't have any accumulated annoyances from the history of Maschine. But even within the last few months there have been many red flags. I'm still not at the point of swearing off NI products, especially as I got the M+ for a very specific reason, and bought it with eyes very much open to the current state (And if M+ never got a single update going forward, I'd still be content in it being the machine I want(ed)).

    But yeah…this GUI issue could become a significant turning-point for me. There are already developers within NI's team that offer GUI choice i.e with Massive X. Interestingly, some were in response to user-feedback I believe. The other thing in favour of offering the choice for GUI or M3 is that until a couple of months ago we were all using the better alternative. With the exception of the graphics for the new features, it's already there.

    I'm not suggesting it would be trivially simple to get it sorted, but at east they could communicate that it was something they have on their list to do (Unless I've missed such a communication, in which case I apologise).

    With companies such as NI, PA, Izotope, Waves etc. there are so many things to complain about. While they all have a certain amount of unique tools, what gets users to overcome all the various negatives and keep buying, is the unbelievable value. But each of us will have our own tipping-point, when even freebies would be turned down ust to avoid the ongoing frustrations.

  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 430 Pro


    Some of the ire is definitely justified, but imo not nearly all of it.

    It's going to be different for different people….naturally.

    Many feel that Kontakt 7 was a disaster, and I certainly am not going to disagree.

    NA2 has not fared much better.

    The GUI for Maschine 3 is one of the most amateur I have ever come across. OK, some are OK with it, but there are also others, like myself, that find it unusable. The fact that NI register no concern about that is immensely distressing.

    Many don't like FabFilter GUIs, which is fair enough, but for those that do, like myself, they are well-thought-out and innovative. The GUI for Maschine 3 is just badly designed by most parameters. I can't see it offering any advantage over the existing one, and many regressions. The architecture, which IMHO is firmly ensconced in the 90s, definitely does need an overhaul, but they are deaf to that, possibly because it involves effort, imagination and investment.

    Hey, but why listen to the users?……………………….

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