What is Maschine 3.0 for?



  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper
    edited November 2024

    I didn't mention M+ because it seemed obvious with what I wrote. If it can only be done on software, it still gets added because software only is still better than nothing.

    If it can be added to both hardware and software, either in controller mode or standalone, it gets added. Pretty logical?

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    I'm not complaining about the new 'mouse based' features (most of which should also be doable using the hardware anyway). I'm questioning what they mean in terms of the direction the Maschine software is going.

    So it's about whether the underlying purpose of the Maschine software is to provide the functionality to the Maschine hardware (which is basically a brick without it), or if NI intend it to become something different that doesn't require hardware or is hardware agnostic.

    The more functionality that is added that is designed specifically for the mouse and keyboard rather than the hardware, the further the software moves from its original intent. Which presents a lot of new challenges. In trying to move beyond its original purpose without a clear idea of what it wants to become it risks becoming undefined bloatware, trying to please everyone simply to please them rather than trying to become something that fulfils its mission perfectly.

    I understand some people want Maschine to be a fully working DAW, and I'm happy if NI want to create a first class DAW (ideally not called Maschine). But if I wanted to create a DAW that would compete with the best ones out there, I definitely wouldn't hamstring myself by using Maschine as my starting point. It has too many legacy issues. I'd go out and buy up the best competing DAW with the best workflow for music creators and I'd reskin it with NI graphics, give it deep integration with NI hardware and release that.

  • Midgard
    Midgard Member Posts: 2 Member

    As someone mentioned, many people use a DAW at the end of the process. Turning Maschine into a DAW doesn’t seem to be the idea, but there’s no issue with incorporating some features for mouse use, more options, more convenience. In my workflow with Maschine, I use the mouse quite a bit and interact directly with the software.

    But since we’re adding mouse-related features, having curves in the automations would be interesting. Also, for instance, if I’m working in a specific key (selected from the hardware), it would be helpful to see those notes highlighted in the piano roll (some kind of highlight without removing notes outside the scale, just as a visual aid). This could also apply to the hardware, even on Maschine+.

    Another idea would be to have some visual feedback when I press a key, similar to Ableton, where pressing a note shows you which one it is on the piano roll, right where the timeline is. This is especially frustrating in Maschine because the piano roll is quite narrow for each note. I think I posted this same suggestion over five years ago; hope is never lost.

    Honestly, I was quite disappointed with version 3.0, but well, I hope it’s the beginning of something good.

  • VisionarySoundSystem
    VisionarySoundSystem Member Posts: 12 Member

    OK, I don't often post. I tend to read comments for any advice & tips that maybe helpful to me. The post topic is, the question is, what is Maschine 3.0? I don't know as yet. NI have released sparkling vids & tutorials to herald the new release, the media have been somewhat downbeat about the release. I would ask do I need Maschine 3.0? Hmmmm, I ask myself, do I really need it? Stem separation, already have software that will do this. Extra midi functionality? OK, not too sad. Availability to use different audio formats? WOW, NI caught up with the 21st century (for me, this is so far the major selling point). New GUI? I like Maschine2 GUI. All I have seen so far is a "dark view". The cost of the upgrade is very fair, I feel. £25. Not a bank breaker, but as someone on a budget I want to be sure it's what I want, need, and can use. A bit of background. I was doing collaborations with people who were using NI. They highly recommended it. I bought a Jam, discontinued, a Studio, discontinued, a Komplete Keyboard M32, haven't seen any support for it recently (I feel for M+ users as I reckon their hardware will be the next discontinued item). Am I just a cash-cow for NI? I have to say, I am so glad I bought into the NI universe. It has been fun and I have made tracks on the hardware & software that I am really proud of. So back to Maschine 3.0. It seems NI are trying to make a more even DAW/Hardware split. I have used Maschine 2 as DAW, even though NI & hardcore users were always telling me it wasn't a DAW, it was a groove box. I have created, mixed & mastered tracks within the Hardware & software that I was more that happy to release, just as I would in a so-called actual DAW. I think this is the way forwards with NI. A hybrid system. For me, that is great. I use both the hardware & the mouse when working. But do I really need it? I feel that 25% of NI users are "gotta have it, it's new, gotta have it, it's different" users. 25% are "fed up with NI, walking away, never updating" and 50% are like me asking do they really need this update, can they afford (£25 is a very good price point I will add again), will it work for me? I think I will wait and see what bugs appear. However, if I wait too long will NI say "offer over, product upgrade is now £125"? So back to what is Maschine 3? In my very limited opinion a hybrid attempt to try and straddle both worlds of hardware & Daw, and probably another attempt to introduce/discontinue new & already available products (hardware based mainly) What do I know? I'm just a hobbyist music maker who likes at times & is so damned annoyed at times by NI & their products, support & bug infested updates. Good luck with the release, NI. My mind is still not fully made up, but I may just try it, lol . . . . . .

  • KrisG
    KrisG Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited November 2024

    So, an idea generator the maschine+ is for NI.

    So NI, please change your marketing text on the page of maschine+. Because this is then all not true.

    "Finished tracks", "finish line", "production".

    EFTHIMIS Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited November 2024

    I really like to point out that i like NI turn. Every month something new, affordable aditions to the library, the asthetics of plugins is improved and don't forget that at some point they struggled to survive…Maschine for me is not for beats only, it's a powerhouse. I decided to produse only with it, i knew the limitations and the benefits, it always be us not the maschine, a workaround, a sparkle or something.

    That said, I am waiting for automation improvements in general and for me specifically, Lock States transitions to the timeline, very difficult to happen because the majority of maschine users is beatmakers and this something they don't need.

    Just wondering, i am not expecting anything, @Matthew_ΝI can i have a word about that? Is it possible to happen or something similar? I respect your work and effort, thank you for your time.

    I welcome this update and hoping for something new every time, KEEP UP NI!

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper
    edited November 2024

    Well said.

    And to reiterate my main thesis: The team should not be afraid to add to the software if the feature can't translate to the hardware controller (that includes standalone since it is a controller) since the software is still half the experience.

    If the criteria to propel Maschine forward explicitly requires 1:1 hardware to software accessibility I would personally throw in the towel because it's guaranteed to keep updates at their historically glacial pace.

    A better compromise is making sure if a feature is important or useful for the eco system it gets added even if it is not accessible from the controller. Who the heck is going to zoom in on a note using the controller to join two notes together or split a whole note into a 16th note?

    I use standalone all the time and I can personally vouch that it is better to record a performance correctly than use the event editor on the controller. This is a perfect example of how software feature doesn't always translate well to the controller.

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    What if most use it in parallel with another DAW because it lacks the features requested in the community survey which have yet to be implemented?

    It will be interesting to see how the crowds diverge when something like point based automation ever gets added.

    Based on current limited features the usage data may not be telling the full story. Just a thought.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    What if indeed. I think there is a decently sized group of users that fall into this group as well. I hope to get to some of that in some coming (free, minor version) updates.

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    I currently use Maschine to begin ideas and for its sound bank. The amount of changes NI would have to implement just to begin to compete with the other DAWs I use in order to fully realise the music I make with Maschine is so high, I can't imagine NI having the will to do this.

    The level of improvement needed to even encourage me to complete my tracks within Maschine is enormous. And all this effort will do is replicate what other DAW programmes are already doing but better. And transform the nature and original vision of Maschine.

    I'm fine with NI wanting to build a DAW. I'm just not sure using Maschine to do it is the right starting point.

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    I have the plus and use it in Standalone 🤠

    Working within the event (note editor) is already tricky, I really can't imagine split-by or join being anything but incredibly fiddly to use.

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    It needn't be. That's the task of a good software/hardware developer. If you want people to treat the M+ seriously and not as some kind of a hugely expensive joke product, then you'll take the time to develop the software to make it work really well and be an actual instrument that allows people to do what you claim it can do.

    Selecting individual midi events is not tragically difficult to do on the Maschine hardware. I can zoom in and out to view them. I can already change an event's pitch, velocity and length. I can use the Clear button to delete individual or multiple events. There is button space that would allow me to easily mute events. There is button space to create a Midi Control mode. Join should be as easy as selecting two or more contiguous events (which should be as easy as holding Shift and using the back and forward arrows) and pressing a button. The Sampling module shows that you can implement drop downs within the hardware UI.

    The hardware screens are good enough that what I see there is probably as large or larger than what I am focusing on on a monitor.

    So the issue for NI is, do they want their software to enable users to do these things on their hardware as well as on the screen? I like the idea that I can do these things on my Mk3 hardware, so that even when editing stuff, I am still 'playing' my Maschine. And if I can't, then I have the extra advantage of being able to do it on my computer.

    The M+ user doesn't have this ability. They need to be able to do everything on the hardware and, in the case of the midi transform stuff, I don't see why they should not be able to do this. The only limit to this is NI's imagination, ability and will.

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    I understand this, and the problem is your idealism doesn't necessarily translate into production. That is, you can have all star programmers and designers but that doesn't mean they can make a square peg fit in a round hole.

    I would also love to not only see great software updates but also controller access but not at the expense of development speed.

    From a performative perspective, Maschine controller is 95% done, there isn't a whole lot missing, so what is the issue with taking the software further into more refined DAW land stuff so even M+ users (me included since some missed this point) can import their projects to desktop maschine for refining OR more advanced features.

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