What is Maschine 3.0 for?



  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Prediction: Maschine Mk4/Plus Mk2 is getting USB Mouse support to bring it up to speed with the Roland MV-8800.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    Didn't MV also allow an external screen? We could get a HDMI port in MKII ;)

    Just kidding. That'd be too much like Maschine desktop running on a NUC. whats the point of it being standalone at that point really, just to get a lesser CPU?

  • Michael Paluzzi
    Michael Paluzzi Member Posts: 18 Pro
    edited November 2024

    Hey @Matthew_NI, can you PLEASE also bring another, similar idea back to your designers? The ability to bring up the Mixer screen in the Software from the HW? This used to be possible on the MK2 but no longer on MK3. Shift+Mixer would be great.

  • Beetleborg93
    Beetleborg93 Member Posts: 17 Member

    Hey Matthew, do you think the way in which you guys at NI collected feedback for what users want had a, for lack of a better word, false sense of what is important? Don't get me wrong, stem separation would have had to be added at some point, but a crucial area for improvement that I'm willing to bet all users want to see improvements in is automation, and that's for both hardware and software users.

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod

    I don't. Automation was also quite a popular request - we just didn't get to it yet.

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    I think it's great that NI consulted users and tried to do as much user research as possible.

    One thing we have to remember is that it's up to NI how to interpret and use the insight we give them. Not every really popular feature is easy to implement. Some easy to implement features might only appeal to a smaller number of people, but will get implemented 'early' because they're easy. Some will get implemented because they fit NI's vision.

    And not having my/our 'favourite' feature implemented doesn't mean NI didn't hear my/our request for it.

    Ultimately, NI should have a clear vision for what Maschine should be and what functions it should fulfil and develop a road map for that, our feedback just colours this in.

  • Drexor
    Drexor Member Posts: 2 Member

    It's still version 2 they just needed a way to charge you and add more features to buy DLC from them(they only care about sound packs now) so they called it version 3

  • Rebelkleff
    Rebelkleff Member Posts: 15 Helper

    this post was so well written and articulates my exact feelings to a tee. I couldn’t agree more. The software/hardware integration of maschine is second to none and the reason I love it so much. The note editing workflow is also pretty fuild and straightforward from the hardware and the new midi edit tools had me excited initially, but discovering they were inaccessible from the hardware and required a mouse quickly dampened that

    the web page for maschine 3 also has a whole segment highlighting ‘no need for hardware’ anymore. Maybe I’m reading into it too much but it seems concerning…

    I enjoy so much about maschine and welcome its evolution, however maintaining its super tight integration has to surely be a priority. I hope that some of these functions find their way back to the hardware, which I’m assuming they must in order for maschine+ to accommodate it.

    @Matthew_NI are you able to ease some of our minds on this? Thanks for all your work getting this over the line too. Exciting times ahead regardless

  • BigPictureSound
    BigPictureSound Member Posts: 91 Helper

    If Maschine is going to provide more flexibility and DAW-like features there absolutely needs to be some decoupling of the hardware and software. I've said this before, and it seems NI may be understanding this compromise.

    It's contradictory to expect every editing option be available from the controller while also wanting more modern DAW features. This thinking will severely restrict what Maschine can do in the future.

    Expecting 1:1 software hardware access isn't really fair to people like me who want to take my tracks from start to finish inside Maschine.

    At some point my production is done. I'm done performing and arranging and now ready to mix it and ship it. Why do I need the controller to edit a thousand envelope points or EQ when the mouse is faster?

    And a question to ask, if a feature could only be implemented via mouse interface would you not want it since it excludes hardware manipulation?

    I think better to open our minds to different ways of working with Machine, like including mixing and mastering and faster DAW editing and not just focusing on hardware which really is for performative purposes.

  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 166 Pro
    edited November 2024

    It was certainly very weird that the launch video kept pointing users to keyboard shortcut and even touted at 9:46 that the hardware wasn’t necessary anymore.

  • Jean Voyage
    Jean Voyage Member Posts: 83 Advisor

    nothing anyone from NI has said about this update and their process explains why there’s still no time stretch and no way to dial in stereo to mono on the sampler plugin.

  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    Decoupling of the hardware and software looks quite suspicious from M+ owner standpoint. Basically expect none of such new decoupled features to work on M+ version of v3

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