is maschine supposed to display automation on the paramenters?

Way~D Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

So i just was adding some automation and i wanted to fine tune it with maschine. Ive had maschine for years and never really messed with automation inside of it. So iw rote automation and the automation plays back, but the numbers dont change on the maschine to match it. is that normal?

for example say i have the wet knob of a reverb climbing in the software, it stays at a fixed 27% on the hardware.

now if thats normal, ok then..thats a little unexpected but a problem occurs when i want to then further edit in the hardware because if the reverb climbed to like 73 percent and i want to drop it a little, it starts from the fixed rate on the hardware. so instead of climbing to 73 and slowly going down to 60, it climbs to 73, then jumps to 27 immediately and then i start it from there.. is that normal behavior? or that a bug? are we supposed to always do automation in one pass for a parameter to instill the whole Performance hardware piece of things?

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    That's how it is, there is no visual feedback when playing back Modulated parameters on the HW displays. It displays the Knob's actual relative position when the project is stopped and a fixed percentage when AUTO is engaged.

    In case you want to slightly edit the recorded Modulation you're better off re-recording it IMO, or editing with a mouse, or disabling AUTO and just turning the Knob down a little, this can work since Modulation is relative to the knob's position.

    This is all Modulation BTW, Automation is when it's an external source controlling the Knob, like a DAW when MAS is hosted.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited June 2022 Answer ✓

    That's how it is, there is no visual feedback when playing back Modulated parameters on the HW displays. It displays the Knob's actual relative position when the project is stopped and a fixed percentage when AUTO is engaged.

    In case you want to slightly edit the recorded Modulation you're better off re-recording it IMO, or editing with a mouse, or disabling AUTO and just turning the Knob down a little, this can work since Modulation is relative to the knob's position.

    This is all Modulation BTW, Automation is when it's an external source controlling the Knob, like a DAW when MAS is hosted.

  • RedwardMc
    RedwardMc Member Posts: 84 Advisor

    This is one of the big feature requests, automation lanes that can be edited. But who knows if they'll ever do it.

    BAASSIK Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thank you for this. I've worked with Maschine for years and haven't really messed with automation. This had me confused like I missed something.

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