Kontakt 8 speculations and questions thread



  • tempsperdu
    tempsperdu Member Posts: 418 Pro

    If this is a reference for me, unfortunately it is far more complex than that and involves the NTK Daemon.

    MLARS Member Posts: 61 Helper
    edited September 10

    Export options is an interesting option for Maschine+ (standalone Maschine)

    Could see the same need for an export option for Push 3 Standalone which also has limitations.

  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 54 Member

    I must be missing something here…everything was working fine in K6, you get this message above (assuming one of the instrument updates was Rise and Hit, which was working in K6. You wait a few days, then finally cick install…..did you not click on the Release Notes and read what they said. NI didn't force anything on you despite what the message said, a force update is an automatic update just like you can set up in MacOS. I'm almost certain, despite what the message said, is that the release notes said something to the effect that this Rise and Hit update requires Kontakt 7, yet you didn't read the release notes to see this.

  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited September 11

    I read through all 10 pages of this thread so far, and while I am personally satisfied with using Kontakt 6 and Kontakt 7 (actually peacefully coexisting on both my M1 Mac mini and M2 Mac Studio Max), Kontakt 8 isn't even released yet and out in the wild - yes I see the word "speculation" in the thread title, but geez. Some valuable points were made, thus far, about Kontakt and the forthcoming version but the amount of whining about people getting butthurt over others comments and blaming the moderators for their lack of moderation (when they are doing so) is childish - don't you people complaining know how to mute forum members (as some of you have actually stated you've done) or better yet, ignore and keep scrolling?? Vote up or vote down, if it's offensive to another, flag the post already. SMH.

  • keyman_sam
    keyman_sam Member Posts: 5 Member

    Does Kontakt 8 fix the issue where the library results get cropped so you can't see the full names of the results? You're essentially stuck using the explorer view for anything from 8dio or any of the long library names where the results name also include the library title name.

  • Kepler
    Kepler Member Posts: 3 Member

    I didn't like it suddenly requiring K7 either. Especially since you can't revert to the previous version.

    My assumption is that they want to take all possible measures to make people migrate/upgrade to the latest version.

    Not giving an option to revert back to the K6 version of the library is a pretty bad move too.

    It'll also just going to cause them more trouble, because people would be asking for a download link for the latest version of the library for K6.

    They just have to add a drop down menu in NA, which lets people download the K6 version of the library...

    I bet they're going to do the same thing when K8 releases. So be careful when you press on that "Update" button for any library that uses Kontakt.

  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 54 Member

    When I read your post initially, the very first thing I assumed is that it was some crazy one-off glitch. I can't say that I follow the community forums very closely, however (overall) they've been more (positively) educational to me, than not. That said, I've never heard of/read about this happening again, so…. My whole thing with reading release notes (which I'm convinced a great deal of users don't just by reading some of these posts over the last few years) is that many just download updates because they are made available, without investigating system requirements. NA doesn't force users to update anything, they just make updates available - even with Native Access, which DOES come close to "forcing" their app updates saying it will be updated when you restart again….

  • MrFresh
    MrFresh Member Posts: 54 Member

    You don't really need to be careful - unless you are one that just automatically updates your instruments, etc everytime NA provides and update. BEFORE you update, click on the link that allows you to read the release notes for the update - if the update requires Kontakt 7 and you don't have Kontakt 7 - it's simple- don't update!

  • ScottyBready
    ScottyBready Member Posts: 13 Member
  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 126 Advisor
    edited September 11


    You're being unnecessarily harsh on people without (by your own admission) understanding the context.

    Sure, most people don't read release notes. They've been lulled into a false sense of security by other vendors handling this better than Native Instruments did. Even Native Instruments has not done this before, as far as I know. They made a mistake, have acknowledged it, and hopefully will do better in future.

    Native Access silently updated libraries on systems with a version of Kontakt that did not support them, after years, perhaps decades, of this never being a problem. But NI were the ones best placed to know it would be. In a bizarre twist, those libraries actually did work, in existing pre-saved DAW sessions. But not if loaded new. Which in theory means they could be made to load in Kontakt 6 with unsupported features disabled. Or Native Access could have detected the incompatibility and not offered the update. As a developer, I would have chosen option 1 if it was fairly simple (in well designed code it is, in Kontakt, who knows) or option 2 (which is guaranteed to be simple because the installer knows what's installed).

    I have read release notes maybe 5-10% of the time I've been installing software over multiple decades. It hasn't been necessary to avoid this kind of situation. When I read them, it's because I am interested in what new features are available, not whether there will be a compatibility issue. That is usually only a problem with Linux (where software developers are more relaxed about breaking someone's system).

    I'm more computer literate than the average user, so it's not an ignorance thing. It's a known comfort thing. We trust because we have been led to believe by experience that we can.

    You don't really need to be careful

    No need to read release notes then. That would be being careful.

    Now can we please get back to the Kontakt speculation? No need to reply to me if you disagree, you can just downvote me and we can get back on topic.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 243 Pro

    @Matthew_NI @Kaiwan_NI @Simon_NI @Kai_NI I’m asking this from a Kontakt 8 perspective, as M+ also missed the Kontakt 7 boat.

    I can understand that the ‘player’ on the M+ cannot support every feature and/or newer version of the Kontakt desktop software, but how about an Maschine Plus compatible ‘export’ option from K8?

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,184 mod

    It's a great question!

    As some reading this may be aware, we've had a Maschine + update in internal beta for some time now. I'd originally hoped to ship this in late Q2, which obviously hasn't happened.

    We instead focussed in on Kontrol S MK3's in progress features (like the shipped MIDI Templates, and the in-beta Play Assist) and the next major version of Maschine software, to ensure they saw the light of day ASAP (since they were already overdue, as a consequence of taking on too much at once).

    At this point - it's possible we'll do a M+ update in Q4, but I can't yet share details on what exactly that would look like, with regards to Kontakt.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 243 Pro

    Thanks! But are you talking about the ‘core’ update including Maschine desktop version compatibility and class compliancy fixes for the M+, too?

  • dexl
    dexl Member Posts: 51 Member


    Will Kontakt 8 come with Factory Library 3 or is there no update to the library planned?

    I have Kontakt 6, will I still be able to upgrade to Kontakt 7 after Kontakt 8 comes and get the full version of Factory Library 2?

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