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  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 80 Member

    Will the 360 Essentials version of Kontakt 8 have

    New Chords and Phrases Tools offer smart features to quickly spark ideas and can be paired with your favorite Kontakt instruments to unlock new creative possibilities. Meanwhile, Leap opens a world of looping and experimentation, and Conflux, a new hybrid instrument using enhanced wavetable features, allows you to modulate organic and synth-based sounds in real-time.

  • mrazz
    mrazz Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 13

    Please tell me that unlike the previous versions of Kontakt, version 8 when installed on my computer will finally seamlessly replace all instances of 7 since not too long ago I had to go through hundreds of instances in my orchestral template, tediously replacing version 6 instances and settings with version 7…

  • midilance
    midilance Member Posts: 22 Member

    What is the availability date of Komplete Ultimate upgrade?

    Will my card be charged when the upgrade is shipped?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,065 Expert

    Would be nice if it did that - but that is a DAW specific process.

    Cubase/Nuendo and Logic have an "auto-migrate" function but many other DAWs do not.


  • PascalHP HSMR
    PascalHP HSMR Member Posts: 35 Member

    Will there be a change in the configuration of K8 with regard to video cards and resource requests.
    I had a problem with a video card for the transition from K6 to K7 and do you know what characteristics will be important for it to work normally.
    Thanks in advance

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,130 mod
    edited September 14

    System requirements are shown at the lower part of the pricing page which as far as I can see does not suggest any changes to graphics card requirements. Your question might still be valid though as one thing is stated system requirements (which is minimum I suppose) and another is how well older hardware will perform as apps gets features and such gets added. Usually over time performance of hardware degrades as software actual practical requirements do increase. Also what often happens is that evolving of different software makes direct or indirect requirements (using dependencies or programming libraries) change (ooops) but a company such as N.I. will most likely try to keep an increase in stated requirements something planned and their choice.

  • PascalHP HSMR
    PascalHP HSMR Member Posts: 35 Member

    Hello and thank you for your reply. I suspect that at some point I will have to change machines, but my finances remain modest. To know if it is worth the investment, for my part it will only be at the end of the year for the holidays. Thank you and have a good weekend. Musical Friendship.

  • FilmCompos3r
    FilmCompos3r Member Posts: 29 Member

    Not sure if this has been asked but will K8 have an audio preview function when browsing from the MK3? Maybe it already does and I missed it?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,130 mod
    edited September 14

    my finances remain modest

    In my opinion then the price on graphics card has been rather high the last couple of years so it's very long time since last I bought a new one myself. To make matters worse then where I live then most not-that-newer used graphics cards are attempted sold at prices that are very expensive so that it hardly pays to buy secondhand when you compare to relative price and performance of a new latest generation one. Upgrading from a GTX760 then I were lucky to find a working 4GB GTX960 a while back for I think only around 60 EUR as far as I remember that is what I am using now myself. It's not that good but still for me not that bad either as long as I don't try to run any demanding newer computer games. I expect that my GTX960 will be OK for me to run the Kontakt 8 and personally I would expect Kontakt 8 to be comparatively more demanding on CPU and maybe be memory hungry in some situations/instances (?) , but of course I could be wrong.

    Also I think that it is almost crazy with all the different new models of graphics cards making it sometimes almost virtually impossible to determine what is the better model , with cards sold with 8GB RAM , 12GB RAM , 16GB RAM not to mention the top models with 24GB RAM , and then with models ranging from 'standard' over Super and to TI. I will though upgrade to a new graphics card of a newer more recent series if I ever spot something that I want and am willing to pay the price for on a sale with a discount.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,065 Expert

    The real crazy part of this is Kontakt does not need a fancy card of any kind.

    Been running my last 4 DAWS using the onboard video chip and haven’t missed anything in terms of performance etc.

    if anyone is worried about buying some overpriced graphics card for a DAW - you simply do not need it


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,130 mod
    edited September 15

    The real crazy part of this is Kontakt does not need a fancy card of any kind.

    I honestly do not understand neither the style of your post nor the need for it. I never wrote that Kontakt do require something very fancy. But what remains is that at least some of the really cheap cards people have had problems with and when wanting to upgrade from that to something newer/better then people are often looking at paying a steep price for a new older generation card that may be too old in a few years also or be looking at the rather high inflated prices of the newer generations. Also in the end then graphics card discussions is about the use for all of both N.I. software and all of peoples general use of their graphics card. And also if you would care to check then what I responded to were mostly the "my finances remain modest part".

    I even added that I myself use a GTX960 card that i bought secondhand for the price of 60 EUR and that I expected that to be adequate/OK for Kontakt 8.

    As for people purchasing a new graphics card then IMO I never ever in general wrote either that people needs really fancy cards for N.I. software, you can take this discussion as an example (post is more than seven months old and may not presently reflect recommendable best choices) , though of course I will not recommend people to go really cheap just to appease someone like you. Also my recommendations on graphics card usually also reflects the fact that something fair usually serves people better overall than something poor even if people at the time of purchase might not agree and have their gaze firmly fixed at the purchase price. (These discussions are endless and it serves no purpose what so ever to discuss in length as viewpoint depends solely on attitude and philosophy of the individuals involved).

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,065 Expert
    edited September 15


    Did not intend to offend you. Clearly the way I wrote this rubbed you the wrong way. I apologize if this is the case.

    All I was trying to say is that one could spend no amount of money ( big or small) and simply use the built in onboard graphics chip - if their CPU has one.

    If a user wants a graphics card - so be it but having a dedicated card will not make Kontakt run any better or worse.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 383 Pro

    That's helpful information (such as you do quite often provide.)

    I must say it beats me why a programme which is solely concerned with producing sound requires the latest video card to function, thus precluding any computer more than a few years old. And the authors make not the slightest attempt to make earlier versions of their software available, since they don't offer them for sale, and (pretty much uniquely?) a licence for the latest version doesn't allow use of previous versions. That beats me too.

    I would guess that for a number of people, revision of the licensing and activation arrangements would be more useful than any of these other innovations under discussion.

  • Shed Maa
    Shed Maa Member Posts: 80 Member

    @Kaiwan_NI you still never gave me an answer if the kontakt 8 player not the free one will have these features

    New Chords and Phrases Tools offer smart features to quickly spark ideas and can be paired with your favorite Kontakt instruments to unlock new creative possibilities. Meanwhile, Leap opens a world of looping and experimentation, and Conflux, a new hybrid instrument using enhanced wavetable features, allows you to modulate organic and synth-based sounds in real-time.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,825 admin

    I wish I could share all the details with you right now, but I can’t just yet. We'll have more information about Kontakt 8's prices and features in Kontakt 8 Player available on the release date. Just one more week to go - hang in there!

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