NKS Development Discussion



  • JanusOfficial
    JanusOfficial Member Posts: 2 Member

    I am curious about something, since I understand you do most of the work in a PC environment. can you do this under say a "parallels" environment on a Mac? as far as the tagging and the other elements that you do when making your NKS files

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    No idea. In most cases, after basic tagging has been scraped from the available plugins metadata the rest is just tagging by hand so as long as kk and the VST can load you can click. All the scripts and tools need a windows environment.

  • ThorHammer
    ThorHammer Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi all,

    anyone knows how to add bank into a nksf file under Windows 10?

    I have tried with NiMBank 3.0b with python 2.7 but no success.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    Hey @ThorHammer Have you tried updating to Python 3? Also, there is a windows 10 compatible GUI within the NiMBank thread - super useful.

  • ThorHammer
    ThorHammer Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hi Vagus,

    thanks for your help. I have already tried many things : python 3, nymbankBatch (GUI you are talking about ?).

    I will try again. If you succeed in modifying nksf with windows 10, I will be happy to learn how.

    Best regards

  • ThorHammer
    ThorHammer Member Posts: 7 Member

    With python 3, no change, I get the same error message.

    Here is what I type and get in windows powershell (I have renamed NiMBank 3.0.py to N3.py) :

    PS C:\Users\jboll\Desktop\NiMBank> python N3.py -b "Test" /Users/jboll/Desktop/NiMBank/TEST/Accordion.nksf

    Traceback (most recent call last):

     File "C:\Users\jboll\Desktop\NiMBank\N3.py", line 1088, in <module>


     File "C:\Users\jboll\Desktop\NiMBank\N3.py", line 1009, in main

       if modify_nisi_NKSF(filename,name,vendor,author,comment,product,bank,subbank,uuid) < 0 :

     File "C:\Users\jboll\Desktop\NiMBank\N3.py", line 354, in modify_nisi_NKSF

       curs = VDATA.find('NISI',0)

    TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

  • ThorHammer
    ThorHammer Member Posts: 7 Member

    @Vagus I have succeded in launching _NimbankGui.py but encounters problems with writing rights. Thinking I'm near to success now.

  • ThorHammer
    ThorHammer Member Posts: 7 Member

    Unfortunately when I click on checksum button, I get this message :

    Traceback (most recent call last):

     File "C:\Users\jboll\Desktop\NymBank_V1.0.2\_NimbankGui.py", line 334, in <lambda>

       self.push05_Checksum.clicked.connect(lambda: self.dest_directory())

     File "C:\Users\jboll\Desktop\NymBank_V1.0.2\_NimbankGui.py", line 512, in dest_directory


    PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access denied: 'Destination'

    Someone to help me ?

  • s_aizawa
    s_aizawa Member Posts: 6 Member

    Full NKS Library for Arturia Augmented Strings Into (free until April 30).

    50 presets. Looks like paid version will debut soon and official NKS support may come along with it.

    Anyway I'm dropping it. Fresh-sounding string synth, I think it's worth your testing.

  • Christos Adamos
    Christos Adamos Member Posts: 130 Pro
    edited April 2022

    New Spitfire Audio LABS "Cello Moods"

    Converted with my MAC to avoid any issues and i hope that works ok


  • CubaseThomas
    CubaseThomas Member Posts: 29 Member

    Hi Christos, thanks for making the new LABS.

    OneDrive says, the file is not available?

  • Christos Adamos
    Christos Adamos Member Posts: 130 Pro

    Yeah. The conversion had some problems and i removed. I hope tomorrow or on monday i will fix it and i reupload it again. Sorry to all users,,😩

  • Christos Adamos
    Christos Adamos Member Posts: 130 Pro

    Here is the new conversion for Spitfire Audio LABS "Cello Moods

    Previously converted files had some problems on global controls (slightly adjustments on Volume, Pan, Tune)

    Thanks to Andre Luis for spotted this.

    As i can see now it's ok but anyone who finds an error can contact me and i will fix it asap

    Sorry again for this!

  • CubaseThomas
    CubaseThomas Member Posts: 29 Member

    Thank you so much! Everything is working fine on my Mac!

    Your work is very much appreciated - and you are always so quick!

    And thank you for the tipp with "double clicking" the preset for proper loading in KK.

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