I have a license for Reaktor 5 but it does not appear in latest Native Access



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Well, I do use car that is 20+ years old and it still gets support from manufacturer. I could buy new one, but serviceman tells me to keep this one as it will work without issues for years. So, car is not good example.

    And guarantie is one thing and period of repairability another one.

    You are right that old SW is old SW and it may be questionable to use it. But what about Absynth? It has been about two years since EOL. But still it may be usable for years....

    And about usability. One of my customers uses 30 years' old Win application that has 35 years old codebase. And they will use it for 5, 10, 15 more.... There were some changes in the application, but more technical one, change in database structure, one more graph and so....

    IMHO, if one has the licence, developer should not restrict him to use it on OS version it has been made for.

    For example, I need to be able install Win XP and Visual Studio 6 to be able to compile the project I have mentioned.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod
    edited February 2024

    As for the car you are very correct, i too have a 17 year old Russian 4x4 beast and i don't change it for anything! (ok, maybe with a Hummer 😊). And some friends who still riding 60 years old Harley Davidsons.

    About Absynth what i heard was that incompatible with newer platforms (VST3 etc) and the developer didn't wish to re-design it, of course i don't know if its true or not. However yes, Native Instruments must continue provide support at least for few more years! But it seems that the new owners does not give much ****** about what it is right.

    It is like some super-nice TV series that ended up unexpected and unfinished, in spite that their had hundreds of thousands of fan, just because the "big heads" wanted something more commercial that will attract millions... Another name for this sh*tty tactic is capitalism.

    So far i am with you. But when it comes to Win XP and VS6... eh sorry, i will laugh.... some things belongs to museums in spite if some people are still insisting to use them, just because they had a license once... :-)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited February 2024

    You both still confuse “giving support” with “not deliberately blocking users”.

    No one is asking for support. Nor to give users lifetime guarantee. If it works, ok, if it doesn’t work and they don’t give you support, still ok.

    But deliberately blocking your access to something that still work, as I said, is completely on another ballpark.

    Read the thread. The user couldn’t install his Reaktor 5 because NA2 hides it for “incompatibility with the OS”. And main reason for this is to “avoid support some tickets” (words from Hayo itself) and I would add what they will never say, to convince you to buy the new version. To just then discover by installing NA 1 that Reaktor 5 could be installed and it’s working on that OS.

    And soon they will remove access to NA1…guess why? Cmon…we can philosophically discuss as much as you want, but what they are doing is more than clear…

    If my refrigerator still works but the houses have different power plugs in the walls, but it’s enough to change my cable and I can still use my refrigerator, it’s my business and my choice if with the new cable the refrigerator can only go at 4 degrees and I chose to use it like this because for me it is ok. Or if I just want to use my refrigerator unplugged just as a wardrobe

    If the company that sold me the refrigerator actively block me from changing my cable or from using it in other ways…then yes…I have something to say about it.

    As I said, no one is expecting and requiring that NI supports even not supported OS versions. But I’m expecting they don’t use escamotages to prevent you from using what you paid for

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod

    Yes, i understand now what you are saying. It is like governments, "they protect us for our own good without even ask us". I really hate this.

    But, what if it is a real "incompatibility with the OS" in most tested cases, yet still some other machines can handle it? There is always a way. I know how to bypass the Windows 11 requirements and install them on my old and supposedly incompatible computer. But the majority can not. They never even think to try something like that. So, what if the case here is something similar?

    Lets say they tested it on 100 computers and on the 90 of them it had an erratic behavior. So, the good developer feels obligated to withdraw the product. Just guessing here, but, anything is possible.

    Yet, i agree, there should always be an option for the users who want to try!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    So far i am with you. But when it comes to Win XP and VS6... eh sorry, i will laugh.... some things belongs to museums in spite if some people are still insisting to use them, just because they had a license once... :-)

    And what do you suggest to support SW that has 35 years old codebase? And one may compile it in VS6, but not higher. And VS6 runs on WinXT, but not higher.....

    OK, I could reprogram bits here and there. Probably introduce bugs to already prooven and stable code. And someone would have to pay for it. So, it is still VS6 running on WinXT. And I may authorise it even thought those are pretty outdated pieces of SW. They still have relevant use and will have till customer will use my SW or decides to pay get the codebase updated to more current compiler running on more current OS.

    I even cannot do it for free. Customer has right to aprove any changes in codebase. And they do not want to risk problems. Program works, so please no change unless it is really needed....

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,098 Expert
    edited February 2024

    As I said…do what you want with your products…hide anything you want from NA2…IF there is another way for users to use what they paid for. And it’s a well advertised way, not something the vaste majority doesn’t know…and therefore they think they must buy the newest version.

    They could make NA2 the “official” version and say “everything we are sure it’s working as we want in the latest OSes and we respond for it’s there. You can find instead the installers for the other products in this other place”

    Instead…they are even thinking to remove NA1…

    There’s a reason if they even stopped publishing the programs installers on their site.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,441 mod
    edited February 2024

    I think it is pointless to continue this debate, as we are going totally out of topic.

    However, i must say this!

    If a customer wanted to sustain a 35 years old program instead of simply building a new one, and told me "do not want to risk problems, program works, so please no change unless it is really needed" or similar phobic nonsense, i would called him a public danger, a security risk, a chaotic disaster or a medieval lunatic and i would tell him straight in the face, to f**k off and go find another programmer! Loud and clear!

    As i understood, it is your program? so, how do you tolerate such anachronisms instead of forcing your customer to do the right thing? Sorry but this is beyond my logic.

    But, this is just me of course... Yet the human society would be much-much better if we all stop to obey to the wishes of every uneducated idiot, just because he is government, or our boss or a customer!!! 😠

    Please do not tag me anymore on this thread, thanks.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Well that program does what they need. Make new would mean investment of at least 100 000 EUR and it would be most probably worse.

    They pay me good money for maintaining it run. So no real trouble. I may install and authorise WinXT and install and authorise VC6 despite the fact they are rather old. I cannot force customer, it is customer and they know what they need. I have discussed it with them many times....

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