Is there a way to change banks in Sampling mode?

Gelert7 Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi - I am new user to the Maschine Studio currently - my question is surrounding the ability to switch between sampling banks as it were. To my current understanding - in SAMPLING mode - under SLICE mode - when holding SHIFT - we have the option to switch between BANK 1 - BANK 2 and so on. However when I wish to record a sequence - to my current understanding - I need to be in PAD MODE and I currently select KEYBOARD to have access to my chops - of which I currently have 32 chops as an example.

My question here is - when I wish to record a sequence is it possible to switch to BANK 2 for example to access chops 17-32 as currently, by default when I wish to access chops 17-32 I must use the OCTAVE+ function which only gives access to chops 13-28, is there a DIRECT way to access chops 17-32?

Please see screenshots below if you wish to further understand my question:

Thank you and please let me know if you require further clarification or if this has been asked before - please could you point me to the resource as I was unable to find it when I initially searched.

Best Answers

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Probably the best way for what you are trying to achieve is changing the way you “distribute” your chops.

    This can be done in 2 ways:

    The first is the one you are already using (all chops are in one pad and you access them in keyboard mode).

    The second one (maybe best suited to what you want) is to assign every chop to a different pad (it’s in the options when you save the sample you edited in sampling mode). In this way, switching from bank 1 to bank 2 is just one button away. And it also gives you many other advantages (i.e. you can modify every single chop independently (see pitch shifting) or add different fxs to different chops)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    It’s very easy: when you chopped everything and you use APPLY… instead of selecting one pad you select one group (be aware that if you select the same group where you recorded the sample, it will be overwritten if the same pad is used by a chop)

    Once they are assigned to the pads, you can select them all and assign them to a choke group to mutually mute each others (in PAD MODE screen)

    And also change the polyphony to avoid a pad to overlap himself (in PLUG-IN screen)



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Probably the best way for what you are trying to achieve is changing the way you “distribute” your chops.

    This can be done in 2 ways:

    The first is the one you are already using (all chops are in one pad and you access them in keyboard mode).

    The second one (maybe best suited to what you want) is to assign every chop to a different pad (it’s in the options when you save the sample you edited in sampling mode). In this way, switching from bank 1 to bank 2 is just one button away. And it also gives you many other advantages (i.e. you can modify every single chop independently (see pitch shifting) or add different fxs to different chops)

  • Gelert7
    Gelert7 Member Posts: 14 Member

    @LostInFoundation Thank you so much for your response - it has definitely clarified things.

    With regards to the seconds way of distributing my chops - I again looked to see for further explanation but was unable to find one at this time - could you perhaps elaborate further on how to achieve this? i.e. how to assign every chop to a different pad?

    Thank you.

  • Gelert7
    Gelert7 Member Posts: 14 Member

    @LostInFoundation apologies in advance - once every chop is duplicated - is there a way to cut samples from playing against each other i.e. having a polyphony of 1 effectively?

    Thank you.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    It’s very easy: when you chopped everything and you use APPLY… instead of selecting one pad you select one group (be aware that if you select the same group where you recorded the sample, it will be overwritten if the same pad is used by a chop)

    Once they are assigned to the pads, you can select them all and assign them to a choke group to mutually mute each others (in PAD MODE screen)

    And also change the polyphony to avoid a pad to overlap himself (in PLUG-IN screen)

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    There is another way of working that comes from the oldschool and even if it has some disadvantages, it’s preferred by some people. It consist in duplicating the whole sample in every pad and moving start/end points

    If you are interested in it, let me know

  • Gelert7
    Gelert7 Member Posts: 14 Member

    @LostInFoundation Hi - thank you so so much for your help thus far - I believe I am nearly there - just stuck when I attempt to assign my 32 chops to the different groups - e.g. groups B and C - how would I go about doing this part - are you able to break this down a little further perhaps?

    Everything else is making sense and I have successfully done the rest of it so thank you very much.

    Thank you.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Ok. The fastest way is to also use your mouse and the erase function of the program in the computer (otherwise you’ll have to mark down the point where the 17th chop start and move start point exactly at this point, which is not very practical to do)

    Step by step:

    1. Slice your 32 chops (in facts, you’ll have to slice also number 33 if the sample is longer, otherwise your last chop will continue with the remaining part)
    2. Push apply and select the first group for the first 16 chops and hit ok.
    3. Go back to the sample and select in the software the eraser tool in the sampling page
    4. Erase the first 16 chops (you can hold the mouse and drag the pointer over them)
    5. Repeat the apply and chose another group in which the chops 17-32 (that now are become 1-16) will be applied

    Unluckily Maschine doesn’t have a function to tell in the sampling to apply slices 1-16 to a group and 17-32 to another. So the workaround is to make 17-32 become the “new” 1-16 😉.

    It could be the case for a feature request if you want to try, but be aware that NI is quite refractive to requests (in facts, this was already asked long time ago in the old forum, and as you see…we are still at this point 😏)

  • Gelert7
    Gelert7 Member Posts: 14 Member

    @LostInFoundation Thank you so so much once again - your instructions have worked - I have one more hurdle I would say still however and that is choking pads from Group A, B and C i.e. when I play something from group B and then something from group C - although polyphony has been set to 1 and Choke to 1 as well - I still get both samples playing at the same time - when playing a sample from a single group e.g group B samples - they successfully choke each other out. Do you happen to have any more tips perhaps to global choke from different groups if this is even possible or a way to get around this as all my samples play to the end as well as this is my preference.

    Thank you.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    Or you can just use the Semitone +- instead of the Octave to exact control of your slice range.

    My question here is - when I wish to record a sequence is it possible to switch to BANK 2 for example to access chops 17-32 as currently, by default when I wish to access chops 17-32 I must use the OCTAVE+ function which only gives access to chops 13-28, is there a DIRECT way to access chops 17-32?

    when I play something from group B and then something from group C - although polyphony has been set to 1 and Choke to 1 as well

    Choke unfortunately is per Group only. The above solution of using Semitone -/+ should fix it since it stays all in one Group.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited July 2023

    Do you mean assigning to 1 pad and using keyboard mode?

    Wouldn’t he in this way not have access to choke at all?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert
    edited July 2023


    You mean setting mono in the Sampling page…

    It’s 10+ years I think that setting the sample to mono would…well…set it to mono…

    And now, thanks to you, I tried it and I discover it practically just put the sample into a choke group???😶😶😶

    Or is it setting it to mono??? Is this mono the opposite of stereo or is it monophonic as opposite to polyphonic?

    Now I’m quite confused…damned NI and their habit to call things in a strange way 😂

  • Gelert7
    Gelert7 Member Posts: 14 Member

    @LostInFoundation and @D-One

    Thank you both for the insight - it is really helpful - I'll have to continue using OCTAVE+ to cycle through my chops for now. 😁

    Thank you both.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    Yes. Since I discovered choke can be achieved also with keyboard mode, both ways have their strengths.

    Single pad allows to have more than 16 chops in one group, multiple pads allows to edit/pitch/add effects to a single chop without influencing all the others and access all the chops with a single group button press. And also to put every single chop in keyboard mode and play them like an instrument

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited July 2023

    Yes. If polyphony is at 1 there's no need for Choke.

    Choke = not more than 1 Pad at the same time across the whole Group.

    Polyphony at 1 = Not more than 1 'voice' in that Pad, meaning the samples cut each other off.

    There's disadvantages to using slices in a single Pad / Keyboard Mode, there are no Sampler controls for individual slices, everything becames global (reverse, adsr, etc..)

    Han, what Mono? Do you mean 'Ext Mono' ? That just samples/records one of the channels, either left or right, effectively turning a Stereo sample into Mono destructively.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,100 Expert

    No…I mean the “mono” choice in the third page of the Sampling page. If you set this up, nothing overlaps. Probably it’s referring to monophonic

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