My mod and pitch wheels on Komplete Kontrol s61 Mk2 stopped working overnight



  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    I leave with a specialist @Kymeia I don't indeed own any better than an KK MK1 but always happy to help if I can

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @vonbieker You can try these steps, instead of CC64, look for cc1 and other weird cc numbers (256 for example): Tips: How to fix sustain pedal issues on our keyboards.

  • Larry Good
    Larry Good Member Posts: 40 Member

    My S61 Mk II just recently had the mod wheel stop working. Then today the pitchbend wheel now does not work.

    Same scenario for Komplete Kontrol and Kontak

  • Haoleman
    Haoleman Member Posts: 2 Member

    I just did the last 2 updates to Komplete Kontrol S88 MkII and now after playing a few notes modwheel jumps to 127 and I'm not moving it it's spitting out midi data on the modwheel channel I bring it back to 0 and then after playing a few notes it jumps up again after a few minutes every patch gets vibrato very annoying. Is there no midi re-calibration for the MKII or the even the new MKIII ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @Larry Good We're already in contact in another tthread but you didn't get back yet.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @Haoleman First open the Komplete Kontrol standalone application. Check if there are any MIDI assignments when the keyboard is connected:

    Make sure that there is no knob or button assigned to MIDI CC1 (=modulation wheel information), check also buttons, pedals, etc... You can also reset the MIDI assignements by creating a new template.

    Now check the MIDI assignments when the keyboard is not connected. Remove any MIDI assignment here by clicking the little x.

    If that's not successful, then close any audio or music application, then control the MIDI input when you are playing with the modwheel: How to Monitor the Input of a MIDI Controller

    If nothing is showing in the monitor, then your device is probably faulty and you should

    1. Check on another computer if the issue is the same.
    2. If it's the same, get in touch with our hardware service:

  • Larry Good
    Larry Good Member Posts: 40 Member

    I took it to a tech recommended by guitar center. He stated that Native Instruments no long ships replacement boards for repair.

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