Time to set Absynth 5 free



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert


    They didn't take Absynth 5 away from anyone. Anyone who owns it can continue to use it so long as they maintain an operating environment that allows it to continue to work. But buying a product does not obligate that company to maintain support for that product in perpetuity - even if it means them losing money doing so. Absynth 5 was supported for more than a reasonable length of time. 

    Well, it is not the truth that "Anyone who owns it can continue to use it so long as they maintain an operating environment that allows it to continue to work.".

    There is the precedens, that NI does not provide the means to authorise several legacy plugins… And there is no guarantie it will not happen to Absynth one day.

    And while Absynth will most probably run fine on Win12, there probably wil not be means to authorise it for Win12 as Native Access 2 does not allow to authorise plugins for OS that is not supported by NI.

    @Maciej Repetowski

    Windows has amazing backwards compatibility, so PC guys will get to enjoy Absynth as it is for quite a while.

    Yes, but authorisation under sooner or later comming Win12 may be problem/impossible even if it would run just fine and without problems. I am not sure if it is possible to authorise it even at Win11 (using NA2, it will be possible using NA1, but it will be phased out in few months….).

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert
    edited June 2024


    Windows on ARM is here, so once people start buying those machines, Absynth 5 is dead there, as well unless they're going to want to run under emulation forever, Lol.

    Win on ARM is here for 13 years…. And there is not much need to go for ARM on Win. Maybe at tablets and like. But otherwise x86 CPUs have comparable energy efficiency like ARM CPUs if made on the same node.

    I may be wrong, but I strongly doubt people will massively move to Win on ARM…. No need for that.

    One may compare Zen4 CPUs and M2 ones. There is only one physics, not two one for x86 and other for ARM, there are not reasons for one be better than other if designed well.

    You cannot compare Apple Silicon and Intel CPUs…. Intel has long term problems…. It was one of the reasons Apple has decided switch for ARM….. And at that time AMD has been on the edge of bancrupcy… But Zen came and has been success….

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @Kaldosh and @Lowkus

    I agree that it is shame, that NI blocks ativation of certain legacy SW. One day it may happen also to Absynth….

    And IMHO it is not legal. I do not have older plugins, so I am not affected. But if I will not be able to authorise Absynth in future, I will take legal action. Or break copyprotection and ask NI to pay for time spent (100 EUR per hour).

    Maybe there is some hope…. NI considers to implement offline activation. So, if they will they should be able to authorise all legacy SW….. But, we will see….

    And concerning usage data…. Hard to say how much they are relevant. I always switch off any sending usage data. NI has pissed me off that they stopped support KK Sxx MK1 just few years after end of sale/production. I am not going to throw away lovely KK S88 MK1 that will work fine many more years just because it is not supported anymore…. It is not a cheap ****** for few bucks….

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor
    edited June 2024

    Listen , we know NI has taken care of legally covering itself for everything making from all of this a leverage of profit as well . It is perfectly understandable but people talk, that’s what they do and some system do reach their limitations when they don’t serve what they where created for . Anyway this is just my personal feedback on all of this . All tech guy now it is just a door closed by gatekeeper just in case which end up creating an opportunist profile keeping ignoring itself ending up being a snake eating its own tail . Instead of accepting the minimum of share that we deserve we take money and run as fast as we can . Then people choose their camp in general the strongest side . It has been for to long that we forgot that strength exist to support weakness and not to be gathered to squash it . Anyway IF it is just MY “heroic” way of seeing things and if it is just ME in this world I’d rather disappear in spontaneous combustion

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    I do not think NI is legaly covered, they just relly on the fact that nobody would go to sue them because of EOL plugin. But it is not my case for sure.

    Anyway, I hope NI will solve autenthication process so that I will be able to run Absynth on at least Win11 (last supported OS), if not Win12 and so on for several decades on.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod
    edited June 2024

    I assume that no one else is reading the license agreements and the relative announcements….

    Be very sure guys that NI is 100% legally covered to do what they want with their own products.

    The "End of life" announcement was published 4 year ago! So, what the heck we are talking now? 🙄


    if you check at the bottom of the page, there is a special term that, people with old software might find useful, but it has to be done individually, by each one separately.

    For me, the best option is somehow you convince NI to release those products as free plugins (with the use of them totally at your own risk).

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor
    edited June 2024

    Now we are talking incompatibility and updates will become more frequent with people complaining that they have to update software or have too much subscription and actually own nothing in the end …etc etc bla bla bla every man for himself… I always lived at my own risk and nothing society ever created protected me against my own mistakes except insurance maybe covering my a** if I break something when I lose myself driving a car for instance. Though if I knock my feet in the couch I am not going to blame NI for its free plugins you know… NI is a great company and we kind of know that we can't live on a free model if it is not a society choice and therefor, a built product has to generate money , incomes etc… But it also has to work as intended and be supported the way it should. Though as you said its all covered and taken care of, though techy customer guys kind of do not understand why KK MK1 for instance which represent actually the foundations of the NKS concept which WAS supposed to be a new standard ditch itself to become NKS 2 and disregard itself like it is not part of the family like the ugly duckling, keeping serving the horror committed by society since the beginning of times. but its only my opinion I guess, no one seem to have the courage to be FOR or AGAINST . doesn't matter but free speech is an important thing to develop things in général and impose good ideas against greedy lies and intent .

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    is this thread closed ?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    if it was, you couldn't write the above comment… 😉

    so, no it is not closed.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    ok because I wrote a very long and interresting message that deleted itself when I posted it . too bad for me I guess 🙅

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    It was not deleted.
    It was in the spam folder, waited for moderation (probably because of 1-2 words on it).
    It was approved (2 hours ago) and you can see it 4 comments above. 😉

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 418 Advisor

    I know those two words in 1 very well thanks for your input

  • jg::
    jg:: Member Posts: 11 Member

    Just reporting that Absynth 5 is still working fine for me on Win11.
    That's fine for now, as the system isn't very old, but, in the future, when I eventually upgrade my system, I would very much like to be able to install and authorize Absynth again.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 293 Pro

    You should be looking for alternatives that can create that type of sound - it doesn't need to be the same type of synth as Absynth 5.

    You should not be continuing to use an out of development, discontinued synth in new projects when you know it is a ticking time bomb.

    You only create more problems for yourself down the road when you do that.

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