Numéro de licence Komplete 7 partiellement effacé à cause du temps
Bonjour J'ai une boîte Komplete 7 comme neuve (le chiffon est encore en pochette plastique ...), mis à part que le numéro de licence derrière le coffret de DVD est partiellement effacé (achat en 2010). J'ai essayé de reprendre contact avec la boutique mais elle a fermé. J'ai lu sur le site N.I que le numéro de série de la…
Session Guitarist Strummed Acoustic 1 doesn't play most patterns at 62 BPM
I bought this product and have found that hardly any of the patterns play within my DAW at 62 BPM. There's no information about this limitation anywhere and makes the product next to useless for me. Is there any way around this ridiculous limitation?
Total beginner - how do upload Native Instruments products in Logic Pro?
I downloaded Komplete Kontrol and various instruments, and the Spitfire BBC Symphony Orchestra product. I can play about with them on KK but how do I use them in Logic? Where do I find them or upload them?
Universal Audio Minimoog NKS
Hi All, first time posting here. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm currently trying the free trial of the Universal Audio Minimoog, using it in Logic Pro. It's pretty nice and usable in Logic directly, but I wondered if anyone had made any NKS files for this plugin? If so, could you link me to them please, I'd love to try…
Komplete Audio 6 doesn't start automatically
Whenever I start my PC, my Komplete Audio 6 doesn't start automatically. I have to take out the USB cord and plug it back in every time. What is the problem?
Vintage Big Band Software: Anyone having issues with getting it to load on their Windows 11?
Hello Everyone! I'm having a time getting 'Vintage Big Band' software to load on my HP Laptop.... Native Access 2, Kontakt 7, & Reaktor 6 all load fine, but the Vintage Big Band software just sits in the 'not installed' file in NA and dosent seem to have a file location on the computer. Anyone have any useful suggestions?…
Using a modifier key to change the color of a button on a Xone K2
I am trying to create a new mapping for Traktor Pro and I am facing the following issue. If the deck C is playing the button A color is green If the deck C is stopped the button A color is red I have created a modifier key (M2) so when it is pressed the function of the button A is HOT CUE 1 on deck C. Also, when M2 is…
Is "Acoustic Refractions" instrument still supported?
I have this Library on my hard drive (version 1.0.0). Native Access says it needs to be repaired but I can't figure out how to do that. The Library contains only 2 folders: Documentation and Samples. There is no .ncict file. Is there any way to get this working?
Can I get my £3657 back from Native Instruments?
Native Instruments have failed to provide me working hardware and software thus redndering their products useless while being forced to use Native Access. Without this my programs and hardware is useless therefore are they in breach of contract ?
Any updates on the Flair GUI problem?
Any plans to fix the GUI problem with Flair? Myself and other users reported this in May.
Symphony Essentials Percussion random timing issue
Using SE Percussion with Cakewalk by Bandlab, I found Percussion is randomizing the timing of some notes. I found it happening with the snare. Each time I play a certain midi clip, it alternates the timing of the snare where it is on the beat, then off the beat the next time, then back on again the next time. The timing is…
Bought A Macbook Air M2. Transferred NI Products. Kontakt Instruments Only Open in Demo Mode
I recently purchased a new MacBook Air with M2. All of my software transferred over properly with the exception of NI. Kontakt, whether 7 or earlier, only opens instruments in demo mode. Do I have to de-install on the old computer before NI will work on the new one?
Kontrol s mk3 chords mode Ableton live 11
Hello,I have a question:does kontrol s mk3 in chords mode on Ableton live 11 play just one note or the entire chords?Thanks
Traktor F1 remix decks
I can can capture samples in Traktor Pro with my F1 Remix controller, but the samples don't get saved when I click 'Save Remix Deck'. I have tried playing each sample at least 3 times, before trying to save, but still no joy- Any suggestions welcome. Thanks!
Selling my Komplete 14 Ultimate @ 50% - $630 email me baptistmann2020@gmail.com
Selling my Komplete 14 Ultimate @ 50% - $630 email me baptistmann2020@gmail.com
Software retrieval ?
I had my laptop stolen which contained all my NI software. I’m wondering if I can get it back on a new laptop without having to repurchase anything ? I still own my MK2 but can’t use it
Kontakt Audio 6 MK2 crackling noise and bit crash
So I just got my Kontakt Audio 6 MK2 audio interface and sometimes when I am watching a video or I want to share my screen to my friends on discord i get this crackling noise followed by a bit crash. Everything sounds like it is on 8 bits. I already tried reinstalling the software, updated the firmware and tried everything…
Virtual TX81Z?
It's 2023. As popular and terrific as the TX81Z was (and it's siblings, the DX11 and Yamaha V50 in particular), it's disheartening not to find a decent, supported VST for this wonderful device. FM8 is an amazing tool from NI, but it's not compatible with SysEx from the YM2414B aka OPZ-based FM synths. Recreating patches in…
Complete 14 standard
I have a full version of complete 14 standard. So can I Use complete 14 update?
Nectar 4
i bought nectar 4 and only got all the individual parts of the effects .see picture. nectar 3 had everything combined. what did i do wrong?