Native access; Can't find all the products I bought
Good day , can someone show me how to access my products that I bought in there past. I can't find them in my account. I haven't been on my maschine in a while because my old computer crashed. now I have a new computer an after downloading native access I only see some contact expansions . please help
How to Resolve Missing Maschine 2 Software in Native Access for Maschine MK3
Hello, I recently purchased a Maschine MK3 and successfully registered the serial number through Native Access. It confirms that the product is registered and shows the message: "You have successfully registered Maschine MK3. If you are unable to install the product, you might need to locate the installer of the product…
Issues when moving Librarys to ExFAT external drive.
I use a Mac M1 mini, Sequoia 15.1.1 /UAD Apollo/ Logic Pro X (Libraries: NI, Superior Drummer, Steam, Waves and UA) After moving the libraries I was working in Logic I found that When adding a software instrument track the only option was Drum Machine Designer. I contacted Apple Support and they said it was a 3rd party…
cant reinstall certain products. pls help.
hi. some of my libraries were appearing as not installed / missing in kontakt8 despite being installed in NA. I uninstalled them but now there is no button to re-install them, just locate. can anyone pls help?
Error message from Native Access 2 when adding a serial number
"your account is missing the base product for this serial." I'm installing KOMPLETE 15 COLLECTORS EDITION, an upgrade to KOMPLETE 13 which is registered. Who do I talked to to get this resolved?
Native Access 3.17: VST2 locations and unsolved bugs
VST2 A nice surprise this morning, after Native Access has been updated to version 3.17. VST2 Locations finally removed as i suggested over a year ago (for the 32 bit versions only) on this thread! Since i already answer to some people who asked where are the VST2 and I'm sure, many more will ask, I wrote this thread as a…
Remove 32 bit plugin location
Well, the title says all. Why this archaic option it is still there and what purpose it serves (apart of confusing new and inexperienced users), i don't know. Nobody (or almost nobody) is using 32bit plugins, since years, no major DAW even supports them. It could be replaced with an alternate plugin or content location or…
I cannot log in to Native access
Uninstalled reinstalled dozens of times Running apple M2 Sonoma 14.4.1…please help
Native Access "installation failed" on all updates after upgrade to Mac Sequoia
After update from Sonoma to Sequoia on M1 Mac, Native Access fails to update any available updates with this message: "Installation Failed: You may need to grant full disk access to Native Access and the Daemon. Follow these steps and try again". I verified that they were all granted full disk access and still failing, so…
Loading products...
Hello, As many i have been stuck on loading products but by looking at forums i still haven't been able to figure out what was the problem. I tried going to Native Access 1 it worked but the code didn't. so i am now reaching to you and hoping this will work out. please help i still haven't been able to use my controller…
Demo'd 360, cancelled sub, now native access is a mess
I demo'd the 360 complete sub, basically so I could trial kontakt 8 full. I didn't install any of the other libraries. Now even though the sub date has ended, my native access is a mess when I go to my library view and shows everything in KCE 15 available to 'install'. After years and years of buying third party products,…
Unable to Log in
hello, wondering if anyone can help! i bought GGD to use with kontakt however when downloading native access i press login and put my details in and it says checking authentication then sends me back to the login page. i have tried re-downloading and i have enabled full disk access and i am unsure on what to do. thank you
Keyboard malfunctioning
I’ve got a keyboard that’s within and I’ve contacted native instruments to no avail. contacted me back and I think this sucks.
error invalid download location
I even restored to defaults and even though I had everything installed set to defaults, I did'nt install the effects and things like that. After I got everything installed I was going nto ask how I would go about moving my sound libraries to my external hard drive because I have a small internal internal drive as well so…
i have registered the serial of my maschine but i don't see the software in native access
I bought the mikro mk3 machine and I registered the serial number on native access and so far everything is ok. In my profile among the serial numbers compare that of the machine but in native access the software does not come out
Official update status - Native Access (current version: 3.17.0)
This thread provides information about upcoming patches for Native Access. It will be updated whenever new information becomes available. --------- The currently available software version is 3.17.0 You can download the latest version here: ADDED Added "Create a Support File" feature in Help menu to assist Customer Care…
PC, All Updates, Avid Link install of NI doesn't launch NI when "redeem" pressed
Following the video instructions on installing NI from Avid Link, the install appears to go ok as in does not report an error. But also not success. Further following the video instructions, when I press redeem on the Protools Essentials, I get a Windows dialog which says "Get an app to access this 'native-access' link" -…
Purchase doesn't show up?
Hi all! Yesterday I purchased an expansion for my Maschine mikro. The purchase went through and I'm told it will be downloadable from within Native Access. Ok. But my computer can't run NA v2 so I reverted to v1. It's not listed under "Not installed" so I'm stuck. How do I get hold of my expansion now? Can't find helt at…
Can't download anything from Native Access
Hey there, I'm posting this since I can no longer download anything via Native Access for some reasons. I have given permission to the application in the settings and also to NTKDeamon but nothing works. I've tried deleting and reloading Native Access with all the plug ins but that didn't change anything. I've upgraded to…
Diese App kann auf diesem PC nicht ausgeführt werden
Hi from Germany! I tried to install Native Access,but when I am opening the app there comes the message, that I can´t run it on my PC. Native Access is just like this: How can I solve this problem? Restart does not help….