Native Access 2 ver3.16 - blank login screen
This has been going on for quite a while now, but whenever I try to launch Native Access it pops a blank login screen preventing me from getting any further in the app. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Native Access/NTK Daemon, I've cleared the cache, swept and deleted every file and folder related to Native Access…
Rosetta needed for NTKDaemon? ******?
Really, Apple Silicon has been out for years —- I don't want to have Rosetta continuously running on my M4 just for this! I saw posts from as recently as August with people complaining about this. Is there really no way to install (actually just reinstall having migrated from an Intel Mac) my NI plugins with having to be…
Need download files for these
Download files for these products are needed. Please help me. They are not installed in any other way
Maschine software not appearing in Native Access after Transfer ID process
I successfully completed the Transfer ID process after a 2ndhand purchase. I see my Maschine Mikro Mk3 serial as well as serials for Massive, Monark, and Prism on my account. In Native Access I see the software for Controller Editor, Kontakt players, Massive, Monark etc… But no "Maschine" software I see alluded to in order…
Maschine 2 Essentials and Maschine software not showing up in Native Access.
I bought an used Maschine mikro mk3, the seller have already transferred the serial numbers and all the other stuff to me, I also registered all the serial number I got. But after downloaded the newest version of Native Access, I didn't found Maschine 2 Essentials and Maschine software in my Native Access. I already tried…
Native Access won't install plugins - complains about no access
As you can see, I have given Native Access and NTK Daemon full disk access (and restarted Native Access) but it still refuses to install and complains that it does not have full disk access. How do I fix this please?
where is support ?
I've just paid Plugin boutique for an upgrade.. 27th. you guys haven't honoured it and it won't upgrade.. speak to elliot there!! have been contacted MULTIPLE TIMES refund or you can upgrade it free of charge for such p!ss poor support.
nothing works after removing NI daemon
so i was happy only with my massive, fm8 some reverbs etc, since NI daemon uses very much cpu and ram, i removed it because i was not dealing with new set ups of new softere and was not planing any lisence transfer etc. now when i insert synth or fxes to a channel in my daw, mc pc basiccaly freezes and they dont respond to…
Please grant permission to native access to install dependencies
Guys.. This has been bugging me for over a month now since I've upgraded my PC ( I kept the original HDD). When I started Traktor Pro 3 on a new PC, it thought that it was not licensed, even though the HDD is the same (weird, right ?). I then click into Activate, which opens Native Access and every time I do so, it says…
Wont Leave Demo Mode
I recently purchased Komplete 15 Ultimate Edition with the S49 Mk3 Keyboard, and upon downloading and installing everything through Native Access, I have noticed that every single thing is showing demo mode. When I try to open anything (standalone or daw) it asks me to activate my product aka the demo mode. It would appear…
Problem with Native Access or NTKDaemon when Mac goes to sleep
@Hayo_NI System details: Mac Mini M2 Pro Sonoma 14.7.1 Energy Saver Settings: network access is turned on when Mac enters sleep mode. Full Disk Access granted to NTKDaemon I downloaded and installed Native Access 3.16.0 as I am rebuilding from scratch my music studio computer. During the long process of downloading and…
Maschine Software is Missing for Maschine Mikro Mk 3
I already registered my Maschine Mikro Mk 3 but the machine software doesn't show up in the native access.
Native Access 2 - permissions
Since the first of the year, I am again getting the error message to give permissions to Native Access 2 when I start the program. When I had this problem last year, I downloaded the new NTKDaemon and that solved the problem. This year, I've been trying to download the newest Daemon for days and get an error message that…
Massive Demo Mode - NI Solution Not Working
Hi Massive is showing as demo mode in Native Access even though I have Komplete 15 Standard. I have followed the 'My Products are Showing As DEMO in Native Access' walkthrough multiple times and this hasn't solved my problem. Has anyone done anything different to get this to work? Thanks for any advice.
Not received my Komplete select 15 with my m32
i’ve seen the other posts and how people didn’t receive there komplete select 15 upon registering the m32, and i’m in the same boat, i’ve checked every email and all my spam and there is not a thing except ableton live lite
your account is missing the base product for this serial
KOMPLETE 15 STANDARD missing from native access
8dio Bundle not downloading
Please Help I have an older operating system (MacOS 10.13, and I can't upgrade beyond High Sierra). The newest version of Native Access I can download that is compatible is Native Access 1.14. I purchased the 8dio Epic Bundle. Went to Native Access, the bundle appears but there is only the option to "add library" instead…
Native Access 1.10.1 download
Goodday to you all .!!. I'm trying to make my Traktor Pro 2 DDJ-T1 Work on old Imac. late 2009 Therefore i need to install Native Access 1.10.1 The download on the NI Legacy page does not work. ( Page 404 not found ) Does anybody has this specific install-file for Me for download to install .?.
Nonexistent Customer Support
I get it, it's holidays, but I've spent over $4,000 on this company over 15 years and they reward me with not letting me access my purchased software. I recently purchased a Used Micro Mk3, the serial number was scratched off so I couldn't even register it. So I purchased the Maschine Mk3 software online, and that worked…
Native Kontrol S61 shows as already registered, it's from my died brother. What to do?
Hello. My Brother died 2,5 Years ago and now I want to sell some things from his studio. The S61 Keyboard doesn't show up in native Access or in the account of my brother. But I know, the he has used it on his Mac. Ive got the serial number of the S61, but I don't know, what to do to "transfer" it to another user. What can…