NI Library and copyright: Vimeo
Hi. I have read the NI usage terms but would like clarification on a copyright issue. I am a movie maker and write my own music to accompany my movies. 99.9% these are my own compositions / improvisations but from time to time I have used the Maschine library, from my Ultimate collection, usually as a color 'metronome' to…
Is there a "Maschine 2" app for Android to use it in a Samsung Tablet ?
Hello, I have a Maschine Mk3 and as this is not an Stand-Alone I need an option to bring it with me in the music studio without using a Notebook (Because I already have a lot of instruments to move from one place to other.....). Is there an App to download (can be paid, no problem about that) to be used in the Samsung…
pad 14 madness
ok so here is my problem , when i load a sample on pad one and duplicate it over all the 16 pads and proceed to set the start points on the particular other pads f.e. pad2 this will happen. Maschine's view will autoswitch to ( always) pad 14 ( which btw is also glowing in a brighter orange ) until i press pad 2 again . As…
Machine, Loading instruments and Step Mode
Hi, I am trying to step record Abbey Road Drums.Since they are instruments I understand that I cannot load them to all 16 pads but to one only. Pad mode/Keyboard mode will allow me to play all sounds of that respective kit. However, pressing "Select" to choose the right sound of that kit in Step mode does not work. Only…
Does Komplete Kontrol not work in Maschine
I've tried everything and can't get Komplete Kontrol plugins to popup in Maschine. Not vst3 or vst. Does this just not work in there anymore?
Maschine plus multiple same model midi keyboards
I'm trying to connect two Arturia Keysteps to maschine plus at the same time. When I boot up only one shows up in midi settings and only one works. I have to unplug the nonworking keyboard USB and plug back in. Then in midi options keystep changes to off. I can then turn it on and both will work. Maschine only shows one…
control Maschine mixer faders from KeyLab MK II via Midi?
Hi there, I'm new to Maschine MK3 (just bought one) and I'm enjoying the workflow it offers (I use it standalone mostly for just jamming and creating some patterns 'on the fly' just for the fun of it). I have a KeyLab MK II which has nice faders I'd like to use dedicated to control the mixer (volume of each group). I loved…
When will the issues with Maschine crashing is Logic pro X be resolved
Whenever I try to load Maschine up as a Plugin in Logic Pro especially in the Stereo 16X output option. As soon as I get going it comes up with an error saying something is wrong with the plug in
NI Play Series with Maschine MK3 ?
What are the best ways to utilize play series instruments wit Maschine MK3
maschine 2 is being very slow
The story is this: every time I want to replace or delete a maschine 2 tool, it freezes for a minute or two, after which the deletion occurs. the same thing happens with effects and groups. and this is a problem only when I work in maschine This is terribly annoying. and I noticed this when I installed the entire KOMPLETE…
NI products on iPhone and iPad
I am a iMaschine and iMaschine2 user and must say these apps are the best versions of Maschine I have ever used. There is just something way overcomplicated about the desktop version. I am extremely interested in utilizing my Maschine Mikro MK3 on iPhone and iPad but so far only the KORG padKONTROL is working. The iPhone…
Can't Open old projects in logic
Hi iv recently re downloaded all my softwares on my new system but when I open my logic files it states that that my plug in isn't available. I have Maschine 2 instilled so my guess is this is the issue but how should I go about solving this ? as all my projects are really Maschine driven so most my audio files won't play.
Stem separation in Maschine
When is Stem separating gonna be included in Maschine software. It’s way too common in other sampling softwares..
Maschine and the M4
It would be amazing to have the Maschine software running on the new Apple iPad Pro M4. Just imagine the game-changing possibilities of connecting Maschine directly to an iPad. With Logic Pro X for iPad now featuring a Stem feature, it feels like the perfect time for Native Instruments to do the same with Maschine.
Audio instrument recording
Hello guys! I have a problem with the audio connection, for some reason I can't hear my instrument, only after I've recorded it in sampling and normalized it! What am I doing wrong in the settings?
My mashine Mikro 2 hardware do not connect with mashine 2
Hello every one, first excuse my english because it is not my own language. Since a week now, my hardware is not connecting with mashine 2 and the NIHardwareService is always disconnected in windows services. I have tryed many times to reconnect the service in vain. I would really enjoy it if someone have a answer for me.…
Can I get Electronic Instruments 2XT working with an old Maschine?
Can I get Electronic Instruments 2XT working with an old Maschine?
Maschine 2 Software
HI, after registering my Maschine MK3, I can't find Maschine 2 Software for running the Maschine 2.
Knob cc 72 is faulty on my mk3. Can i somehow deactivate the knob???
The problem is it keeps triggering generally coursing the sample to reverse, is very frustrating and wrecks my whole flow. can i turn it off some how without having to use the controller in midi mode etc. Or any ideas on any solutions?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. roy
What files presented to me via the Native Access Application are absolutely Necessary?
I have a question for all the Maschine Studio Users out there! I studied several How-To videos on how to properly install the Maschine Studio ver 2 software. I spent quite a while installing what I was led to believe were the proper "Necessary Modules" to get my device up and running - which it now appears to be. My…