Random parameter values - has anyone observed this?

motouzek Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

When I open a preset of a plugin from the Library, in this case FM8, and turn a parameter fully clockwise/counterclockwise, it always shows different (random) values. This is happening both in HW and SW when I use the VST3 version of the plugin (and it seems like the Library prefers to open the VST3). AU version of the same plugin works correctly, but the layout is different. All third-party plugins have the same problem. Only some NI plugins (like Monark in the video) work correctly even when opened from the Library. I tried to reinstall the app, updated al plugins, tried to repair the database, disabled VST3 plugins, checked the plugin paths, all to no avail. Any ideas?

See the attached video.


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    if you use a midi monitor, does the controller you are using… randomly output values when not touching the encoder or knob??

    if this is occurring when no encoder or knob is being turned, then it is a sign that the encoder or knob has a problem….

    look online for either midi-ox for windows or midiview on mac to carry out the midi monitor test


  • motouzek
    motouzek Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    This is not a HW problem. The behavior occurs even when I turn a knob with a mouse in the software (like in the video).

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited September 2024

    the mouse will not prevent a encoder/knob that is assigned from the ghost cc/note values from occurring

    heres a simple test you can easily do with the controller… put the controller into midi mode… then move the encoder, if you see the encoders values not moving in a linear way… then you have a encoder/knob problem….

    if its working properly then check if other midi-devices are causing it… by disabling each device one by one until the problem disappears, that way you isolate the offending device

  • motouzek
    motouzek Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    The issue occurs even when no midi device is connected to the computer.

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