trouble registering Maschine mk3
Hi, I bought a Maschine mk3 a few days ago and having trouble registering using the 'Add Serial' option on Native Access. I have checked the serial number and tried all the possible alternatives - the letter O instead of zero / B instead of 8 etc. Still no luck. Is there a step I am missing? Is there a way to contact…
how do i return / exchange a defective product
I bought Machine Mk3 and it arrived a couple weeks ago and appears DOA. I have followed all the online trouble shooting and still it doesn't light up and is not recognized by the Machine 2 software. I also have not had any responce from hardware support. I don't know how to contact anyone regarding this.
Maschine Software with Komplete Kontrol S49 or Maschine mk3 / What are your recommendations?
I use a Komplete Kontrol S49 to control Maschine software. I got into using the software as the S49 has so many dedicated buttons and as a result the workflow is really nice. I got so much into it over the months that I started thinking if I'm missing anything from not using a Maschine controller? I'm not talking about the…
MIDI from Maschine mk3 to Logic Pro ..... won't Record!!
hello I have a newer Mac Studio m1 running Logic Pro on Mac OS Ventura. I have an Akai mini MPK and a Maschine MK3 hooked up to it thru USB via an Alexis io2 interface and MIDI running from Maschine in and out from midi cables hooked up and through a MOTU MIDI hub. everything is set up according to everything I have read…
Maschine, switch between ideas, arranger, mixer view from kk
was wondering, rather than using keyboard shortcuts (ctrl +1, +2,+3) to switch between different views in maschine, can it be done from kk mk2 ?
maschine+ won't register
Been at this for hours. Was on Chat with support Friday and couldn't figure this out. Tried several times again. Chat support created a ticket. Today I got an email from "Pedro" asking wha'ts the issue?. Guessing Pedro didn't care to read the chat conversation. Tried the chat again today, it said it was putting me in touch…
Maschine MK3 Slice to wav to user library
Hello, I recorded a vocal file into Maschine. After that I did same slices. Now I have the problem to get separate wav files from the slice. I will save it on a separate ssd and add it to my one user library as a one-shot. Can you help me to find a good workflow or can you give me a link for a tutorial. Thank you
Mashine Plus: “registration failed” with new mashine +
hello, im having troubles with registering my new mashine plus, i bought it new, and cant manage to register my product succesfully. Im not able to start using my product due to the registration failure. I really need help because it was a huge investment. Can someone help me out from the support team?
How do I transfer the license to me from the previous user of a pre-owned Maschine?
Yesterday I bought a pristine pre-owned Maschine MK3 from a store in my area, but I have been really struggling to Register device with serial and Transfer the license of the previous owner (whom I don't know) over to myself. Spent a good hour on the NI website going round in circles before giving up. Any help or advice…
Machine Studio Serial number is already registered
I bought my Machine Studio Yesterday from a pawn shop and after downloading Native Access I Tried to put the serial number in but it says it has already been registered. What can I do?
Maschine+ Registration keeps Failing Please Help.
I have a Maschine plus. and I am stuck at the Dreaded Registration failed screen. It is registered on my account properly. I don't know what else to do. I need help I have a support ticket open. I have searched the forums and I see that I am not alone with this issue. Please Help.
Hi, I have a Brand New Maschine plus stuck in registration mode. Hardware reads "Registration Failed!"Hi, I have a Brand New Maschine plus stuck in registration mode. Hardware reads "Registration Failed!" Web link reads: "Please Try Again, the serial number is not valid" I put in a request (4186813) today 1/5/24 Hoping to…
DAWless Question: Can I use the Kontrol S49 with the Maschine+?
As the title suggest, I am a completely DAWless Maschine user. Currently, I use the Maschine Plus and the Maschine Jam… love the combo, but I am wanting to add some keys and for that I would really like to use the Kontrol S49. That said, is the Kontrol S49 compatible with the Maschine Plus? If so, are there any features on…
Maschine software
I let my pal have my old Mk2 and told him he needs to purchase the software. But then, he went to the website to do so and they’re not selling it but the upgrade only? How the heck is he supposed to download the library when it isn’t available?!
Will we see massive X ported to Maschine+ ?
would be cool to see that compatibility in the future
Could Someone Give me Advice on Enhancing Live Performance Setup with Native Instruments Gear?
Hello there, I have been performing live electronic music sets for a few years now and recently started integrating more Native Instruments hardware and software into my rig. I blend DJing with live production elements; often incorporating loops; samples; and live synths into my sets. My genre is mainly techno☺️; with some…
Maschine+ Brand New User Experience
Not good so far. Error: The local images path cannot be accessed. Have no idea what to do.
I am trying to use Maschine+ as a Loopstation in combination with a modular synthesizer
Afer a very hard start with my Maschine + i try to get started. i just watched the first guides and did the first session with my mod synth buddy. Within this session we tryed to link us via the Clock of the Synth system The problem: We cant record after we link the Maschine+ via the MIDI Sync I just had a few issues with…
Maschine crashing Logic Pro or Ableton after closing the AU plug-in and hitting a pad. (MAS2-29826)
When using Maschine in Logic Pro it crashes regularly. Full Disk Access is given. Any idea what to do ?
How to record a pattern from Komplete Kontrol Cuba Conga set
Hi, I've search the community posts for a relevant answer and I still cannot resolve my problem. I've already found the answer below but I cannot make it work. I also read section 3.4 from Cuba manual. Maybe my expectations are wrong? I was hoping the pattern player would help me prepare the exact beat ready to import in…