Which kits include patterns?
When selecting a kit from an expansion, I don't see patterns. Do some kits have patterns and some don't? Just bought Velvet Bloom and I don't see any patterns included. How can I tell which kits have available patterns? {I think I'm missing something obvious}
Expansions: why no MIDI patterns?
NI, The Maschine side of Expansions have Maschine patterns. I don't have Maschine but still want the patterns. In MIDI. I've been meaning to ask this for a long time, since Expansions were introduced. Why do Maschine users get patterns with their kits and not Battery users? I don't want to buy a Maschine unit to have…
Maschine 2 Factory Library on Mashine+ reinstall possibilities
Hi, Is there any method to reinstall "Mashine 2 Factory Library (1.3.9)" on Maschine+ hardware? One of oryginal project "Crush it" crashed and dissappeard from library. Or there is any other method to fix it?
Machine mk3 Crashed My Whole Computer
I switched off the Mk3 and suddenly my entire computer crashed. In thirty years of using computers I've never seen a device crash a computer like this before. Was running it with the Machine 2 stand alone. Windows 10 PC. Was running the FLS ASIO sound driver, and my external Onyx 8 driver on windows. Was able to snip a pic…
Native instruments integration with machine in a live setting.
I want integration of maschine with about 12 native plugins instruments you can use with a midi keyboard in a live setting. So you don't have to setup a laptop every time you want the right sound. Is this possible???
Automation, Again
Hi guys! Been mixing a song with my Maschine Jam, managed to pull out and record the automation I wanted. Now I am struggling to record more automations, the touch strips on my Jam do not apply any Filter now that the first automation has been recorded. I also tried to set up a new Performance Filter instance, but still,…
Display full name of sounds in the sound list
Hi NI people, I am learning Maschine Mikro mk3. I wonder if there is any way to display the full name of a sound in Maschine 2. I cannot expand the Sound List area, neither I cannot see the full name of a sound in the mixer. Any way to make it visible or to activate some tooltips when we hover over a sound slot? Thanks for…
can't register my new maschine plus
Maschine plus is registerd in the Native access but i can not register in the maschine itself :-( can someone help me? its frustrating
Maschine MK3 problem
my mk3 is stuck and it say production and performance system please help
Lost Projects, Recordings, Sample Files
I'm not exactly sure how this happened but I seem to have lost all of my sample files and the project files they corresponded to. I was attempting to clear disk space on my computer and cleared my entire cache. I've done that before and had no issues, so I'm wondering if they're some other reason why they seem to be gone…
Missing serial Number
I have bought a B stock Komplete Kontrol mk2.There is no serial number just a device ID.Is it therefore possible to get the serial number from the device ID number.
Failed install, can't find NIHArdwareAgent
Hi, I have allowed access to Native access and NTKDaemon because I was getting install failed messages. I previously had Maschine installed a few months ago and maybe deleted some files but Native access looked very different then. Can't find NIHArdwareAgent anywhere to allow access. Any ideas? I'll update this post with…
Problems with activation
Hi guys, i'm not be able to install my maschine software. I cloned my old mac with Apple Time Machine but the software doesn't work. After read on the support that NI don't work with Time Machine, i uninstalled e reinstalled all via CD, but the Maschine software tells me to activate via Service Center and when it starts it…
Anyone know when the Mikro MK3 will be back "in stock"
Everyone seems to be out of stock and no word on a re-stock? Cheers, Rob.
Imaschine 2?
does Native instruments have any plans to bring back imaschine 2 or are they developing imaschine 3
Maschine 2.18 crash
I installed Maschine 2.18 but it crashes. I have a MacBook Pro with a 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 6 core processor.I have already uninstalled and installed the application many times. I ask for help
Maschine 2 activation via Native Access fails
Hello, NA shows Maschine 2 as DEMO status, but I purchased it, and can see the serial number in my account. In NA, when I click on "Open"/"Activate", the window closes immediately. I can run it in demo mode. I have tried some of the suggestions here; either no effect, or NA shows a "!" in NA. How do I get NA to "see" the…
Interfering signal appears when I use the internal Audio Plug-In in Maschine 2 SW
Hey everyone, I recently noticed that when I open Maschine's internal 'audio' plugin and select 'stretch mode' as an engine, there's an interfering signal on the left channel. I've tried different versions of the Maschine software, but it appears every time. It's very subtle, so you either have to turn up the volume to…
invalid transfer info
i got an hp lapyop toady with windows 11 and i purchased a maschine mk3 on ebay when i tried to transfer my license it keeps telling me that it is invalid
Maschine+ Marble Rims expansion lfo not working on sampler
hello, I was checking out the sampler instruments in Marble Rims and wanted to add Some pitchmodulation through the lfo. I was surprises to find out This doesnt work. The envelope section works, but the lfo is not. It also only seems to happen on the sampled instruments from this expansion pack. I checken Some from other…