Maschine plus - How to assign #PC messages for scene buttons
In standalone mode, if you go to Settings-Midi-Trigger and set trigger scene by Program Change messages then Maschine+ will receive PCs and change scenes. And also it will be available to send PC messages while you tap scene buttons on Ideas screen. PC messages are sending through midi output of the Maschine+ accordingly…
Maschine software
My question is what is being done to update maschine daw software to continue to build and compete with other daws like logic and fl studio? I have noticed that maschine gets mentioned the least as a daw and I assume it is bc it can be worked as a vst but I believe this is a area of opportunity to keep things inhouse so…
Pattern loop toggle - one shot
Hello guys, im wondering if its possible to toggle the patterns somehow like a one shot? Why i wanna do this. Let’s say i want to perform a liveset. But im wondering how to make „proper“ fills? I want to Programm a single pattern with some sort of synth risers, drum fills or rolls etc and i want to hit the pattern once and…
Maschine + connection
Hi! I'm a new Maschine+ user and I have a question, why can't I see the finder Maschine+ app even though it's connected to my computer? Thanks Meelis
Maschine MK3 not showing Ableton Live 10 clips in Session View
Hi community! I've followed the instructions for installing the Maschine Mk3 Control Script/Template into Ableton Live that is posted here: https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413367278097-How-to-Install-MASCHINE-Templates-for-Ableton-Live And while the transport controls now work great, the clip…
How to use Minilab MK2 sounds in Maschine?
i have a maschine mk2 and i recently bought a minilab mk2 midi keybored.. i cant seem to figure out how to use analog minilab within the maschine. Any tips?
Tried running Neutron in Maschine and caused lag on the sound on which it was applied
Mixing fully in Maschine is probably not the best option but it's all I have for now. I tried adding neutron to a kick and the kick started to lag behind the rest of the song. I have minimal VSTs running and there are only around 10 tracks. Is this normal behavior? My PC is no slouch. I'm guessing since Maschine is…
Maschine Mikro MK3 with iPad Pro (2022)
Hello, is Maschine Mikro MK3 compatible with the iPad Pro (2022)? I would like to use it with the "AUM" app and Korg Gadget.
Is it possible to mute mk3 sounds or groups with an external midi controller using cc ?
Hallo, I'm using a soft step 2 foot controller via usb midi (MacBook pro) to control some parameter of a Maschine mk3, changing scenes for example. Is there a way to mute a group or a single sound by using cc commands that have been sent from the soft step? Thanks for help or workarounds!
I have just brought an maschine mk3.
I have just brought an maschine mk3 and when i boot it up nothing happens. just 2 screens and no sound?
maschine standalone: option + drag + drop FX in mixer crashes software
• option + drag & drop an insert effect from one channel to another (quick copy of effect) hard crashes the entire program • copy + paste (standard approach from context menu) of FX in mixer tracks: doesn't work at all, pasted effect never appears I'm on an M1 iMac Ventura OSX can't do anything quickly in the mixer due to…
second-hand Maschine Jam and software licence
Hello. I want to buy a second hand Maschine Jam but I would like to know how to get the software. Can i buy Maschine 2 separately, or activate licence with my serial number product?
Maschine not playing audio when watching youtube
Is anyone else having issues where the MK3 is not playing audio when trying to watch youtube? maybe i made a setting change that i didnt realize?
Importing midi files in Maschine 2
Hello. Does anyone know how to import a midi file, exported from Logic, in Maschine 2? It seems like no matter how I try to export it, Maschine 2 will not import it. Although, any other midi file (like for example, midis from a midi chords pack) are imported without problems. I don't understand what is the difference…
Maschine MK3 Setup with Another Interface
Hi, I can find a number of post on this, but know matter how much a read them or reread the manual, I can't quite convince myself what I want to do is possible... Would anyone be good enough to explain in simple terms for a simpleton? I use Windows and Reaper. I have another audio interface that I want to keep using. I'm…
Cannot get Midi Change to work
Hi, all. I am using Maschine Mk3 with Studio One. Everything is working OK, except I cannot get the Midi Change for Scenes to work. I have set the channel to 1 and root note to C-2. I draw up the notes in Studio One, and I see that they are triggered in Maschine. However, no scene change occurs. Also tried playing the…
Maschine+ with Mc-707
Hello dear community. I have gotten my hands on a Roland Mc-707, I know, lucky me! I don’t have it at home yet since it’s on its way but I noticed it has usb connection. So my question here is directed to any one of you with a 707 or a 101. what happens if I connect the 707 to one of the USB ports on my M+? Or should I…
Maschine Mk3 midi mode in Pro Tools - HELP Please!
Hello, Community, I am desperately hoping someone out there can help me. I am trying to record midi into pro tools. I have watched every video possible. I am setting it up properly as far as I can tell, per multiple videos. I go to group and switch input to manual, source is host. I’ve tried C1 and C3 as a start note. The…
A61 Komplete Kontrol keyboard with Maschine 2 - Everything except notes
Previously fine - but after setting up protools (and using the maschine plugin) - now the A61 KK Keyboard has stopped registering keystrokes. It is connected - can use all the controls. It registers the instrument chosen on its display etc.. Keystrokes don't register (NOT that they are silent). Meaning no midi info is…
Changing audio destination is very slow
When I hit the channel button on my Maschine+, and want to change the destination af a sound using the first knob underneath the display, my Maschine reacts very slow. It takes a couple of seconds to move the selector to another channel. If I need to scroll all the way down for example, it takes ages. This has always been…