Can't use S61 MK3 with Maschine 3.0 in my DAW (Ableton)
So just what the title says. I can use the Maschine software on my desktop with my S61 MK3, but not when I open up a Maschine 3.0 instance in my DAW (Ableton). There is no drop down setting to connect to my S61 MK3. Shouldn't it automatically connect? My screen on my MK3 just says Default Midi Template. I updated the…
I bought Maschine Version 1 ten years ago. I want to continue using it on my new laptop
I offloaded the software via disc from my previous laptop. Do I have to find a CD drive somehow to put the CD in to it and load the software, with my registration and Product ID? I have used the links provided by istvan.fodor@native-instruments.com to download the software, which seems ready for usage. What's next? Thanks!
Refurbished maschine sold on Amazon as new?
Hi All I recently purchased a Maschine MK3 via Amazon and registered this last week. However, I didn't get all the software and when I checked raised a support ticket with NI they said I had a refurbished Maschine. I have checked my order on Amazon and my invoice and they confirm this was sold as new. (The seller was not…
dithering maschine
Is there automatic dithering in maschine when exporting a 32-bit project to a 16-bit WAV format?
How to open a license transfer ticket? (Getting lost in the AI loop)
I purchased a used Maschine Mikro MKIII from a local second-hand shop. A well-regarded franchise that takes care to track ownership details of all items they sell. After purchasing I realised a license transfer would be needed, so I contacted the shop. They have not been able to reach the previous owner after several…
What is Maschine 3.0 for?
I've been playing with Maschine 3.0 for a while now and I'm bothered by one thing. What is Maschine 3.0 for? Originally the purpose of the Maschine software was simple. It was the software you needed in order for your Maschine hardware to actually work as something that wasn't simply a midi controller. And, for me at…
Maschine mk2 working within the Maschine 3.x(with limitations)
People are likely unaware that you can run Maschine 2.x within the 3.x version… what does this mean in practical terms?? hard to say… as i have not fully experimented with it but if you are interested in experimenting with the Maschine mk2 controller… look for the Kushview elements VST
Maschine center library
I bought the upgrade with the Maschine Center expansion, I know that version 3 is not compatible with + ok…?? but I can't use the library independently either, does anyone have the same problem??? 😭😭😭😭
will future Expansions work with Maschine-SW 2.x ?
as written in the headline, I´m very interested to know if the future coming expansions will still work with my MaschineMk2 & Software 2 ? I'm asking because I've already suffered an expensive loss: the S88Mk1 no longer works with Komplete Kontrol 3 and so nobody wants to buy it from me. And if the MaschineMk2 still runs…
Will the new update for Mashine work with Maschine Studio
Hello Everyone… I'm working with Maschine studio which I Love that NI came with an updated for the Mashine! My QueQuestion is will the update work with my Mascine Studio
Broken HD: How to redownload Maschine expansion packs?
My hard drive is broken and I want to re download and re-install. Using Native access, I can only select "relocate". Any one pls?
Sound cutoff when starting my Maschine mk3
I recently bought a Maschine mk3 and I have a mute Problem. Whenever I start my Mk3 the audio on my Pc cuts off. I was watching a Tutorial and started the Mk3 and the Youtube Audio is just gone basically. I also updated to the new Maschine 3 if that changes anything. But I also can hear the maschine on my Computer just…
Undo option on mashine 3.0
anyone else having problem with trying to undo a midi recording. For example, I record a few notes with keys mashine mk3 then try to undo what I’ve just done, expecting the whole thing to be undone, but instantly, instead! The feature seems to try and undo the recording in note by note rather than the entire recording.
Maschine 3 Bundle
Hey all: Bought Maschine 3 Bundle but only Maschine Central showed up in Native Access. Anyone else run into this? Patt
How can I find Maschine 2 in Pro Tools?
It used to show up. Now there's no sign of Maschine 2 in the plugins list. How do I find it? I tried every step in the support fic-it page. Nothing worked. Please, somebody help! Thanks ahead of time! Tony
Friend had a stroke is Maschine 3 right?
Hi there, a best mate suffered a terrible stroke a month ago, life changing. This guy can't sit still, he was a Smoke Jumper and a Vetranarian, build his own house, and is in 3 bands. Now in a wheelchair and has trouble opening his eyes, and can barely hold a guitar. As you can see, he is an amazing person and a VERY…
Installing Maschine Mikro Mk3 on a late 2013 27” iMac running OS Catalina
I have an S49 Mk 2 Keyboard and am now considering purchasing a Maschine Mikro Mk3 and would like to know if anyone here has been successful in installing this Maschine hardware on a Mac running OS Catalina 10.15? Any info would be appreciated. Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Maschine 3 stem separation
Hi. I can access and enable Stems in the Edit window, and the process seems to run OK. However, it gets stuck when it reaches 100% and stays there. No new audio files are created. If I go to a new Group with a different audio file inserted, the Stems menu option is greyed out, confirming that Maschine is still trying to…
machine 3
i paid the 69.00 yesterday and never got the email with the download info
Maschine 3 Stems
Im so disappointed with NI be a customer over 10 yrs and this update sucks..Maschine won't take my mp3 and stem separation gets stuck at a 100% nothing happens .I beens sitting here over 3 hours trying everything. A wast of my time and money. MPC looking better and better everyday..