Maschine Software Will Not Show Up In Native Access To Download
Hello! I'm looking for some help with my new Maschine. I just received my new gear in the mail yesterday and everything else downloaded fine in Native Access except the Maschine software. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Native Access, re-entering the serial number, restarting/updating my computer and it does not show…
New library wont show up in Maschine
Im using the NA 360 pro and all the new libraries wont show up in maschine. I can see them in the path but i cant use them in the hardware or software. I also use logic and it works fine on there. Can anyone help?
Maschine 3 Software - BPM Counter for EXT.Sample-Rec.
Hi, I want to sample from records. Will we be able to have a BPM display in the external Sample Recording in the next Maschine 3 update? I mean that the Machine 3 software shows me the speed of the original recording using a BPM counter before recording.
Maschine 3.0 UI Pixelated
Just installed 3.0 and the UI is pixelated at any resolution. Fonts look horrible. MacBook Pro 16-inch, 2021 M1 Max Please advise - upgraders remorse!
How do i set up my mic on Maschine 2 on macbook air
I already granted permission to Maschine App settings for microphone It works on Sound input .. but its not being read by Maschine 2 its a Snowball Yeti microphone How do i set it up so i can record audio on Maschine 2
Maschine 3 MIDI Out: Random Freezes
Hi, I've created a ticket, but am wondering if anyone else has experienced this? Maschine 3 + Maschine Studio: Maschine stops sending MIDI out on port 1 at random times. I cannot reproduce. The only way to fix it is to restart the software. Restarting the hardware does not work. I'm going to switch to Port 2 and see if…
Problem loading kits into Maschine.
I had previously used Maschine 2 with a Maschine mk1 controller. I got a Maschine Mk3 for Christmas and installed all the packages and software bundle that came with it. Now I can't get barely any kits or sounds to load in to the Maschine software. I keep getting a window prompting me "Error loading kit Please activate via…
MK3, Cue, Solo, Mute
To whom it may concern, I am offering a short explanation on how Cue works in Maschine MK3: When you engage the cue switch of groups or sounds, the corresponding audio will be routed solely and always to the respective audio channel/device. Solo and Mute have no effect when cue is on. As far as I know, effects don't have…
Maschine FX Presets Collections
Hi, does anyone know of any collections of Maschine FX presets that are available outside of the default ones that come installed? I'm aware of these preset packs (listed below) but wanted to see if anyone had any other ones they wanted to share with the community.
Maschine Plus Expansion Fail to Install
Rare Vibration Fail to install on the New Maschine Plus. Any idea why the issue may be. Have rebooted and changed Wi-Fi with no success. No problem with other expansions loading. Hover plenty of memory so not an issue
Can't Install Maschine on my new Surface Pro 11
Just got a new Surface Pro 11 for the holidays, and am in the process of moving all of my workloads to the new system. Maschine, however seems to break when you install the application. Seems the BOME Virtual MIDI driver won't install correctly. I've seen older posts about this issue elsewhere (e.g. BOME's website) but it…
After emailing support and waiting for weeks I still don't have maschine software
So I emailed support weeks ago; they've responded multiple times with very vague and unhelpful responses that didn't solve my issue. I've explained multiple times, with pictures and proof, that I do not have the Maschine software for my Maschine device, which I registered on their website. It doesn't show up; I have…
Ableton Live 12.1 Controller Remote Scripts update
We need new controller Scripts for Ableton Live 12.1 for Maschine Studio, Jam, Mk2, Mikro Mk2!!!!! All controllers. Would be great if NI could update their scripts and even add some more screen integration. I think that would sell much more devices if the Ableton live integration was deeper on the KK keyboards similar the…
In Maschine 3, MIDI notes aren't being recorded and can't be drawn with pencil tool
Since buying my MK3, I'm loving it. I've since tried bringing an external synth into the mix, and that's when this issue started. This happens with USB to MIDI and MIDI cables as well. When playing the pads in keyboard mode, I can hear the synth, and see the notes light up on the piano roll, but no data is saved during the…
Maschine 3 crashes at every start on scanning plugins
I've cleand the registry and the appdata folder. I only scan vst3. I removed all other paths than the vst3 path. The scan hangs every time I try. And it hangs on random plugins. Waves, Wurli 2, VC76, AGLP. Sorry, but this is an alpha version, not a V3.01. It is absolutely terrible. And the problem exist since more than 10…
Maschine 3.0 wont open
Windows user. Maschine 3 wont open .It appears to crash as it opens the gui. Any suggestions?
Wrong Buffersize passed to VST3 Interface in Maschine 3.01
Hi folks, seems I found a bug in Maschine SW. Reproducable with Maschine 2 and Maschine 3 Software. Also reproducable with WIN11 and MacOS 15. It seems that VST3 Instruments with variable buffer-size always get Buffersize 128 as parameter when initialized. This leads to Pops and Crackles in CPU Heavy Instruments and…
Support provided download links don’t work…
Posting here because the support guy assumed giving me the download links was case closed and solved. Not sure If I’ll get a reply since it was closed. WRONG… Thanks for assuming the ticket would be closed. It seems google drive is not the best to use for this purpose. When I try to download the link it tells me that the…
Extremely disappointed
Maschine 3.0 will not load instruments and does not show kontakt