Another Itsruments Same QuickLoad appear
I Added Instruments Categoly to Multi,Banks,Instruments. there is cotegoly but another instruments,same categoly apprear. I want each instruments,each categoly. Please tell me how should I do
Error Message when trying to download Kontakt Factory Library 2
My factory library kept failing to download once it hit 4.29gb. No issues with other libraries. When I clicked on it and selected "Locate", it said that the place it was was "unable to retrieve owned products". Can someone please help?
not able to buy Kontakt 7 update
Hi I'm trying to get Kontak7, while trying to purchase it , Native Instruments recommends that I update my Kontakt5. When I click to buy the update, I'm getting the message below. Oops, something went wrong here. Sorry, the requested page could not be found.
GUI Problems in REAPER with Session Guitarist Electric Sunburst during playback
Hi, I'm having some problems in REAPER with Session Guitarist Electric Sunburst (Deluxe). During playback, mouse operation of the GUI elements is getting interrupted, making it impossible to tweak the settings. When playback is stopped, everything works normal. Same behavior on Electric Mint. I'm also owning Prime Bass and…
Kontakt 7 Rudiments VST caused me to lose sound for a project in FL Studio
I went to turn the swing nob in the rudiments VST and then all of a sudden, I lost sound. I saved (which I shouldn't have done because I saved the problem) and then closed out FL. When I open that project, I have no sound. All other projects are fine. This is the second time this has happened to me, where I lost a project…
Anyone else notice that Drumlab often outputs full velocity sample even when velocity is low?
Hi, I am using DrumLab, the Fat->Praise preset. I notice that it is very often the case that hits like snare, HH, play at full or nearly full velocity, even if the note in the DAW (in my case Logic) is a low velocity. For instance, especially with HH samples. If I have F#1, with velocity 50, if I press the note in Piano…
Evolving Textures Tips
While this may be common knowledge to many of y'all, something that has really opened up doors for me creatively is using the up and down arrows next to "view" to load multiple Kontakt instruments at the same time creating unique textures and sounds. Taking this a step further you can assign faders or knobs to various…
changing presets in Kontakt 7
Hi I can't seem to scroll through the presets in Kontakt 7, I don't see anywhere to do this on each instrument in the rack can anyone help? Thanks
Hello: Just purchased a copy of Kontakt 7 and trying to import my Spitfire BBC Orchestra Discover
Cannot fine instructions on net how to do this. Everything I've tried so far has failed. Anyone else here been able to do this? Thanks….
Simple Kontakt 7 VST3 Default Multi Upgrade for time saving
Load Kontakt 7 into your DAW. Click on VIEW>Outputs. Click the plus sign to configure. In the dialog box enter 16 for Quantity, 2 for Channels, click Delete current Channels or configure as you wish and click OKAY. You can save this configuration by clicking the PRESET>SavePreset with a descriptive name. Add 16 New…
Missing moving indicator... editing patterns in Sessions Strings 2
In the Rythm Animator of Session Strings 2 there is a control (bar at the very bottom of picture) for setting the start and end points of the pattern. In videos that I've watched, in everyone, there is a moving, square, white box (curser) that indicates where in the pattern the current play (head) is. For some reason I do…
Previous Versions of updated Kontakt libraries
Hi, since I can't install Kontakt 7 on my Mac with OS Yosemite, having to stay with Kontakt 6, I can no longer load in my DAW the "Electric Sunburst Deluxe" and "Picked Acoustic" updated libraries. I tried more than once to download the old versions of the two libraries (compatible with Kontakt 6), but the link provided on…
Sonic Implants Symphonic Library use in Kontakt 5 and 6 libraries question
I recently purchased this excellent library then realized it was only programmed to work with Kontakt 1 thru 4. I'm registered for K5 and K6 but not earlier versions. Several online folks said it wouldn't work on those and I'd need either Kontakt 4 or the K4 player version. I couldn't find either, but while searching I…
Downloaded Kontakt nki files
Hi I've downloaded some nki files, where should I save these on my Mac? and should I save the nkc and nkr files as well?
Are the Kontakt7 cernel crashes on Mac Sonoma fixed in 14.6.1?
hi all! Are the panic crashes on Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1 with the latest version of Kontakt7 solved? Thank you for your reply.
Kontakt's Missing Content Error in Old Cubase Project - Stuck in Demo Mode
Hi, I'm encountering a Missing Content error message in Kontakt when loading an old project in Cubase. The error reads: "Kontakt: One or more Kontakt instances cannot be recalled correctly, perhaps due to missing content. Please open any Kontakt instance in your host, Komplete Kontrol or Maschine to resolve the issue." I…
Kontakt not loading my instruments
In file explorer on WIN 11, my instrument files are there. When I try to load in Kontakt 5, 6 or 7, the instruments do not show up & or if they do, they don't load. As an example, in Spitfire Strings, all the nki or nks files are in the folder, but they won't show up when in Kontakt, so can't load. Same thing in…
Kontakt as multi output instrument in Logic Pro
Hi Can anyone tell me if it's possible to route each drum sound from a synth drum kit to individual tracks in Logic Pro and if so how? thanks.
Kontakt 7 missing samples
Hi, I feel like this is a basic question but here goes. Kontakt sometimes reports missing samples from one of my libraries and I'm not sure what's causing it. Is there a setting in Kontakt I can use to make sure Kontakt remembers the sample locations every time? Thanks in advance :)
Third Party Libraries are in DEMO MODE although I have Full Kontakt 7
Hello, I have an activated version of Kontakt 7 (via Native Acces) and whenever I use a third party library, that I cant add/validate via Native Access, I get the DEMO prompt. And after half an hour or so I have to reload that library because "Kontakt full version required". Pressing on upgrade wont fix the issue. Opening…