How to submit a trouble ticket?
Can someone tell me how to submit a trouble ticket? I am experiencing the same issue as a few others with my S61 Mk2 keyboard. Everything functions as it should, and perfectly, except that it "freezes" every time I press the "SETUP" button. After that, it remains on the "SETUP" screen (see attachment); the keys will…
Lizenz transfer
Hi @all I sold my S61 MK2, FM8 and Super 8 and have already started the license transfer several times. It doesn't work and Native Instruments doesn't respond to my contact. What am I doing wrong? Starting the license transfer isn't difficult. But the licenses aren't being transferred. It's been like this for 5 days now.…
Can some help me out on Komplete Kontrol keyboard?
I set it up with Logic but I don't hear any sound from the keyboard, I think that the setting is wrong, thanks in advance
Regarding the previous method of classifying Komplete Kontrol by manufacturer.
When Komplete Kontrol 2 was released, I really liked the method of categorizing by manufacturer. It allowed me to see which manufacturer's category I was in, and I could simply scroll down. But now, I have to click on the manufacturer's name in the tags to see the corresponding manufacturer. Sometimes, when I don’t…
S88 for live with different MIDI channels
I've read previous posts and don't see a clear answer to this question. I see in the S88 mk3 manual, in MIDI mode, "The keys send MIDI Note messages and MIDI Key Pressure messages (polyphonic aftertouch) on MIDI channel 1." This would be a replacement of my main controller (PC88) to use live with Apple MainStage. I need to…
NI Kontrol S61 MK3 screen size
Hi, I'm looking to get a screen protector for my S61 MK3. There are places that will cut you a custom size screen protector so I'm wondering if someone at NI can give me the exact dimensions including (if possible) the corner radius. Thank you!
No tracking info no support
I placed an order for the S61 Ultimate Bundle and have not received any tracking information even though the email i received confirmed it was shipped. I've been trying to get a hold of someone in the customer support channel you have, which is ONLY live chat and no one is responding. Been waiting for over 2 hours now and…
S88 Stuck in Loading, Velocity Keys and Transport Not Responding (Possible Fix)
I had this issue a couple of times now, and could not figure out how I worked it out the first time. This second time (after an update I believe) I had the same issue. I looked for a fix, but could not get a clear answer. It seems it "FIXED" the issue By Launching Native Access, and Reinstalling "Komplete Kontrol." This…
Komplete Kontrol Stuck on "Waiting for product scan..."
Komplete Kontrol just recently started having this issue. I could not correlate the problem to anything with Native Instruments, as I had not updated anything recently and everything had been going smoothly otherwise. I was instead focused on my hard drive, which has some files for Native Instruments on it. I can access…
Kontrol S MK3- There needs to be A Product Recall
Another firmware update, another time bricked. This is not normal, this is not acceptable and we shouldn't cringe every time we see the notification and wonder how much time is this going to cost me to fix it . Yes I run 2 usb C cables, one for power and one for data.
Komplete Kontrol S61 MK3 integration in Maschine Software und Maschine MK3
Hallo Ich habe mir das Komplete Kontrol S61 MK3 gekauft. Nun ist mir in der Maschine Software aufgefallen,wenn ich eine Gruppe wechsle,daß sich im Display der Komplete Kontrol S61 MK3 nicht das Instrument wechselt. Kann ich das manuell im Keyboard umstellen? Leider gibt es das Handbuch des S61 MK3 nur in englisch. Wird es…
Keybed adhesive strips - What are they for?
On the delivery note from LetMeRepair (KK S88 MK2) they say that 7 keybed adhesive strips 16x30 mm have been replaced. What are they for?
help please with my mk3 keyboard
I just installed a new master keyboard last week. I already had trouble updating it from the start (error messages) but finally succeeded. Today, I cannot update my mk3 keyboard, error message again, which persists despite my attempts. However, I updated the driver (automatically) + Windows + checked the device manager for…
Zebra2 and KK
hey folks… I have a new 61 key KK keyboard mk3 … everything is up to date. Trying to run Zebra2 inside KK and I'm getting a strange error message concerning vst2 and vst3 migration. I am at a loss.
how do i add my products to another computer after my first one crashed and fried harddrive?
how do i transfer or add my products to a different computer?
Kontrol S Mk3 - Custom Midi Templates - Do Midi Templates Dynamically to VSTs in Ableton
Kontrol S Mk3 - Custom Midi Templates - Do Midi Templates Dynamically / Automatically map in Ableton Live to whichever vst plugin is selected with the mouse? If I have a current project of 50-100 plugins I want whichever plugin I select in the project with the mouse for my midi template to instantly load and give me hands…
Using A49 with NKS plugins outside of Komplete Kontrol
Hello Is it possible to use my A49 with NKS plugins without using Komplete Kontrol and have the control pots automatically assigned to the controllers on the plugin?
Komplete Kontrol Perform View not Updating Instrument
Am I doing something stupid? I select an instrument, go into Perform view and all is fine. I change again once or twice, then the perform screen stays on the last instrument and refuses to change. Example At this point I am stuck with the Melted Vibes image whatever I do. Thanks in advance for your help!
Komplete Kontrol won't auto update with preset change (KBDSW-7912)
Just upgraded to Sonoma, with the latest Cubase Pro 13, and all of a sudden, if I open up a Komplete Kontrol vst, and then change a preset, it still shows the old one. It doesn’t autoupdate. I have to close the plugin window and re-open it. Any thoughts?
New Komplete Kontrol 3.3 Update
Hi! I just installed the newest update for Komplete Kontrol (3.3) and my S61 MK2 is not getting recognized any more by Komplete Kontrol. Neither the Standalone version of KK nor the VST3 version in Cubase seem to recognize the keyboard. What happened ?