Sampling sound changes when I leave sample screen



  • Cowboydon
    Cowboydon Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    I tried every single thing you guys said before I responded to each message.

    ive had my machine for a year now. So i know my way around it fairly well . Not a vet but i have been able to understand all of your instruction.

    Let me ask this-

    when you load a browser plugin instrument. It makes the exact sound you heard when you exit browser and go into pad mode??

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    Answer ✓

    It depends on many variables: some examples…the project tempo settings could make the instruments sound a little different, having other instruments on the project which have some frequencies in common can alterate the way you perceive the sound, as already mentioned by D-one the volume can make the sound seem different,…

    But…if the question is if the preview reflects what will be loaded…I would in general answer yes

  • Cowboydon
    Cowboydon Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Yeah. Which would be logical. But for whatever reason my software is working illogically. With all the latest software, etc

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