Notes From EASY Scale Mode or Chords to ARP to the the Exact Midi Notes ( Ableton )

Tawguih Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited July 2023 in Komplete Kontrol

Hello ,

I have Komplete Kontrol S49 , and i need to use the Scale Mode as example , but i need the Right Notes to be written , i will Explain :-

If I am on scale mode , and choosing Bb Minor Scale , and setting the Mode to EASY , The Bb becomes the C note and so on , so whenver i press C , it sound Bb !

I need to copy this Midi notes into a new Midi Track ( Not Komplete ) , and i need the real notes to apear so it doesnt sound a C , it sounds a Bb

Same thing for the ARP & Chords ...

Thank you , Hope it 's well explained


Best Answer

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    It's easy. Just play and record your one note chords on a midi track with Komplete Kontrol.

    Create a second empty midi track, and there, on the right where it says "All Ins" select the Komplete Kontrol track, where it says Post Fx, again select the Komplete Kontrol track. That's in arrangement view, in session view it's the same, but options to change are found below, just above the volume slider.

    Record arm that second midi track, push record and done. Your one note chords from Komplete Kontrol are now recorded as full midi chords on the second track.

    From there you can do whatever you want with that midi, put an instrument on the track, copy the midi to any other track, modify the midi in the piano roll,...


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @Tawguih You can do that in Ableton or Cubase when you use the Komplete Kontrol VST or VST3: Ableton Live Guide: Sending MIDI from the KOMPLETE KONTROL Plug-in

    Sending MIDI from the KOMPLETE KONTROL Plug-in in Cubase

    It could be possible in other DAWs as long as you can use VST or VST3, The AU format doesn't allow that in Logic for example.

  • Tawguih
    Tawguih Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited July 2023

    Thank you for your reply , but this is not what I need , the solution you have sent is to make me Use the Komplete Options on another Midi Track , so That if Konplet Kontrol is on Track 1 , I Record on Grack 1 and the sounds comes from Track 2

    but What i Need is if I Am using as example the CHORDS option , and Hits C , It will sound C Maj Chord , But the recorded note on the Midi Line will be just the C Note , which is what i dont want

    i want When i Press the C , that Produces the C Maj Chord , the recorded notes to be C E G

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    You have to do it as posted, the chords are sent out the midi port of the plug-in, not to the track. Once captured on a second track, just copy/paste to track 1 then disable the chord feature.

  • Ed M
    Ed M Member Posts: 151 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    It's easy. Just play and record your one note chords on a midi track with Komplete Kontrol.

    Create a second empty midi track, and there, on the right where it says "All Ins" select the Komplete Kontrol track, where it says Post Fx, again select the Komplete Kontrol track. That's in arrangement view, in session view it's the same, but options to change are found below, just above the volume slider.

    Record arm that second midi track, push record and done. Your one note chords from Komplete Kontrol are now recorded as full midi chords on the second track.

    From there you can do whatever you want with that midi, put an instrument on the track, copy the midi to any other track, modify the midi in the piano roll,...

  • Martin Schmid
    Martin Schmid Member Posts: 96 Member

    @Jeremy_NI am I understanding right that w/ the newer MK3 KK keyboard… this is no longer necessary to record.. then send midi to a second track? Is that what 'onboard play assist' described here would let me do?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @Martin Schmid Yes indeed. Excepf for the Arp functions that are not yet working in "standalone" but it's coming in the next updates.

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