Massive stuck on initializing



  • marcopmp
    marcopmp Member Posts: 13 Member

    I'd say it's official: massive DOES NOT work with windows 11 ! 

    I tried to install Massive, after downloading it with the link from the site, on my brand new just bought Microsoft Surface Pro 9, and it doesn't work: after launching it, the initial splashscreen written "initializing" remains and it doesn't go on. 

    Does Native Instrument think they're doing something or is that okay?

  • PayneSculptures
    PayneSculptures Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Were you ever able to find a solution @marcopmp ? I am having the EXACT same issues as you. Tried installing on two different Windows 10 PCs freezes on initializing, will not allow me to change any settings or drivers. I also use Realtek btw for my Audio device. No Audio Interface used. Trying standalone version of Massive on both so no DAW to complicate things. Both freeze and eat all of the memory. There is clearly a memory leak in this version of Massive with Windows 10. It's a nightmare. I guess I'm not going to buy the product during the summer sale if the demo cannot run on two seperate different Windows 10 PCs

  • marcopmp
    marcopmp Member Posts: 13 Member

    no, any solution yet ...

    i'm waiting for NAtive support.....

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @marcopmp We tried to install the demo on various Windows 11 systems without a problem, it is working, not sure why it does happen to you. I created a ticket and contacted you by email. My colleagues will check your case.

    On a side note, even though I help on the forum, this is not a substitute for support. There is a dedicated section, you can access it on the top of the page.

  • ProducerN1
    ProducerN1 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I Have the Same problem status "initializing" and doesn't work on win 10

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    edited July 2023

    @ProducerN1 And you went through ALL the steps here? My NI Software Crashes at Startup (Windows)

  • marcopmp
    marcopmp Member Posts: 13 Member

    I went through ALL the steps, but nothing changed ....

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @marcopmp I contacted you by email on June 15th, but you never replied, didn't you receive my email?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @marcopmp I've sent it once again, please check your inbox and let me know if you got it ASAP.

  • marcopmp
    marcopmp Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited August 2023

    I have the email notifying me of your response on the community, but NOT the one you sent me, not even in spam....

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    I made several attempts again, also reached out to the teams responsible for our systems. You should have received these messages, check with your email inbox, settings, spam, etc...or send me an alternative email address by direct message. I've removed your image, you shouldn't be sharing email addresses and private data on a public forum.

  • jhadingham
    jhadingham Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited August 2023

    has anyone fixed this issue as mine has worked fine then all of a sudden iv had this error come up .tried all sorts and nothing works. im sure this happened when i added a few diff folders with presets.. before it was working untill then.i loaded it back up to the same issue people are having on this site...hope this helps narrow the issue down.iv installed older versions of massive,cleared directories,took out all folders with the presets.added asio again.install intel pci communication engine installed pretty much everything again. still no luck

  • Mistr
    Mistr Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I had exactly the same issue. Massive got stuck on "initializing" when run in standalone mode. No preset was able to load. It crashed the whole Cubase 12, when loaded as VST.

    Plain uninstall and reinstall process did not help. So I tried to delete the Massive settings in Windows Register. It worked (without re-installation needed).

    Solution for me:

    Delete the whole folder [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Massive].

    Run Massive again. Massive asks for default driver. Choose one that works. Massive creates whole settings in registry again.

    Note: The rootcause might have been Flex ASIO drivers, which were removed as default driver (but this is only an assumption).

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