Reaktor high-definition display



  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 49 Member

    Look at Native Instruments' promotion of Reaktor in recent years, and you can hardly see it anymore.

    It's very worrying, and it doesn't provide a plan, or simply announce that there won't be any major updates in the future, which can help users stop worrying. This may be a good thing.

    Take a look at ReasonStudios, they will provide a plan, although it was not completed in time, it was still completed in the end. I once wrote an email to Native Instruments asking when Reaktor 7 would be launched, and they say it was fast, but now it seems that worry is more than joy.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 945 Guru

     I once wrote an email to Native Instruments asking when Reaktor 7 would be launched, and they say it was fast...

    Oh really? when was that?

  • MvKeinen
    MvKeinen Member Posts: 41 Member

    Yes, when I think about it I was worrying for many years about the future of reaktor. But that doesn't help in any way. When I got back to the software after a 3 years break, it was still awesome. I even had the impression that initialisation got faster. The unification of event and audio core cells was big IMO. But its true, new things are around the corner like MIDI 2.0 or not-so-new things like multitouch and HiDpi. So its fair to say the Reaktor isn't at the forefront of audio software developments any more, and that's a pity. Best thing we users and builders can do is continue to have fun with it and maybe some developer or decision maker can see how important it is.

    It is not always the pursuit of the biggest money that makes a company stand out in the long run. Its just the question if the right people at NI understand that. NI clearly isn't been seen in the high regard it has been in the past. Everybody who is interested in music software knows that. The question is if they care. It seem some of them do, some don't.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited June 2023

    For example, the snap value module can set default values, but in versions prior to 6, there was a function to reset the default values you set, which was later removed.

    In preferences at range you can set your own Default in snap value.

    Indeed, I have seen many people say that it is dead, which is something I don't like to see or hear

    Yes, people they don't build say so. But if you can realize your ideas, it isn't dead.

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 49 Member

    Actually, just like you, I have not been use it for two years. I know what you mean, as long as you have unlimited ideas, the Reaktor can still help us achieve many things. However, I hope that Native Instruments can pay more attention to it, after all, I have been spending a lot of time on it.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited June 2023

    I can't count the time: started in 2004 with R4 Session. My last uploads was a Block and an advantage version of it: Brass EQ based on ideas and developments by Chet Singer. It was a question here in the forum. Koan push me to the right way. So my first complete core coding open it's eyes.

    Brass EQ+ the advantage embedded in pandoro 29 ensemble:

    and the basic of it


    The Brass EQ+ carries it owns LFO as I want to use it with Super 8. It's difficult to the LFO of Super 8 to mod Brass EQ+. Now it my desired one and I share it with you in U/L.

  • ehdyn
    ehdyn Member Posts: 26 Helper

    I would say now that they've gotten the Apple Silicon transition out of the way that's a positive signal for continued development of Reaktor.

    Now that they've had to go through the codebase with a fine-tooth comb.. it shows that there's at least someone there who has had to get to grips with it and is capable of adding improvements.

    Don't think they would have bothered if they had no plans to continue adding functionality.

    Hopefully we'll hear something soon..

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert

    Exactly. Porting Reaktor to AS is not just "compatibility update".... It had to include deep rework. And programmers who did it had to go way deep into the internals. Compiler for AS had to be written/included. Hard task. No, just compatibility update.

    If NI has decided to invest so much to transition of Reaktor for AS, Reaktor has future in eyes of NI. Otherwise it would ended up as EOL.

    HiDpi slowly arrives to NI plugins. One day Reaktor will get it as well...

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 49 Member

    The support for Apple Silicon is a bit of a must go process, with many DAWs and plugins supporting it, even the laziest ReasonStudios. However, considering this as a trend, Native Instruments will definitely be forced to make such a decision. But I think just such a high-definition feature won't confuse them for many years, right? What I mean is if they just added Reaktor support for Apple Silicon, but then left it alone, just like adding VST3 support for products like Massive and FM8, and letting them stay there forever. Anyway, Reaktor is indeed an old product.

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 49 Member

    I still don't want to take an optimistic view of this matter, after all, the official has not made too many surprising moves towards Reaktor for a long time. Even the official blog is too lazy to mention Reaktor. We also hope it's good, but we've been looking forward to the issue for a long time, but getting such an update is not enough, I think.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    We have a diff'rent look to our live. Myself is a pessimistic optimist! ^^

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,009 Expert

     What I mean is if they just added Reaktor support for Apple Silicon, but.....

    But NI has not just added Reaktor support for AS.... It was enormous amount of work, lot of writting new code, rewritting old one, enormous amout of testing, optimizing, testing, optimizing, ..... Probably thousands of manhours, millions spent....

    They could say, hey no more Reaktor. Or no more Reaktor for AS, just Win, instead.

    NI has terminated Absynth and Super 8 v2. They could do the same with Reaktor, but instead invested a lot of money and human resources in its continuation....

    I am optimistic pesimist. I see bright future for Reaktor.... Maybe....

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 49 Member

    I am optimistic pesimist. I see bright future for Reaktor.... Maybe....

    I also hope to see more of the future of Reaktor, but I think it should give us something to see, such as releasing the next plan for Reaktor, rather than waiting coldly. Also, I have a very bold fantasy. It would be great if the Reaktor Instruments could support polyphonic connections, just like the VCV Rack's polyphonic connection.

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 120 Advisor

    Reaktor instruments ARE polyphonic. Blocks are not but that is a choice and not a limitation of the software,they are also cpu intensive so polyphonic would make some unusable.Some people did tweaks some blocks to make them polyphonic.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 945 Guru

    Yep, I developed a system for polyphonic Blocks years ago that is compatible with standard Blocks. A version of that is used in some of the Toybox Blocks.

    There are lots of things that would be nice to have in Reaktor, but as it stands it is incredibly powerful, and works great. As long as NI are willing to keep it compatible as platforms change, then it can go for years without any other changes and still be a fantastic platform.

    The GUI thing is maybe most pressing as more folk move to high resolution monitors. I imagine that change will come at some point when the numbers demand it. I'm still on a big old 1080p monitor, so it works just fine for me. A poll would be interesting though. What percentage of users are on hi res systems?

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