Why do I have multiple listings for Kontakt, Kontakt7, Super8 and Massive in Komplete Kontrol menus.

Joe Cotter
Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Why do I have multiple listings for Kontakt, Kontakt7, Super8 and Massive in Komplete Kontrol menus. Also, have listings for VST2 versions of plugins even though I removed them. I tried shutting down Komplete Kontrol and forcing rescan before and after shutting down but it does nothing.

Best Answer

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    Ok i will make one last attempt to clarify some things, as much simpler as i can.

    1- VST Location (32bit) and VST Location (64bit) mentioned in your image, are both, locations for the VST2 format (the old format). Those locations are for the .dll files (the old, VST2 format) only.

    2- VST3 is the new format. VST3 Folders are always those paths: C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 (for the 64bit versions) and C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 (for the 32bit versions). Those are "universal" folders for all VST3 plugins (but only for VST3 plugins, not VST2) so Native Instruments or any other developer, never include that paths as an option. There is no need for that, since they are standard folders, for every developer and they can not be changed.

    3- In your setup (as seen in the image above), you are driving all the VST2 plugins (the old format) to install on the VST3 locations. -->As long as you continue to do that, you will not solve your problem.<-- Please, trust me on this and change those 2 paths in your image, to any other folder, except for the VST3 default folders.

    Important note for understand the whole case: Assuming that you are using both versions (64bit and 32bit) and both formats (VST2 and VST3), you need to have at least 4 folders:

    A) 2 folders for the 32bit versions:

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 for your 32bit VST3 (new format)
    • Whatever folder you choose for the location "VST Location (32bit)" (in your image), for the 32bit VST2 (old format)

    B) 2 folders for the 64bit versions:

    • C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 for your 64bit VST3 (new format)
    • Whatever folder you choose for the location "VST Location (64bit)" (in your image), for the 64bit VST2 (old format)

    This article may provide you even more clarification:

    I tried to explain the case in the most simple and logical way i could. I hope that this time it will help you!



  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited June 2023

    You need to rebuild your Komplete Kontrol database.

    • Make sure Komplete Kontrol isn't running.
    • Go to folder C:\Users\your_name\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol.
    • Find a file named komplete.db3 and delete it
    • Start Komplete Kontrol again and it will rebuild its entire library and remove anything that is double or non existed

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    Unfortunately this did not fix it. I even restarted the computer after deleting the db file and before starting Komplete Kontrol again, still getting doubling. I'm thinking it's finding bad registry entries at this point but can't say for sure.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Is it possible that maybe you have some "forgotten" versions on a different folder? Did you check in your disc?

    Otherwise, you should go and check your registry at this key:


    If you find 2 entries of the same instrument, remove the older one.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Before messing with deleting files and registry keys, if you simply right-click each entry and open the location is it opening the same location or different locations? Maybe there are duplicates for some reason.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    I trained systems engineers for my career, so no it's not possible I have a "forgotten" version on a different folder. Have already checked that registry key and there are no duplicate sub keys there.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    The duplicates all open the same instance and grey out the other listings when selected/loaded. I should have mentioned that earlier. You can't 'right click' on the listing in Kontakt. It has no right click functionality defined. You can only select an entry. (I did try right clicking.)

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    No, I am talking in Komplete Kontrol since you mention things show up as duplicates there

    If you open the location of the NKS file, is it the same file that it is locating or different? Have you ever moved any of your content around from one location to another?

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    Sorry, meant Komplete Kontrol. However, I'm not talking about doubling in the nks files shown, I'm talking about doubling in the menu listing for adding an instrument as shown in the image:

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    Ok, so I uninstalled Komplete Kontrol, restarted computer and reinstalled and same issue. I then uninstalled, deleted %appdata%/..(Komplete Kontrol) folder and registry entries... reinstalled, same issue. Note, made sure the only path in Komplete Kontrol was for "c:\program files\common files\vst3" and removed duplicate files that were in the vst3 folder and NI folder, including dll's... yet still have duplicate entries under Plugins list even though there are no duplicates in the folder structure of the only path listed.

    Which again, seems to lead back to registry entries as the only possible reason it seems. All of this occurred after upgrading from 13 complete to 14 collectors.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    @Joe Cotter

    According to your "registry" image you post above, it is exactly as i said. You DO have duplicate files on different folders!

    That's a duplicate. You have one instance inside VST3 folder and a second instance inside VST3/Native Instruments folder. It is so clear!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Ok, i just show your latest comment, you have successfully find out your duplicates and deleted them. Well done!

    But still you see duplicates, because now it is the right time to do the "delete %appdata%/..(Komplete Kontrol) folder" trick. The reason that didn't worked before is that those files were real duplicates, so obviously the program found them again after database rebuild. You are very close to solve this! :-)

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    Wrong on one and wrong on two.... First, they are not duplicates. Second, I deleted %appdata% after deleting the other vsts/dlls.

    I will start with one. Evidently you aren't familiar with how Native Access populates your folders with vsts/dlls, so I will explain. If you go to NI Access and look at the settings, you will see that there are folders for 32bit vsts, 64bit vsts, and dlls (vst 2.4) Throw in Au files and you have a lot of "duplicates" that you have no control over being populated on your computer, other than to delete them afterwards as I did in this case to try and "hack" my system to see if I could get rid of the duplicate listings. Many other companies allow you to select which files you want on your system, NI does not. For instance, in my environment, I only use 64bit VST3 format, but I cannot tell NI not to install all of the other formats. Those other formats are what I deleted. I then deleted the %appdata% folder in an attempt to get rid of the duplicate listings, hoping that if the software didn't see any other vsts other than the 64 bit vst3 files, that it might solve the problem. It did not. I should mention, this seems to have shown up after I upgraded from NI 13 Ultimate to 14 Collectors.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited June 2023

    Believe me, i am very familiar with what Native Access does, where the folders are and what is VST and anything else you write. I am a professional musician working with VST's since 1998. And with all respect, you are mistaken on some things. :-)

    First thing: Nobody use 32bit plugins anymore, and for sure not Native Instruments. So, there are no 32bit setups through Native Access. There are VST2 and VST3 (which are both 64bit!). Native Access provide its own VST folders at C:\Program Files\Native Instruments but this can be change through Native Access settings. Usually most users change that path to the path they have all the rest VST plugins. Yes, indeed Native Access offers a 32bit plugin folder path, but this is just a "relic" from the past and i think the only reason that still exists, is for some backward compatibility reason.

    Second thing: Yes they are duplicates. Lets see why, from the start, ok?:

    VST3 folder in C:\Program Files\Common Files, is for VST3 plugins (.vst3), only. Not for the VST2 plugins (.dll). VST2 has it's own folder, usually at C:\Program Files\VST Plugins, or C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VST Plugins. Your configuration has everything in the VST3 folder which is a not at all a good idea. However, when i see your last image, its says that all plugins are (VST3), which indicates that either you have double files somewhere else, or you didn't make the whole process (deleting, cleaning, rebuilding) correctly.

    Simply said: If you indeed 1) deleted all your double vst's and 2) deleted the komplete.db3 file from appdata folder and 3) rebuild your database, in this particular order (1->2->3) and not vise-versa, there is absolutely no way to have duplicates! Sorry, but I and most older members here, has done this process a dozen times, and talked about it dozens more. There is no way to be wrong (the process) and there is no way that this is a bug. It is something from your side, 100%. I know very well what i am talking about.

    So, the only remain explanation is that, somehow, you have them on a totally different folder from what you expected! For example, at C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VST Plugins. So, please check all possible locations not just the Common VST3 folder and the registry. Also check the locations inside program (the example is from my Maschine, but it is exactly the same in Komplete Kontrol).

    A final note and maybe a "tip" for you: I never have your kind of problems because i never let Native Access or any other program to manipulate my computer without my knowledge. What Native Access does, called a "silent install". I don't like this, so after Native downloads the program or library i want, and at the moment it starts to install it, i go to my download folder and copy the installation file somewhere else (otherwise it gets deleted when Native Access finish the setup). Then i cancel the process through task manager, i close Native Access and do a manual install, where i choose exactly what i want (which usual is VST3 only) and nothing else! Finally, i open Native Access again, and everything is there, ready to be used. No problems, no mistakes, no duplicates or wrong folders, ever.

    Either way, i won't bother you again, good luck! :-)

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    I'm a systems engineer. I think I would know if I have duplicate files. Regardless of what you say NI sets up 32bit contrary to your initial statement: "First thing: Nobody use 32bit plugins anymore, and for sure not Native Instruments. So, there are no 32bit setups through Native Access."

    Some people do have environments that use 32bit vsts. I don't, so as I said, I deleted them just to make sure there was no possible interaction. I only have a path for the 64bit installation, that's it. You are getting hostile and just trying to justify your ignorant statements which is not helpful. I appreciate that you will leave the chat as your aggressiveness and insistence on incorrect information is less than helpful. If you were willing to try to work through the situation with me that would be different. This is not a back and forth where one person is trying to help another uncover what the issue is but a lecture from someone who incorrectly is insisting on things that have nothing to do with the issue at hand.

    Only path listed (in Komplete Kontrol preference)..... as I had posted earlier, and only 64bit vsts (or dlls where no 64bit vst is available.)

    Btw, your image showing "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3" is only partially correct. There are 32bit VST3 files in that folder, and 64bit VST3s in a subfolder "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Native Instruments" which from your post you aren't evidently aware of.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    I could get into the many incorrect statements you made in the last post but I will leave it with a simple example: "So, there are no 32bit setups through Native Access." ... See Native Access preferences dialog box below.

    I originally wrote a post going through the issues, but realized that the aggressiveness and toxicity you have created here have made this forum post impossible to get a positive back and forth dialog that could possibly explore the actual issue I'm dealing with. I don't think anyone would want to enter this environment to try and help after this level of toxicity unfortunately. You have been less than helpful.

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