Why do I have multiple listings for Kontakt, Kontakt7, Super8 and Massive in Komplete Kontrol menus.



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,088 Expert

    Don't let his attitude sour your attempt at a resolution, it should be a simple thing to solve and arguing over who posted the right/wrong info is pointless in a help thread.

    Forgive me if the steer is in the wrong direction, or it has been asked, I don't have time to re-read everything here but now we know the issue is duplicate plugins listed and not duplicate NKS files

    In the AppData folder:

    C:\Users\[Your User]\AppData\Local\Native Instruments\Komplete Kontrol

    There is a "Plugin.data" file which holds all the scanned plugins. Have you tried to delete this and rescan again, especially after you deleted the duplicate plugins? OFC do this with KK closed then allow it to rescan the plugins on startup.

    If you open this file in Notepad++ and simply search for the duplicate plugin names does it show multiple locations or the same location? Not sure you can simply edit these out as it appears to be a binary file, possibly a db file but didn't bother to look in a db viewer. Deleting it should work tho.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    The whole folder was deleted at various points, but more directly to your question, after all duplicate files were deleted, and a rescan was done.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    Yes, the entire Komplete Kontrol folder was deleted and then a rescan was done. I looked at the file, but as you saw it is a binary file with some plain text and therefore hard to parse. I didn't see duplicates in it but due to it's nature and length I can't say for certain there weren't.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited June 2023

    Dear Joe, there is no "toxicity" mate, i am only try to explain some facts.

    As i wrote in the previous comment (it is still there, please check it), "Yes, indeed Native Access offers a 32bit plugin folder path, but this is just a "relic" from the past and i think the only reason that still exists, is for some backward compatibility reason."

    But... in reality there are no 32bit plugins (don't take my word for it, just search your disc). If i am wrong please tell me you, @JesterMgee (btw, what do you mean "his attitude" dear Jes? did you actually read what i wrote? where exactly is my mistake?) or anyone else, where are those 32bit plugins? I haven't see any 32bit version on any Native Instruments setup, since at least 3 years, or more.

    Why you call my attempt to share some true facts as "toxicity" dear Joe? And what else is wrong in my previous post? I pointed out the difference between VST2 and VST3, i even gave you a tip, to help you install only the things you want.

    And i have been very polite and patient with you, i shared my knowledge trying to help you, yet, you only accuse me of "toxicity"!. Real toxicity is, when someone presents you the true facts, and instead of make a simple search to verify his words (and only then blamed him, if needed), you accused him as toxic, because of your own limited knowledge. It looks like it is a kind of fashion these days. Well, I do not accept such false accusations, loud and clear. What i see here at the end, is a big ego and it is not from my side. You should be more polite to people who trying to help you!


    But hey, let me help once more. Here are your 32bit plugins. All are very old versions and as i mention (twice), this Native Access folder is there for compatibility reasons only.

    Downloading the Last 32-Bit Versions of NI Products (Windows)

    With the latest releases of some NI Products (titles listed below), the 32-bit versions of these plug-ins will no longer be available.

    Software Instruments

    Product Last 32-Bit Download ABSYNTH 5.3.1 FM8 1.4.1 KOMPLETE KONTROL 1.9.3 KONTAKT 6.5.3 MASCHINE 2.7.2 MASSIVE 1.5.1 REAKTOR 6.4.0

    Full article here:


  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    Please leave the chat. I don't have the energy or interest in explaining to you. If you cannot understand the aggressive stance you took then understand this. You are not helping me.

    • If anyone is reading this, it may not make sense since the other person's posts were edited after I read them and a lot was taken out. Now I also edited my posts, but I did so right after posting, not well after. I do it to clarify, or if I realize I could have said something better right after I posted. If I post something and it has been up and responded to, *I do not edit it* but rather apologize if necessary and repost with changes, leaving the original post up. I did not respond the way I did to the posts as they are now, I responded to posts that have been heavily modified.
    • This clarification is an exception. I did add this after the post after this was posted. I did not do this to be deceptive, but rather I wanted to clarify the specific point made above and didn't want it to be fragmented.
  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Even if your words, 2 comments before, was a direct insult to me, it is not my wish to harm you in any way bro, so i will respect your decision and i will never again comment here, or on any future post by you. I truly wish you good luck. Peace 🙏

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    Ok, so strangely enough I may have figured out what happened. As I mentioned earlier, the issue seems to have developed after I upgraded from 13 to 14. I also have custom paths for my vsts as shown in previous screen capture, all in line with options available in Native Instruments preferences. Since I got rid of all instances of vsts other than the 64bit vsts or dlls in the case where there were no 64bit vsts, thus leaving only the active vsts and no others... the duplicate listings cannot be due to files. That only leaves registry entries. There were 32bit vsts on my machine that I deleted, which means they did not get deleted in the upgrade process *as the document @Sunborn linked" says should have happened. (So that was helpful.)

    I am guessing these files did not get deleted *as they should have* due to having custom paths *which are within the scope of the installer.* If these files did not get deleted properly, there would be most likely registry entries which did not get removed. This could, and probably is, the source of the double entries. This in and of itself should not cause a problem, unless... Native Instruments code reads these leftover registry entries and mistakenly handles them, so a double coding issue on the part of Native Instruments. I can't say for sure if this is the case but I hope that Native Instruments looks into this since it seems highly likely at this point. Just for clarification, I am a programmer and have troubleshot these types of issues throughout my career so this is not without substance I mention this, but without access to the source code (and time/resources to review it) I cannot say for sure, only Native Instruments development team can.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    The real underlying issue has to do with the lack of the industry to settle on a standard path for vsts. It's been over 25 years and we have different products not only loading their vsts in totally different areas of the windows tree structure but at times requiring or at least not acting right if the files aren't in their specific path structure which may be totally different from another software's structure. There is no reason for this this many years after the standard was implemented. Having the option to load them to a custom path is helpful, but there should be a single default. Someone in the industry needs to stand up and say "let's fix this."

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod
    edited June 2023

    Are you doing this on purpose? I said that i don't post again here but i am not stupid! You are force me to answer!

    First, you tag me, admitting that i was right (for some things at least), then you edit your post and you write so much lame excuses and accused me that i "heavily modify" my comments, while i only changed 2 very small phrases:

    1- "And you are mistaken on some things." to "And with all respect, you are mistaken on some things."

    2- "Then i cancel the process," to "Then i cancel the process through task manager," (for been more specific)

    This was the only change i did, and for this, you flag my post for abuse, which is a very serious thing! So i challenge you in public and call you a liar, and i ask the admins @Jeremy_NI (or who ever are responsible) to check the previous version of the edited post (and NOT "posts" mister, as you falsely write, it was one post, not many), to verify that what i say is truth!

    And even if you were right, to flag such comment as an abuse it is a very offensive thing, which shows your low quality after all. So i flag back your lies also as an abuse. 😠

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    The reason I tagged you was to let you know that in the end you did provide a thread that led me to the most likely answer that I could find. As far as the rest, I ask if there are any moderators that review this that they just delete the whole thread since the only reason to leave it up is to help others and it has devolved to the point that I don't think this thread would serve that purpose and therefore has no reason to preserve it.

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member

    Sunborn, you have good ratings so you have evidently helped many people in the past. For some reason we just crossed our wires and this situation developed. I apologize for whatever part I have had in this. I sincerely wish you the best as I believe it most likely that you do try to help others and have evidently. If I could delete this thread I would as I don't think it reflects well on you and you may not deserve it in the whole regardless of what transpired here. I did get upset at some of what happened, and how some things were phrased, it did rub me wrong, but that is in the past.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,995 mod
    edited June 2023

    So sad that two such experienced and resourceful persons get so offended by each other (referring to the initial scuffle rather than the end one). And every one including participants ought to be sorry for the mess that it turned into.

    Without taking sides I will for the record state that having watched Sunborn's posts many times then I do not think that Sunborn sets out to offend anyone or mistreat anyone , and I can not recollect having observed Sunborn to ever before having been accused of editing to hide anything...

    Also what I see looks a lot like communications between egos that expresses themselves in categorical manners rather than try to remember to maybe , you know , take a deep breath and try to get rid of that anger/annoyance prior to posting !

    Reading all of the above it's all becoming confusing to me but it looks to me if some of Sunborn's points may have been valid so I can understand his frustration when he thinks he may not get the credit that he deserves. On the other hand I also think that many of us 'grown ups' have felt like Joe Cotter who understandably do not like to feel like he is being treated like a kid with an unclean nose (see I rewrote that to try to fit forum rules politeness). But I still have to remind Joe that nobody here set out with the intention to neither annoy nor to offend. It just ended up that way because , well , neither of you appreciate who the other person is , rephrasing Joe Cotter : I trained systems engineers for my career, so no it's not possible for me to make mistakes or overlook anything. And rephrasing Sunborn , I'm a professional musician working with VST's since 1998 so I don't make mistakes either ! .

    Well , so really ought not be any surprise when two such resourceful people fail in communicating with each other if either are letting their ego get the better of them in as much as they both expressed themselves categorically rather than with focus on trying to be polite... We shouldn't sugarcoat things and we should not have to , but communication on the internet like here has the disadvantage that since you can not see the other person one tends to forget exactly that (the other person) and we can then only rely on the words why we need to try be , well , for a lack of better word , be polite , rather than direct , abrupt , categorical and so on.

    I am not sure that my time here will be appreciated but @Joe Cotter , @Sunborn really were only trying to assist you no matter what you both made it turn into. And Sunborn ! , Looks like if Joe Cotter not only had a problem with his VST representation in program , he apparently , with all due respect , also had a bad day !

    Probably not going to happen but I personally hope that you can both forgive each other for whatever transgressions you feel have been committed and hopefully get along in better manner in the future 🙂


    I myself am editing big-time all the time to clarify, correct omitting and spell errors

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    @PoorFellow "rephrasing Joe Cotter : I trained systems engineers for my career, so no it's not possible for me to make mistakes or overlook anything."

    I didn't bother to expand on this since it wasn't pertinent to solving the issue, but your presentation of this is not just a little misleading. Technically, my career was based on teaching people to not make those types of mistakes. So, no... it's not just a matter of beating my chest. It would be like suggesting perhaps Gordon Ramsey or Wolfgang Puck made rubber eggs and just didn't realize it. I was simply stating a fact, not ego. The only reason I even addressed that was to eliminate it from the discussion as it would bear no fruit.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,442 mod

    Joe, i am not the type of guy who get offended easily, though i get angry as easily as i laugh. But i take very seriously anything i consider unfair or unjust, not just against me but also against anyone (yep, i know, classic Don Quixote syndrome ^_^ ).

    I liked when i saw that you tagged me because some small part of what i wrote helped you to get closer to a solution, But when i see that you flagged my comment as "abuse" i went really mad! But i am also a very forgiving person and i prefer to be friendly with anyone rather to hold hostilities. So, since you are apologize, i have all the good will to let this go, and even further, to also apologize for any possible wrong from my side.

    Also (and this is not an excuse) since English is not my mother language i may gave wrong impression to you by using phrases in bold, or lot of exclamation points, and you got it as an aggression, while it was just an attempt to emphasize the more important facts on my comments.

    I am glad that we came to an understanding (even partial, it's ok), i will remove my abuse flag from your post and i hope you will do the same. :-)

  • Joe Cotter
    Joe Cotter Member Posts: 34 Member
    edited June 2023

    Just a point for anyone who does look at this in the future, I should clarify something I didn't go into before other than indirectly: The point of the registry image below is that these registry entries were created by NI specifically to house 64bit VST3 files and 32bit VST files. They are not technically duplicates and were created by NI. https://us.v-cdn.net/6034896/uploads/UXBCK6XO3G16/registry.jpg

    If you look at the image I posted of the NI Installer,

    you see these same paths (as in the registry entries) where it is clear that the one is the 32bit VST files and the other are the 64bit VST files. I glossed over it at the time since it seemed to me at the time obvious, but I realized afterwards it might not be to others. Unless Native Instruments deleted the 32bit VST3 files from people's computers, these 'duplicates' exist on most NI customer computers. I think part of the problem I created was this and perhaps some other points where I unfortunately assumed things were clear but weren't necessarily to others. I would suggest anyone interested check their computer for these 'duplicate' folders and registry entries. I am guessing many people have these and don't have the duplicate menu listing, which is why I was trying to get past that as far as being related to the specific issue I was having unless there was a specific point I was overlooking about this.

This discussion has been closed.
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