After no solution via support: has someone the "installing dependencies" problem in v340 in NA2?

mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member
edited June 2023 in Native Access

Hi there,

after an update to the newer interface and contacting the support with no solution: has someone experienced the issue, that after restarting MacOS and starting Native Access 3.4.0. it always wants Admin credentials to install "dependencies". I did all the support suggested me to do.

I once had this exact same problem a few months ago (had still that old logo on it). And all I remember is, that the support gave me a newer beta and then it was gone.

I also looked for a newer version, but it is only still 3.4.0

Also, before downloading I cannot see the exact version, now I have downloaded this same version 5 times...

Perhaps someone at NI or someone with deeper knowledge of MacOS together with NA has an idea, why this happens over and over again?


Best Answer


  • Sbennek
    Sbennek Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same here. I have to enter admin password every time I start Native Access. Is there any solution?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    And is that real problem? You just click when you run NA2....

    I had it on Win for a year or so over multiple versions.... 3.4 is the first, that does not need to ask to install, or does not install... On Win.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    Yes, I have deleted that new Version 2 and installed Version 1 with the old interface. And it uses only half of the disk space.

    Yes, on MacOS it's annoying, because you have to put in the Admin-Password by hand. And the thing is, there was also one version of the old NA, which had the exact same problem and after downloading a patched beta, it ran (handed out to me by support). If noone doesn't report such bugs, they don't patch it.

    But for me it is ok now, because I downloaded an old version. I don't need that fancy stuff, just wanna watch out for any updates.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor

    A probable fix: make sure NTKDaemon is starting at OS boot. I can't say 100% for certain how to do this since I deliberately disabled it (I have my own ways around the 'install with password each time' issue, which probably won't work for most people, and I want to reduce the number of unnecessary processes running at all times), but I think this is how I had it set up before: Open settings to Login Items ('Cmd-space' and type login, select 'LoginItems' or open Settings and search), click '+' under 'Open at login' and browse to NTKDaemon (mine is at '/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/NTK/') and add it to the list of login items.

    On some systems it seems the installation of Native Access doesn't correctly register the daemon as a login item, which causes this problem. NA isn't able to detect that it is already installed and reinstalls it (once again failing to register it as a login item). I recall someone from NI said they're working on this.

    You could also downgrade to NA1, but I would not count on that long term, nor on whether it will install all newer products. NA2 works well for most people most of the time.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    The fact, that all bigger Vendors tend to run processes at startup also bothers me. E.g. Adobe CC starts 5 Processes, even if I don't use the software. Should be started, when I run an Application.

    I have installed the last version of NA1 and it is looking out for updates, but doesn't find one, so it stays (for now). And it works fine.

  • Owen Chan
    Owen Chan Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hello! Do you solve this problem now? I met the same problem yesterday so I turned to NA1, but I found that NA1 cannot install Ozone 10 Standard. Only NA2 can install Ozone 10.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    If the thread and other posts regarding this issue did not help, please reach out to our support agents:

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    Yes the problems are gone, after the appropriate updates have been made. So Sonoma works. Let's wait to upgrade to Sequoia now. I hope, there will be working solutions for Sequoia soon, too. But for now I will stay at Sonoma.

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