Re-install of Maschine cannot access User Content folder

soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Maschine was taking way too long to shut down, so I did a proper complete-uninstall and re-install of Maschine software, and every time I try to reinstall it, my user content does not show up. When I go to the library tab in preferences, there is no user content entry.

For those who don't know, this is a default folder that Maschine creates, and it cannot be created manually. (If you try to manually add it, then Maschine says I cannot add a folder that is already there.) This means Maschine cannot access any of my endless user content. I have tried reinstalling Maschine 4 times with no change. The last time, I watched in finder while the Maschine installation created a User Content folder, and still, the Maschine app won't read it.

Yes, full disk access is on.

This has happened before on a completely different laptop, and N.I. tech support never found a solution other than me completely wiping my computer, which, with 100's of GB's of software that can only be downloaded from Native Access, means months to recover. I can't keep doing this and it seems like a serious bug with Maschine or their installation procedure. I figure that, if tech support hasn't figured it out, maybe someone here has ideas.


Best Answer

  • soulbrilliance
    soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    Just in case anyone out there is finding this thread, I have found my own weird workaround, which allows me to avoid the severe consequences of a full wipe, but also solves the problem.

    Because most of my big downloads are in the "Shared" folder, I can't simply save my user folder and wipe and restore w/o downloading almost 300gb of content.

    the streps:

    1) Rename my user (this will create serious issues if not changed back, as every single user file path will be broken)

    2) Make a Time Machine backup my computer with the incorrectly named user.

    3) Wipe the Mac.

    4) Restore from the Backup./

    5) Create a second admin user

    6) Rename the original user to its original names to restore the file paths.

    This has worked so far, and all the sets and instruments have been loading wonderfully for weeks now.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod

    Click the "Add" button and add the path by yourself. It is exactly the same thing. :-)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,018 mod

    Quote : "Yes, full disk access is on."

    On Windows (if using that) then "Yes, full disk access is on." may not help unless that you mean 'take own' of everything... Windows is notoriously known for giving user programs access problems. Very often such problems can be rectified by properly taking ownership of drives and files (Google take ownership windows ). Which it makes it the standard go to suggestion if having problems of the kind that you do...

    So if the suggestion from user Sunborn to "Click the "Add" button and add the path by yourself" doesn't help then try the Take Ownership advice.

    I myself have used manual user access editing in some hard cases with mixed results..

    Anyway , I have also myself had a completely un-fixable problem with software of a different make myself where no matter if I re-installed or tried taking ownership then there persisted to be a problem...

    And reflecting on your problem as well as my own past then it occurs to me that what were are looking at, if your platform is Windows, could be a problem that has to do with 'Alternate Data Streams in the NTFS filesystem' (you can google that , but it is simply about that the NTFS allows for adding data to files that user do not normally see, file size can be zero ? and still have data in the Alternate Data Streams). And if it is a problem with that then I simply wouldn't know how to proceed or what to suggest...

    Writing all of this for you I did get another idea with respect to what I would have tried myself. Personally I would have tried renaming or moving your original "User Content folder" prior to re-install program and be sure that there are no user content folder that program can see (move , rename, delete any user content folder). Then re-install program and following that then try to do a sync copy from original 'User Content folder' to new 'User Content folder' using SyncBack Free from 2BrightSparks .

    Mind you , when trying to restore something then sometimes the problem is that a 'restore' require data from more locations to perform a useful restore and with respect to that then I have no idea what you would need to backup and take with you and what not to, I am simply not that deep into or experienced enough with N.I. software use yet..

    So perhaps I am more 'shooting the breeze' rather than helping ? I dunno , But I hope that my thoughts on the subject are somehow of help !

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod
    edited June 2023

    Nice and detailed answer, but really, does not worth the trouble, since the "Add" path is working instantly and perfectly (i have it like that too).

    completely un-fixable problem with software of a different make myself where no matter if I re-installed or tried taking ownership then there persisted to be a problem

    I am curious which is this software that troubles you, and in which location you install it, i might can help with this. :-)

    As a general rule that usually works, you can try this solution, straight to the .exe file of your application:

    or, to install the program with the command "Run as administrator"

    or, do not install it to known secure Windows locations (such as "Program Files") but instead, install it in your User Documents (many developers install there, Rob Papen, U-he etc.)

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,018 mod
    edited June 2023

    Thank you for the kind comment on my scribbling :-)

    I do not want to 'hijack' the thread discussing my own past problems with another product of another make. And starting to describing a non-N.I. related problem would both be thread hijacking and also maybe not even allowed since not N.I. related.

    Also problems is not something that could be fixed by your suggestions or something that the other company's support could not fix or something that they have wanted to make a code fix for , not even in more years...

    Thank you !

  • soulbrilliance
    soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited June 2023

    First thing I ever tried, and has never worked. You may have missed it in my original post, so I'll copy/paste it again here:

    "For those who don't know, this is a default folder that Maschine creates, and it cannot be created manually. (If you try to manually add it, then Maschine says I cannot add a folder that is already there.)"

    The user folder is a default folder, and part of Maschine's structure. The actual folder cannot be added manually because it is not a manually created folder. When I have tried to add it, Maschine says that I cannot add a folder already in the library.

    I have also cloned it in a different location, but that is not a real solution, as Maschine is made to use the User folder, and other problems arise there.

  • soulbrilliance
    soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member

    For all the very helpful Windows users, I'm on Mac.

  • soulbrilliance
    soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member
    Answer ✓

    Just in case anyone out there is finding this thread, I have found my own weird workaround, which allows me to avoid the severe consequences of a full wipe, but also solves the problem.

    Because most of my big downloads are in the "Shared" folder, I can't simply save my user folder and wipe and restore w/o downloading almost 300gb of content.

    the streps:

    1) Rename my user (this will create serious issues if not changed back, as every single user file path will be broken)

    2) Make a Time Machine backup my computer with the incorrectly named user.

    3) Wipe the Mac.

    4) Restore from the Backup./

    5) Create a second admin user

    6) Rename the original user to its original names to restore the file paths.

    This has worked so far, and all the sets and instruments have been loading wonderfully for weeks now.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod

    Sorry to hear that, but you should clarify that you are on MAC.

    On Windows, this works like a charm, and the User Content folder you can do what you like, rename it, delete it, move it... You just need to add the new path on Maschine. For some "hard cases" you can always go to Registry and manipulate the values there, but.... MAC has no Registry either.

    I hope some MAC user can help you. I am sure there is some kind of "trick" (maybe edit the plist file with an editor?).

    However, what you said "Maschine is made to use the User folder" is not true. It is just a pre-defined folder, nothing more.

  • soulbrilliance
    soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks! I appreciate the help. Yeah, probably something to do with Macs ridiculous security measures. They really need to chill on that stuff lol.

    I have figured out the best workaround myself, as you can see in my other comment, but it doesn't address the issue with NI and Mac that they need to address eventually.

  • soulbrilliance
    soulbrilliance Member Posts: 16 Member

    Oh. by the way when this happened before, I was back and forth with NI tech support, and Apple support for weeks, and they couldn't figure out anything either.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,018 mod

    I am pleased to see that my 'Windows user suggestion' were sort of the right one translated into Mac of which I of course have neither idea of nor experience with....

    Quote my first post :

    Personally I would have tried renaming or moving your original "User Content folder" prior to re-install program and be sure that there are no user content folder that program can see (move , rename, delete any user content folder). Then re-install program and following that then try to do a sync copy from original 'User Content folder' to new 'User Content folder' using SyncBack Free from 2BrightSparks .

    Anyway , great that you got it working and thank you very much for the feedback that we can now all add to our communal knowledge ! 😀

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