Maschine plus upgrades (ableton push 3 released)



  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru
    edited June 2023

    Syncing haptics with audio is part of today's Apple WWDC schedule:

    And wish I could be 2 places at once on Thurs:

    Core Haptics lab

    • Thursday @ 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
    • Core Haptics helps you design fully customized haptic patterns with synchronized audio. Request an appointment with an Apple engineer for guidance and conversation about your apps and haptic patterns. Bring your code, your AHAP files, and your questions.
    • Request

    Core Audio lab

    • Thursday @ 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
    • Have a question about Audio Units, Workgroups, HAL, Toolbox APIs, CoreMIDI, AVAudioEngine, AVF APIs Catalyst apps, Spatial Audio, SoundAnalysis or AUVoiceIO? Request an appointment with an Apple engineer for guidance and conversation about the latest APIs, best practices, and more.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    Emerging technologies are on point for the future of Machine. The "side trip" to high-end chip architecture not as much. Machine's future is the other direction: Small and power efficient.

    But topics from WWDC can point to future of standalone Machine "evolved".

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    Honestly, for me, the appeal of Maschine+ is that it's not as powerful as a laptop; Yet, it can run all of my bread-and-butter NI plugins, which means I can run crazy reaktor patches & M4L devices on my laptop instead. With that said, it's kinda lame that none of the music tech companies can seem to get the "hybrid standalone" thing right. There are always caveats and compromises made, seemingly for no reason, or for ridiculous reasons that only a fool would come up with. Push 3, I thought, would be a game-changer; However it's too middle-of-the-road, and way too expensive for what it is. An i3 is at once both too powerful, and too weak for the device. It's more powerful than all other grooveboxes on the market, but somehow it's not enough to run even a custom version of ableton without bugs. Maschine+ however, in spite of some crashes, runs the Maschine software pretty well, in spite of how weak it is compared to an actual PC.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru

    iCult gonna iCult. You can't stop them; you can only hope to contain them (preferably in a thread over in the social or tech sub forum)

  • DjRoppe
    DjRoppe Member Posts: 5 Member

    For me, the appeal of Maschine+ is also in the limitations and ease of use. And of course the sound of massive and drum synth.

    When push 3 was released i almost fell for the hype.. But i’m more than happy with my maschine plus!

    sure i’d love some new fearures, like probability and full access to massive and fm8 parameters. But with the addition of a Toraiz Squid (total budget under the cost of push 3 controller), i realy don’t need anything else.

    oh, but i got to admit that i’m a little jealous of push 3:s mpe capabilities 😊

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Because Apple fans will derail every discussion with their idea that Apple products should be inserted in even more holes they don't fit in. Best to just exit the conversation at this point, train has gone on a trip to the moon.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    My motivation in inserting iPad consideration is NOT to promote Apple in any way.

    My motivation is selfishly wanting the most friction-free & flexible music production system possible that is also in the the realm of actually happening within emerging technologies and market forces.

  • Space Cat 303
    Space Cat 303 Member Posts: 108 Advisor

    What is missing as an update to Maschine plus to be perfect is automation and that the cpu resources are even better managed. Otherwise it's practically perfect and except for the MPE, better than Push3

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper

    Buy a Mac Book, or a Windows tablet. It is literally the same thing.

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper
    edited June 2023

    I like the sounds of being able to drag and drop files over WiFi. Not that plugging in my SD card is much harder.

    I also really like the UX design for editing sequence data on the Push.

  • nightjar
    nightjar Member Posts: 1,325 Guru

    It's not about now, it's about later. And new strategies to actually get there vs repeating old mistakes.

  • wzdm.85
    wzdm.85 Member Posts: 67 Helper

    I'm just talking from the standpoint of a current Maschine Plus owner. I personally don't want or need new hardware. If the current hardware needs to use more of its processing power to handle upgrades to the UI, sequencing and sampling capabilities, I would rather see NI strip back the Maschine software within it to make that happen. The synths are so CPU heavy and it sucks editing them on M+ anyways. I never use them and I've never had any issues with CPU load.

    Especially if NI developed a standalone Komplete keyboard 🛸

  • DollarYK
    DollarYK Member Posts: 5 Member

    The more powerful and feature rich the device becomes, the more restrictive it will be because of lack of big screen, keyboard or mouse.

    This sounds self-contradictory.

    I agree that M+ is in a sense actually preserving good balance between features and restrictions.

    I also have Akai Force but I feel t’s workflow is too much dependent on touch screen to cope with its complexity as a whole.

    I prefer much more to just turn knobs, hit buttons, then slam those pads.

    It will be nice if M+ have good update but still please keep things simple.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Especially if NI developed a standalone Komplete keyboard 

    I guess, it would be way more sound thing to do, comparing to iPad "pluging" dreams....

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