Traktor 3.5.0 and above - browser flickering issue



  • Janovsky
    Janovsky Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have the same thing going since a long time and switched my Mac 3x which means, not related to hardware/processor. It has big impact on quality of usage and NI remains careless?

  • von Bordwehr
    von Bordwehr Member Posts: 117 Advisor

    It's definitely not related to hardware/setup. Traktor has had this issue for more than a decade.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,844 Expert

    It's on the roadmap, sadly almost the last item. And with current speed of 1 item per 2 - 3 month it will take months if not a year.

  • Alex Dutch
    Alex Dutch Member Posts: 32 Member

    +1 Why is this not fixet in 3.9?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    i feel like there's a real quick fix for most of the flickering: if traktor didn't display a blank browser with just a "working..."/"searching..." message until like half a second after it started working/searching, the flickering would probably stop. none of the annoying flickers are that long, and for more involved operations where it makes sense to keep the user informed with a message that something is indeed happening and traktor hasn't just crashed, the message would still come up, just a little bit later - which, on procedures that take that long, isn't really all that bad.

    Exactly, or something like that..... It would make things much better.

    Saying that, I have no really disturbing flickering. It may flicker tinely, if I really focus to see it. My guess is that it depends on HW, size of database and one user proclaims it also depends on HW connected to computer...

    One user also says, that setting Traktor that track fields are not editable speeds up things considerably.

  • Alex Dutch
    Alex Dutch Member Posts: 32 Member

    No, some djs plays a gig and have only 25 tracks in one playlist. If u have more playlists and use the search function it is an other question. Vdj, Rekordbox and even mixx have no flickering. If the great guys and girls of NI program a new TP4 with new coding then i wait for that and i understand that there is no time and money for now. I think there is no money, so no progression.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    I speak about number of tracks in database, not in playlist.

    TP3 has no flickering on my weak Win tablet (passively cooled 10th gen i5 4C/8T). I tried with playlist with 600 tracks in it. I have about 100 playlists. But only about 3000 tracks.

  • Alex Dutch
    Alex Dutch Member Posts: 32 Member

    Oke, i have it with search. I have 40k tracks. If i do a search on for example only artist or track (not all) then the problem is less. But it reset itself to ALL. Maybe they can make a setting for that.

    Reste search yes/no or something. Its realy not good. If u was a allround dj and play many times for hours (my gigs are mostly 6 hours i need mant tracks :)

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    40k tracks is almost one year of continuous playing. But still I have friends that have 30k tracks and do not complain about flickering... So, there might be other factors in play....

  • The Sarge
    The Sarge Member Posts: 175 Advisor

    in few days it´s now 2 (in words TWO !) years with this problem and no seeing of getting this fixed - when I recognized it directly after buying S4Mk3 a year ago, I thought "damn, what the h*ll is going on here?" checked the system requirements and´ve seen I´m much above, so that not my PC making this problem

    weeks later I searched in the forum and wondered, because this topic here is shown separately at the end of the 1st forum-page and I thought: "great, let´s see what to do, Yeah!" and after reading I was so disappointed and still be

    and for the guy who comes in short around and telling to leave, I can say: No! Pioneer is too expensive for just this hobby, Hercu* and all that toy-stuff didn´t interest me, but NI I was a fan-boy for years - nowadays the term "was" is more important, I´m sad that such a great german company as NI was the total customer-ignorant they´re for a longer time nowadays -> maybe a reason why Mate Gallic etc. left

    so "Osterhase" give us pls a fix on eastern-holidays 2024 👋

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,844 Expert

    In 2022 I made this "joke"

    Age like fine wine eggs in the sun. It became reality.

    Like one of those dystopian books.

  • Heisenberg
    Heisenberg Member Posts: 393 Pro

    And it will probably take even longer than your joke!

  • djgoosh
    djgoosh Member Posts: 12 Helper

    I can't believe I opened this thread more than 2 years ago and still nothing changed :-(

    I've moved to another software cause I was quite fed up with being stuck behind.. but once in a while I go to the community to check if there's any important update because I do miss Traktor sometimes..

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