Record / Playback transitions

oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

I’ve been working lately on a transitions record/playback system. It allows DJs to record their transitions independent of the songs being mixed (controller automation).

Recorded transitions can be shared with others and played back against a different pair of songs, potentially on different controller/software combinations.

Is there anyone interested in beta-testing this?

PS. Does anything similar exist on the market?



  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 326 Pro

    Sounds a lot like dummy clips in Ableton Live?

    I'm guessing this is midi automation?

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    I am really curious to see this in action.

    An App to take out the fun part of DJ's life :-)

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

    I'm not familiar with dummy clips but from the youtube demos it seems they require some relatively involved programming/setup? Is there a way to "record" them and playback them over live audio from a given deck?

    Yes, the playback involves midi automation.

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

    I'm working on wrapping it up into an alpha version for Mac. Are you using a Mac?

    I will stop working on this right away if I see that it kills the fun :).

    I hope it will enable for more complex transitions by freeing your hands and allow you to do what you do best while running an automated transition in the background.

    Moreover, I find it interesting to be able to share hard-to-perform transitions between songs and between DJs...

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    Yes I am a Mac user :-)

    I was thinking some time ago that it would be cool to have a platform where DJ's could upload and share transitions as short audio/video clips. More to showcase cool transitions and to learn or to get ideas for the others.

    To have this recorded as MIDI data and the possibility to replay it with any other DJ gear seams difficult for me. Of course we can record MIDI parameter but different gear with different eq's and fx will not let it sound the same. Also transitions which include loops may sound only good with the original song and are not applicable to other songs.

    For Traktor, Serato or Recordbox user with the right mapping it will work somehow but if someone is using a media player and separate mixer it will be even more difficult. For example, Denon gear is only sending MIDI messages if you are not in standalone mode.

    That's why I am curious to see how well it work :-)

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,096 mod

    I was thinking some time ago that it would be cool to have a platform where DJ's could upload and share transitions as short audio/video clips. More to showcase cool transitions and to learn or to get ideas for the others.

    This is a good idea. 👍️

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

    That's my next step once we validate that recorded transitions can be played back on different songs / controllers and the result matches the original intent as @Aquadics said.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    Long ago Torq Dj software by Maudio had a bunch of automated crossfader transitions. You could literally switch tracks at almost anywhere and any time, they also had elastic grids and supported vst. The software was abandoned do to some legal issues involving time code. But was way ahead of it's time.

    I think it would be advantageous of Traktor or anyone to implement the type of automated things like this.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,927 admin

    What a cool idea @oviwan

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

    Hi guys,

    I've uploaded alpha versions of a "dj transitions" recorder and player to There is also a .tsi that is required by the player and needs to be imported into Traktor.

    I've tested the recorder and the player on macOS Catalina with Traktor S4 MK3 and Traktor Pro 3.5.2

    They are by no means complete and I expect bugs but I hope you guys want to give them a try and give me some feedback.

    I'll put up some docs soon but in the meanwhile please use this thread to ask me anything about this project.

    Let's see if this makes sense at all or if it was a complete waste of time :)



  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    Oh, what are you going to do ?

    I thought we are talking on an app recording MIDI events not users live ?

    Not really trustful what you are doing :-(

    Submit it to the Mac App Store and invite user in TestFlight.

    No way for me to start your app on my Mac.

    Good luck.

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

    Hmm, definitely not my intention. I guess these are default settings of the framework I used to package the app. Sorry about that. I’m going to check. Thank you for pointing that out.

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper
    edited March 2022

    @Aquadics looks like that was a false alarm. Those are just descriptive strings that the OS displays when the app requests user's permission to access those resources. It's just common boilerplate, I don't think that should be a cause of concern. I'll work on removing them anyway, to avoid any confusion. The application does not violate your privacy as it does not request access to neither camera, microphone or Bluetooth.

  • oviwan
    oviwan Member Posts: 124 Helper

    Hey guys, I've uploaded an updated player (ver 0.9.1). It's just a minor update that deals with branding. You can download the recorder and the player at Drop me a message if you care testing the apps and give me some feedback. Cheers!

    PS. I haven't figured out a way around removing the mic/camera descriptive texts that are injected automatically by the app packager. I asked the community about it and I will address that either when I get an answer or when I find a workaround. Just wanted to assure you again that I'm not spying on you :)

  • Aquadics
    Aquadics Member Posts: 61 Helper

    Hi @oviwan, how did your app work out. Is the community already using it heavily ?

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