Tips: My products are showing up as DEMO in Native Access



  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Yep, thanks. This has been resolved quickly by the support team. Issue was not on my end but an issue in the fact Komplete 13 Ultimate was added as an upgrade on my account some time ago manually by someone at NI but the wrong update product had been added so was not authorizing anything above Komplete 10 (the last product I had). I had not noticed since I have not had time to install and update all of that past content but now it sems it is all working as expected.

    Thanks to the team for the fast and efficient response!

  • Nsochs
    Nsochs Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    i'm having this problem. I just used Nativ eAccess to repair my Kontakt 5. Now Kontakt 5 is in DEMO mode. I've done all the suggested steps. And Kontakt 5 remains in DEMO mode. It was working fine before the Native Access repair/reinstall. How do I get my products back? Is this to force me into Kontakt 7? I dont have the upgrade fee to Kontakt 7 right now!

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    @Nsochs Try older version of NA2, I guess that the current (or few of last ones) do this for legacy plugins... (It is some kind of mistake, not way to force people to upgrade.)

  • HugoClubs
    HugoClubs Member Posts: 99 Advisor

    I upgraded my hardware recently (from macOS High Sierra to Apple M1 Max), and my favourite VST on KONTAKT 5 for sound textures was giving me this DEMO error. I tried every single troubleshot I could find closely related to this problem. Was driving me absolutely mad. I was starting to tell myself that if I wanted to keep using this plugin, the only way would be to download a pirated version of KONTAKT 5. Very sad solution if we actually pay for products to keep our computer clean right?

    I downloaded and installed Native Access 1.14.1 - the same I have in my old computer (I kept both Native Access files), and suddenly no more DEMO headache.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,125 Expert

    Well transition to new platform always brings challenges to all parties, be it users, or developers. It may take one more year, maybe even two, till things settle down to normal. (I am not speaking about NI specifically, just generally about broad range of SW developers. )

  • HugoClubs
    HugoClubs Member Posts: 99 Advisor

    One thing I forgot to mention:

    After doing this "hack" all the instruments of my KOMPLETE ULTIMATE will appear as DEMO versions on KONTAKT 5, but they don't appear as DEMO on KONTAKT Player 7.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited May 2023
  • HugoClubs
    HugoClubs Member Posts: 99 Advisor

    Thanks a lot for this!


    The presented "Solution" doesn't work at all. "Privileges" reset back to "Read and Write" when I restart the computer.

    The "alternative workaround" works perfectly.

  • Zerospace
    Zerospace Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I just recently got Komplete 14 Standard during this summer of sound sale. All of the plugins that are included in the bundle show up in my native access account but when I install them it says they are in demo mode. I've followed the tips above but none of them work. To make matters worse, there's no way to uninstall these plugins without manually uninstalling each and every one. I've tried registering the Komplete standard keys but it just throws errors. The icing on the cake is when you finally finish uninstalling everything, half the plugins say they are still installed because of the way it handles reg keys. After finally finding the reg key remover that native instruments has I'm finally back to square one. With all the money that native instruments makes, you would think their software would be top of the line. I've never had this much trouble with any other product portal. The bundle I got has the m32 keyboard with it so maybe that will unlock the products?

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    Hi @Zerospace

    Your Komplete Select and Komplete Standard serials had not yet been successfully registered on your account.

    You would need to first activate your Komplete 14 Select serial (as this is your "base product", then your Komplete 14 upgrade serial. If you do it the wrong way round then you will get the "missing base product" error in NA.

    I have just manually done this for you on my side - please hit the refresh icon in Native Access.

    Do all of your products then activate as expected?

  • Zerospace
    Zerospace Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
    edited June 2023

    @Rich_NI I've refreshed Native Access and it still says that my products are in demo mode. Komplete select or standard doesn't show up as a download either if it were supposed to. I'm reinstalling the plugins and will try the solutions listed above again once it's complete. I had previously tried both the komplete select and the komplete standard 14 keys but neither of them would register so thanks for activating them.

  • Zerospace
    Zerospace Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    @Rich_NI Yeah they are still in Demo mode. I've deleted the XML files and the public documents, I've tried the old version of native access and the new one. When I click on the retry button on the old native access app, it says the same issue as when I tried to register the Komplete select and standard registration Keys "you do not have the base product required... ). So what now?

  • Rich_NI
    Rich_NI Customer Care Posts: 173 mod

    Hi @Zerospace

    There appears to be an issue with your license. I have forwarded it to our Order Support team who will reach out to you directly.

    They will come back to you as soon as they are able to.

  • Jobvk
    Jobvk Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited November 2023


    My just-bought Komplete 14 standard bundle is all in DEMO mode. Based on previous comments, I think that is because I bought an upgrade, but something with the registering of the serial didn't go right. If I try to add the serial for Komplete manually, it says: "Your account is missing the base product", although NI let me buy Komplete with an upgrade and said it would do the licencing part itself. Could someone of NI maybe help me? :)

    Nvm, solved it by adding the serials mannualy. But maybe this is something to keep in mind for NI.

  • dandis
    dandis Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    So after re-doing these steps and uninstalling/reinstalling many times over with no luck, I have finally resolved this issue on my computer.

    As it turns out Windows Ransomware protection was enabled and blocking the NTKDaemon.exe from accessing the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Native Instruments folder and wasn't notifying me at all. To confirm this is the issue you're experiencing and resolve it if so, follow the instructions below.

    Click on the Start Menu and go to PC Settings->Privacy & security->Windows Security->Virus & threat protection and then click the "Manage ransomware protection" link toward the bottom of the page. You should now be in the "Ransomware protection" page and see "Controlled folder access" with an On-Off toggle switch -- if this is currently turned off you can stop reading this post as it does not apply to you.

    If this switch is on, click the "Block history" link below the switch and on the next page check for any entries that say "Protected folder access blocked" and have the current date, then click through them starting with the newest ones first and look for one that shows:

    App or process blocked: NTKDaemon.exe

    Protected folder: %userprofile%\Documents\Native Instruments

    If you find one click the "Actions" button at the bottom right of this entry and then click "Allow on device" (confirming with Yes if any User Account Control popups show up) then reboot and open Native Access again -- Demo should now be gone from your products :)

    If you are still seeing it after doing this, run through the 3 suggested NI steps one more time and you should be good to go.

    I hope this helps someone else, this was getting extremely frustrating and was a huge relief to get figured out. If you confirmed it's being blocked but are having issues with my instructions feel free to comment and I will try to help out.

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