Can anyone Test VPS Avenger VST3 for crashing?

JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I ahve been testing VPS Avenger to update the NKS library for VST3 but in my tests I have found it is crashing both Komplete Kontrol and Maschine but not any other DAW. This is on Windows 11 and only with certain presets, but same presets work fine in both Reaper and Ableton Live 11.

  • Using latest VPS Avenger 1.8.5
  • Using latest Maschine / Komplete Kontrol versions
  • Load VST3 version of Avenger from plugins menu
  • Select Factory -> Drums -> DL Drums Of Doom 1
  • Play a note

On my end, the plugin shows activity on the VU meter and will then freeze and crash. However most other presets will work just fine, only most of the DL presets cause this issue. Testing in Reaper/Ableton I have not experienced a single crash when using the VST3 plugin direct on a track, only when loaded in KK/Maschine so does not seem like a plugin issue and based on some other weird things I would say this is a VST3 issue in both KK and Maschine or something weird with my setup


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    So further testing it appears ARP based presets also cause this issue so anything that uses the Arp/Sequencer will freeze and crash. Presets that do not use the sequencer appear to play fine. Might install this on my mac and check if that also has the same problem

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah, this is a KK/Maschine issue for sure. Crashes on my Win11 machine, Win10 machine and my mac with the same presets

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,368 mod

    Drums Of Doom sounds like it's meant to end with a crash, but maybe not that kind :)

    Sorry don't have it myself otherwise I would.

  • hajuro
    hajuro Member Posts: 1 Member

    Latest version is 1.8.6 btw. but haven't tested it


    - Fixed an error with connected arp-notes and OSC-endless sub fade mode, where the connected note was played wrong.

    - Fixed an issue where VST3 parameter automation text input was set to the wrong value.

    - Fixed a chorus preset load issue.

    - Fixed missing spike level calculation for drum slots, which may have caused wrong spike-levels for drums.

    - Fixed an "empty expansion issue" when publishing custom expansions.

    - Improved load-times for rental licenses.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Sorry, it is 1.8.6. I updated to see if it fixed the problem, it didn’t.

  • yuma
    yuma Member Posts: 5 Member

    Hey Jester, i made a test and same for me. After playing some notes, maschine is freezing and crashing. Working fine in Cubase.

  • Zeltar
    Zeltar Member Posts: 3 Member

    Confirmed here - vst2 version works fine.

    Vst3 will load and play the default patch but upon changing to another patch kk will crash - this is tested with kk 2.9 and vps 1.8.6 (current at time of post).

    The VST outside of KK works fine in multiple DAW's

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah i've reported it through as a bug, kind of a strange one since it only affects KK and Maschine and not any other DAW so it is something specificx to these. Hope they can fid this because until they do I cannot update Avenger to VST3 for mac users.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    I just picked up VPS Avenger last week on their "rent to own" deal, and it has crashed inside Cubase 12 twice now, taking Cubase with it.

    I have not tried to use Avenger inside Maschine or any other host, and may not continue my rent-to-own for it if it continues to crash. The VPS synth is pretty good but seems heavily geared toward house/trance producers, and I like a little more general purpose stuff. Its also the first plugin or instrument to introduce crashing in this C12 environment for me, so Im going to have to think about this a little more.

    No errors, just a crash to desktop. C12 crashdump caught it.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah sounds like the same problem I have seen, it just crashes. Report it to VPS. I personally dont use Avenger, it is very much an electro style plugin and the factory sounds are nice, I get asked to make NKS for the expansions but man are they expensive for expansions, just (IMO) not worth the cost so no plans on doing them.

    But yeah, as it stands (like many VST3 plugins) they are simply not as reliable as the VST2 counterparts.

  • DomiKamu
    DomiKamu Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2023

    Hello - As personal experience vs. VST3, this plugin format is, globally, less stable than VST2, whatever the DAW I'm using (Windows 10 x64 platforms) - REAPER 6.78, Bitwig Studio 4.4.9 or Ableton Live Lite 11.2.11.

    VST3 vs. Komplete Kontrol (as plugin or standalone): most VST3 plugins doesn't work or crash (they crash Komplete Kontrol). As example, Arturia FX VST3 plugins always crash Komplete Kontrol (but these Arturia plugins are working fine outside Komplete Kontrol environment).

    Concerning VPS Avenger, I'm using lastest v1.8.6, VST2, no issue noticed from Komplete Kontrol v2.8.1 (I don't have installed VST3 plugin).

  • affenhase
    affenhase Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello , Vps Avenger VST 3 crashes every time in Maschine (change presets) . VST 2 is running .

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    Yeah it is completely unstable, reported it to NI and Vengeance, would suggest for anyone having this issue to do the same.

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