Using Reverse Grain and Sequencer - Annoying Buzzes

dreikelvin Member Posts: 29 Member
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

Okay I am out of options here. I've been using Guitar Rig since Version 4 and I have always struggled with this: sequencing the Grain Reverse Module with a sequencer - Step or Analog, it's always producing the same annoying buzzes. Why? What would you do to sequence a reverse effect that happens at the 4th bar of a sequence?

Thanks in advance!


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    What parameters of Grain Reverse are you modulating / sequencing with Step and Analog? Since it is a granular delay effect, when making rapid changes it can create glitchy buzzes.

  • dreikelvin
    dreikelvin Member Posts: 29 Member

    I am using a step sequencer element to activate "Rev" button at certain moments in a 4-bar sequence.

    The steps have maximum decay and width is turned up as well. This happens with the step sequencer as well with the analog sequencer. If you use an LFO, the buzz does not occur - why? This used to work before in GR5 - and by the way, it used to be a bug there a long time ago until it got fixed - I am still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that it happens again in GR6...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @dreikelvin Could you do a short video (with sound) showcasing the issue and upload it here? Could you also upload a small project here where the issue occurs? This way we could try and reproduce the issue, show it to the devs, file a bug if needed.

  • dreikelvin
    dreikelvin Member Posts: 29 Member

    Sure. Here we go:

    it's all in the ZIP

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