Stem beatgrid offset between desktop and laptop

DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

Hi all, weird beatgrid problems with my stem files.

When the stems were first extracted using Nuo Stems, the grid and cuepoints were off by a bit, so I corrected them all, working on my desktop for ease of use and saved the library and files on my external HD.

When I open the library on my laptop, the beatgrid and cuepoints are offset again, as if I didn't fix them, and they are correct when opened on my desktop, with the same library and files from the external HD.

If I try to correct the grids on my laptop, it will now be offset and off-mark when loading files on my desktop.

Has anyone seen this?



  • DJEEka
    DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

    As a side note, if I clear the library on my laptop and re-import it, the beat grids are now correct on the laptop and offset on the desktop.

    My stem beatgrids on my laptop and desktop are in two parallel universes, slightly offset from one another.

  • DJEEka
    DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

    In the end, it's because the stem audio tracks are trimmed at the start, probably to cut silence, and that's enough to shift the whole grid.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Yep I have had that happen with samples in Remix Decks that should be offset. The silence lined them up with the kick.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    I haven't worked with Stem tracks creation for a long time. But if I remember correctly, you should have been able to fix the file when making the track.

    Mainly I did the stems in Ableton and had to make sure warp was off and my start and endpoints were all the same lengths.

  • DJEEka
    DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

    Yeah, I believe it's a bug/feature of the NuoStem extraction pipeline.

    I'm still dumbfounded on why the grids show up differently depending on what computer I open them.

    Oh well...

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

    The offsets are ttpically caused by different mp3 libraries that interpret SOME mp3 headers differently


  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Okay - this is interesting! I'm sure I've seen this in Track Decks too, when using .mp3 files across my laptop & my desktop (but, both share a single Collection.nml that is stored on a network drive...)

  • DJEEka
    DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

    Okay, I initially thought it might be because my desktop is AMD-based while my laptop is Intel-based, but I recently test with two Intel-based laptops they also display an offset in grids and cues.

    I think the cause of the issue might be that one is running Windows 11 while the other runs Windows 10.

  • Ejub Petrovac
    Ejub Petrovac Member Posts: 42 Advisor

    If you load for the first time (which you probably are because it's the new file for the TP3 collection on the laptop), the TP3 will analyse the file and create the beat grid from scratch (if you set-up the analysis to work this way which is default).

    What you can do is enable analysis lock and Traktor won't edit your beat grid because it's locked. Locked file imported in collection (by right clicking and selecting that option or loading into the deck) won't cause issues and the grid won't be affected (therefore the cues will also remain where you set them).

    Try this and post about results, if this is not clear enough I'll try to provide more thorough explanation.

  • DJEEka
    DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hey Ejub, thanks for your advice.

    I don't have import on startup or analyze on import or on load checked.

    I have all my settings, collection and song files organized on an USB stick.

    I actually have all my tracks set as locked grid, because they sometimes round down to the next lower whole BMP on load.

    I still tried the "Enable Analysis Lock" option through the right click menu, but it didn't solve the issue.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 694 Guru

    Be sure to check your Analyzing preferences.

    If you have a different ranges selected on the 2 computers it might grid differently. For instance Automatic on one computer and 78-155 on the other.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    sometimes, when traktor sees information in a file's tags that was changed outside and therefore differs from the info in the traktor database, it will prefer the latter. check consistency will usually fix that... maybe it helps? worth a quick try.

  • DJEEka
    DJEEka Member Posts: 22 Member

    Yeah, I tried checking consistency with no change.

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