Maschine Plus 1.4.4 - Long time when shutting down.



  • flixmux
    flixmux Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2022

    Yes, I know, but then we are back to the „change the world“ scenario. I want to have for example, a variation only for the drums I can schedule independently, for next beat/bar..

    If a scene could have some entries with a „keep old pattern playing“ functionality, it could even sync variation over one or several groups, but not always over all, that’s what a scene does. That‘s what I find not very flexible, because you always have to plan ahead, compose certain patterns into a scene, instead of just spontaneously throwing some variation at certain sounds live.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 394 Pro
    edited November 2022

    So its only them testing internally, and you testing externally, that is absolutely horrific, especially if they are using some kind of emulator or something for testing, which looks like may be the case here.

    That is expecting way too much of you mate, shame on NI!

    This will happen more and more if they arent even testing basic functions on the hardware itself internally, like turning the unit off :(

    Ask for more testers, damn.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod

    @Flexi said:

    So its only them testing internally, and you testing externally, that is absolutely horrific, especially if they are using some kind of emulator or something for testing, which looks like may be the case here.

    Ask for more testers, damn.

    No, for both things; that's not what I meant. I'm not alone there, I wouldn't take that responsibility unless I was on the payroll, let's just say this release had a very very short amount of user testing time.. Also not some kind of emulator, developers have all sorts of complicated test methods to validate release candidates, afaik they can miss things too but I was just guessing not stating it as a fact, I'm not a dev or expert to really have a proper insight on those things.

    @Flexi said:

    This will happen more and more if

    Nothing new, this has been happening for years, tons of Maschine releases require hotfixes... Basically every 2.xx.X release.

  • badaz
    badaz Member Posts: 36 Member
    edited November 2022

    I'm having the "A recent Project (xx/xx/xxxx - xx:xx) can be restored. Do you want to recover your work?" problem too, as well as the last loaded project not anywhere in the recent projects file list + the long shutdown time. Restarting takes about 1min15s, after 50s pad lights turns off, then on again, off, on, off and on a third and last time while both screens stay on showing the shutting down message, then it finally reboots and I get the message about the discarded project. If I try loading it it is an empty project.

  • cybo
    cybo Member Posts: 15 Helper

    Yep, same problems here. Do you want to recover, long shutdown time, project doesn’t load first time then causes Maschine to restart, random crashes. Really poor update.

  • MaikR
    MaikR Member Posts: 386 Guru
  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 394 Pro

    Seems like a little copium here to be honest, all kinds of testing validation doesn't include turning the device off when they have finished? that isn't something you miss, at least if they were using an emulator or Linux sandbox it would have been some kind of excuse.

    There are two worrying factors here, the afore mentioned lack of basic testing before release (Seriously, turning off the device) and the fact that having broken probably the most basic feature of any electronic device (Turning it off and on safely) they now do not know how to fix it.

    I don't want to assume things, but it does hint at multiple possibilities, non of which I am happy at, considering how much my M+ cost.

    I was in the mindset of at least they are doing small updates to keep it viable with desktop, but that changed pretty rapidly.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,927 Expert
    edited November 2022

    @Flexi wrote:

    non of which I am happy at, considering how much my M+ cost.

    Waitaminute. You meant to write „none of which I am wondering about, considering how little my M+ cost“, didn’t you?

    Anyway, financial considerations aside, it’s quite unfortunate that there’s another mishap with an M+ update in quite a short time. But somehow I understand it was overlooked: How many times do you consider switching on/off a device as part of the testing procedure for a software update? Personally, I wouldn’t. And there are lots of people who never switch their computers/devices off at all. I’m not one of them, mind you, so I’d have run into that bug.

    I do appreciate an opportunity to vent my frustration as much as anybody, but I’d also appreciate if there was less pessimism and superior attitude around on these forums.

    We found a bug, they acknowledged and apologized. Now let’s help to gather enough data and evidence to get it fixed. Without all those unhelpful speculations.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited November 2022

    No idea, again that was just me wondering how this could ever happen, same as you. @ozon has a point about not beating the dead horse... altho this and much worse has happened before, so... idk... maybe complaints can lead to changes? tbh I can't even say exactly what I think about this given my position here as it would sound rude to whoever is in charge, people are just people and make mistakes. I have a feeling they're internally changing some things related to SW testing and this was a consequence of the transition but I cannot nor want want to prove such, just a hunch ;)

    Anyway, hotfixes for this sort of stuff usually happen within a couple of weeks so hopefully, it won't take much longer now.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 394 Pro
    edited November 2022

    Aside from beating a dead horse, somehow they are getting given a pass on this, and I don't agree with that, would I turn a device off and on as part of its testing, yes, yes I would, and a standalone device is not a software update, it is a standalone device, even if it runs software, you test the device.

    I also have no idea what this pessimism and superior attitude stuff means either, did I pay a lot of money for NI hardware and software, there fore investing in their future as a company, yes, I did, do I have a right to be disappointed in the poor quality of testing in this occasion, yes I do, do I have the right to state any factual information I want on the forum to help other users, yes I do, I am fairly sure that is its point, nobody got personally attacked although that quip above about being superior is pretty close, so maybe you could post a little less personally about other posters?

    NI can defend themselves, they do not need self appointed guardians.

  • Laigridu3eme
    Laigridu3eme Member Posts: 2 Member

    Same boat as some of you here, just got a M+ and the same "Restore project" message at every startups. Worse, I can't see any of my saved projects in the file menu, so it's basically useless for now. I submitted a ticket to support, we'll see what comes of it.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,927 Expert

    Your Projects are always found in under Browse [User] -> Projects.

  • Zanza
    Zanza Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    I feel so lucky that I resisted the urge to update when I start up and it sees I'm still running 1.4.3 on my M+ and offers the newer 1.4.4.

    But now that days have passed without a hotfix or tool to roll back the update it seems pretty outrageous that it still keeps coming up in the settings that a new update is available still when the company now knows that the update is severely flawed and might cause your equipment to become effectively unusable.

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