Sustain Pedal in the Sequis library

Member Posts: 13 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt


why does the sustain pedal for sequis not work in kontakt 6 ?

thank you for your help !


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Best Answers

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Marco70 The sustain pedal doesn't do anything in this library. There is nothing wrong from your side. I assume it is because it's a sequencer based library. I must admit that a hold function with the pedal would have been nice. I'll try to get more info on this. (also please keep it in english in this forum)

  • Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    Answer ✓

    it should look like this but of course with the m-audio and cc17 to cq1, and please keep it in english here in the forum, we can speak german privately, but the forum is english only, so others maybe find the tread and learn something from it. I would highly suggest to look into natives keyboards. for example the small m32 could maybe fit onto the cp5. and with the m32 you can jump through cubase tracks and record them one by one, you can browse all the sounds and control them with the 8 encoders, everything is already mapped. you quickly can change the arp, you have a knob for arp hold, i use it relatively often when looking for a sound or dial some parameters on a preset. Yes the display is small but once you get used to it and practiced, like with all other instrument in history, you will handle it. you simply touch a knob and the display shows it´s mapping, e.g. cutoff, resonance and all other stuff. But this all is very technically - you use cubase and midi controllers, so you have to learn a bit but it´s worth it



  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    I want to use it in Kontakt 6 not in Komplet Kontrol

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    es gibt keine midi einstellungen, die ich in Kontakt 6 oder Komplete Kontrol einstellen könnte. das midi symbol wird oben rechts auch nicht angezeigt. ich habe schon sehr viele native instruments plugins gekauft, bei jedem funktionierte das sustain nur bei sequis nicht ? ich hoffe auf eine lösung, denn so ist es für mich in meinem sinne leider nicht brauchbar !

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey @Marco70 The sustain pedal doesn't do anything in this library. There is nothing wrong from your side. I assume it is because it's a sequencer based library. I must admit that a hold function with the pedal would have been nice. I'll try to get more info on this. (also please keep it in english in this forum)

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    thank you jeremy, 

    there are other sample based library where the sustainpedal works.

    i even saw a video on youtube where someone gives a review on sequis and uses the sustain pedal. i can search it out and give the location. i contacted the guy but didn't get an answer. so that shouldn't be witchcraft to make a sustain function. it's just pressing key and holding artificially. 

    thank you very much for your efforts, marco

  • Member Posts: 13 Member


    14.15 min. he talks about the sustain pedal in sequis.

    i cannot contact this guy.

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    I wrote

    your are working together ?

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Hey @Marco70 He's using the Arp function of the Komplete Kontrol plug-in/keyboard with the hold on:

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    no it‘s not realy the point…sustain pedal ist still not working….

    the point is: there is NO midi symbol with 5 pins to see top right ! ….no access to the midisettings !

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited November 2022

    @Marco70 I'm just explaining how the guy did. As I said before, there is no sustain pedal function for this library. He is using Komplete Kontrol and not Kontakt.

    You can see in the video that the arp (in blue) is activated and he also mentions he is using the arp....

  • Member Posts: 13 Member
    edited November 2022

    Hello Jeremy

    I read your message very well, thank you.

    However, it does not solve my problem. It seems we are talking past each other. The arpeggiator does not play a role, I think.

    I was talking to this boy in the video:

    There is the possibility to play SEQUIS with the sustain pedal,

    as he says in the video, and you can see that he plays with his hands free. For that you need the sustain function, I think.  

    As he tells me, in the midi settings, (the symbol with the 5 pins) there is this possibility to control the pedals.

    Now back to my problem:

    I have no access to these midi settings in Komplete Kontrol. It is not shown to me. I believe that if I can get into it, I can control and adjust the sustain function. 

    I hope we are getting somewhere. Best regards, Marco

  • Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited November 2022


    just press SHIFT + MIDI on your keyboard, with stand alone kk app, then you should see the symbol. I, for example, tried it with cubase and just set the ARPHOLD funktion as QC1, set it to cc11 and it worked. But it will work only if cc11 is not used by the instrument, but you can set it to another cc number or midi channel.

  • Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Marco70 As I said a couple of times, and this is confirmed by our QA and product teams. The sustain pedal on this library has no effect. It is by design. Questionable design, yes, maybe, Iwe forwarded this as a feature request to Orchestral Tools..

    If you don't have the Komplete Kontrol keyboard then you don't have a 5 pin MIDI logo to setup the sustain pedal on a Komplete Kontrol keyboard. Again, there must be a misunderstanding here because this has nothing to do with the setup of the sustain pedal in the first place.

    It looks like the guy on the video found a workaround on his Komplete Kontrol keyboard. On the video you can clearly see the 3 blue notes activated this means that the ARP function of Komplete Kontrol is activated, with the hold function on. It's probably the workaround this guy found.

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    Ok thank you Jeremy for your efforts. 

    Honestly, I am very disappointed that this does not work. Would also probably not have bought the library.

    Let's hope for an update, sometime....or I put a stone on the keyboard :-) to keep the sound 

    I still try what uwe 303 has last hope 

  • Member Posts: 13 Member

    Hello Uwe

    its a bit complicated for me !

    where i can find shift+midi ? On the controller keyboard ?

    i work with yamaha cp5 and behringer umx 490 keyboard. There is nothing like this...

    and what is QC 1

    thanks a lot !

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