Sustain Pedal in the Sequis library



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    edited November 2022


    this was just an example, so where do you have the pedal connected and what daw do you use. I just referred to qc1 cause in the video he uses cubase and via qc (quick controls) you can manage it. So if you open kk stand alone you can see this after selecting the 5 pin midi din plug icon if you own a native keyboard. For others it looks different and i would highly suggest you look into that, cause it will open a lot of features for you, like browsing and control stuff right away with sets of 8 knobs but that´s another story....

    you then calibrate your pedal according to the pedals possibilities, is it a switch pedal or a continuous controller. (just tell us the model). After that you can learn the hold function via your daw and it works exacly like shown in the video. @Jeremy_NI was absolutely right about the arp thing, in the video he uses the hold feature under arp/advanced. He also does not tell about what pedal he uses, could be a standalone midi pedal or whatever.

    BUT you don´t use a native keyboard so all is a bit different!!! The midi page in kk will look differently for you, so just tell us what daw you use.

  • Marco70
    Marco70 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Thank you very much for your comments.

    I use Cubase pro 12, but I also have KK in the standalone version, as well as all plugins in the DAW.

    I have my sustain pedal (on/off) plugged into my Yamaha CP 5 stage piano. This is connected to the Mac via USB.

    As you say, I don't see the 5-pin midi symbol. So I have no access to the midi settings.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    No problem we will solve it, i also use cubase 12 pro, so later i will have a look and see if we can get it to work with your cp5 in a convenient way.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    So i looked into the manual of the cp5, and the sustain pedal is strictly connected to cc64 you can't change that one, and if we use the cubase input transformer, so we can control arp hold of the komplete kontrol plugin, like shown in the video, you will loose it then for other instruments, where you just want it to be damper/sustain. But that keyboard has 3 more inputs for pedals all freely assignable to a midi cc. So if you really need that function often you could buy a simple switch pedal. So your sustain pedal keeps being sustain, the other will control qc1 - which can be really useful, even more if you buy a second control pedal instead of a simple switch pedal. But we can talk in german maybe privately.

  • Marco70
    Marco70 Member Posts: 13 Member

    Herzlichen Dank Uwe für deine Bemühungen ! So langsam komme ich auf die Spur. Ich spiel live auch mit m-audio oxygen 25, dort ist ein C17 als Sustain definiert. ich habe noch ein switch pedal und versuche das mal aus und wie du sagst über die qc 1 von cubase... mal sehen... welche zuweisung müsste ich beim qc 1 geben ?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    Answer ✓

    it should look like this but of course with the m-audio and cc17 to cq1, and please keep it in english here in the forum, we can speak german privately, but the forum is english only, so others maybe find the tread and learn something from it. I would highly suggest to look into natives keyboards. for example the small m32 could maybe fit onto the cp5. and with the m32 you can jump through cubase tracks and record them one by one, you can browse all the sounds and control them with the 8 encoders, everything is already mapped. you quickly can change the arp, you have a knob for arp hold, i use it relatively often when looking for a sound or dial some parameters on a preset. Yes the display is small but once you get used to it and practiced, like with all other instrument in history, you will handle it. you simply touch a knob and the display shows it´s mapping, e.g. cutoff, resonance and all other stuff. But this all is very technically - you use cubase and midi controllers, so you have to learn a bit but it´s worth it

  • Marco70
    Marco70 Member Posts: 13 Member

    unbelievable it works !

    I can also control the arpggiator (Loop) over the CC64 sustain pedal input and then switch to another sound in cubase where the sustain works normally again ! This i use for Live Playing.

    A thousand THANKS! 

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod

    Cool, 😎 have fun and make a lot of music.

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