User templates for external MIDI instruments for Maschine and Maschine Plus



  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    oh, I forgot to add, I always use Maschine with MIDI OX,

    without configuring it with this software - I couldn't work...

    it's a shame that this device after over dozen years of existing on the market, still cannot deliver basic midi programming.

    When you will find out, that all MIDI inputs from all 16 channels are summarized into 1 channel (instead of MIDI CC 16x128, you got just 1x128CC) even the software itself allows you to change MIDI input channel,

    it DOES NOT WORK...:/, that's a massive bummer for me, as I was prepared to program many MIDI CC and use my midi controllers, but I was forced to use max 128 CC, hence it took me long time to decide which CCs are important and need to be chosen.

    the more you go into the lard of this device the more disappointed you will be...

    another example is only 4xstereo inputs.... even if your audio device has 20 inputs...

    so you cannot add more analog devices on input then that...its also painful...

    after all, I still use it, and hope one day they deliver proper midi implementation with all 16 channels of MIDI CC as well, as they allow at least 8xstereo/16 mono inputs (at least) exist.

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro
    edited October 2022

    Thanks for sharing your setup. Why are you trying to send MIDI CCs into Maschine? I know you can hook up multiple MIDI devices into the Maschine SW to send MIDI notes but AFAIK the only way to “control” the software outside of transport controls is to use a dedicated Maschine or Komplete controller, and I think that’s intentionally designed that way. I have not had any issues sending MIDI CCs to different devices on their own channel from the software but I’ve never tried to send MIDI CCs into the software.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @TheLoudest @tribepop Can you create a new thread next time if you are talking about a specific issue ? This one was intended for users to share their templates and to have a space to find them easily.

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    Well, my intention is to use Maschine standalone, very much like a real instrument, I programmed several midi devices and use them to control the internal engine of the Maschine, particularly audio mixer (volume/sends/inserts), as well as some VST fx (Replika delay).

    I want to work with device without touching mouse&keyboard, lurking at the laptop screen once in the while when I make music, and this is perfect setup. Midi devices sending MIDI CCs into the Maschine are super handy

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    You can send MIDI program and bank change messages with the snapshots feature. This has been working for some time now. The only caveat is that you need to create two snapshots for reliable operation, one "init state" snapshot (which resets all program and bank change values to zero) and another with your desired bank/program change values.

  • SinFactory
    SinFactory Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello guys,

    For all the people who have a microKorg and who want a very advanced MIDI configuration that allows you to control your microKorg almost completely via your Maschine, this is where it happens!

  • apeirophobe
    apeirophobe Member Posts: 15 Helper

    It would be great if we could have discrete values for the the midi cc assignments. If I remember correctly the old Kore controller could do this and much, much more. For example if a certain device allows you to select 4 oscillator shapes (sin, tri, sqr, saw) across the 127 cc value range, turning a knob to 32 for “tri” is not exactly user friendly.

  • Burnside
    Burnside Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited December 2022

    Hi everyone,

    I use Maschine+ as the brain of my liveset, but also rely pretty heavily on the Elektron Syntakt, so I recently created a Group template to control Syntakt parameters from Maschine:

    (the Elektron performance experience is good, but being able to control my entire setup via Maschine+ makes things much easier)

    Each pad has macros for an individual machine/channel (including delay, reverb & FX), and the group has macros for the track levels and some FX parameters. Note you might need to manually set the MIDI output destination & channel for each pad when you first load this to your Maschine+ (MIDI channel = number of the pad).

    If you're interested in seeing how I use the Maschine+ & Jam to control my live setup, here's a recent live set:

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @SinFactory @Burnside Thanks for sharing!

  • dannyhawaii
    dannyhawaii Member Posts: 4 Member

    Here's one I made for my Modal Craft Synth 2.0. Enjoy!

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 234 Pro

    I haven't created anything that I can share just yet, but I have played around & can confirm that Maschine integrates really well with CTRLR, a standalone/vst application that allows you to create & load in unique interfaces for your vintage anything that's controlled via Sysex messages. I've had success using the potentiometers on my Maschine+ in controller mode to control all of the various parameters on a Korg DW-8000.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @Cretin Dilettante Thanks for sharing! Didn't know about this one!

  • killy.ridols
    killy.ridols Member Posts: 5 Member

    Great job with Blofeld template! Many thanks!

    By the way, is there any way to slow MACRO encoder speed for a little bit, like when you adjusting any parameter of sound, fx or whatever while holding SHIFT. Sometimes it is so fast and skips a lot things - you have to be VERY slow adjusting macro :)

    I don't know, maybe it is happening only with Blofeld, have no option to test any other synth.

  • Member Posts: 11 Member


    Where I should place those config files in Maschine+ (assuming I don't use machine studio)?

    Also is there some docs on how to create a custom synth midi template? I would like to creat one for UDO

    Appreciate help!

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