How to nudge note / event steps on Maschine Jam?

mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Section 7.4.5 of the Maschine Jam manual talks about Nudging Events in a Pattern, but it doesn't say how to actually nudge the events. I see that you can set the Step grid and the Nudge grid from the Jam controller, but I can't figure out how to actually nudge them according to the Nudge grid.

I know there is a function that allows you to nudge events in small increments by pressing 'Swing', holding the events you want to nudge and then turning the encoder . . . but that method only nudges to positions in fine increments not on the grid.

So if you can set the Nudge Grid from the Jam controller and is sort of referenced in the manual, I'm assuming there has to be a way to nudge according to the Nudge Grid somehow?


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    On the Mk1/2/3/+

    • Nudge Left is Shift Pad 7
    • Nudge Right is Shift Pad 8

    Maybe that also works on the Jam?

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks for the suggestions. But just tried it and unfortunately that doesn't work :-(

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert
    edited September 2022

    It is not possible to nudge note on the grid (it is probably better to use Piano Roll Mode and erase note and place it at desired position... It is probably faster and more intuitive.... But it does not preserve the note lenght...), but it is possible to nudge despite the grid (swing).

    But, maybe it would be possible to implement gridbased nudge somehow using empty key TS EDIT (Shift+F). Someone, who is able to write scripts for Jam/Maschine, might find the solution...

    Generally, the best for nudging is Maschine Studio with its jogwheel. It is the main thing why I keep Studio, even thought it is bulky and I have also Maschine MK3....

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited September 2022

    There’s a Nudge Grid, thus it is possible to Nudge with the Grid on. That’s what Nudge and the Nudge Grid is for. And then you can also position Events completely outside of any Grid within Event mode. May I suggest reading the manual.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert


    I have looked in Jam manual, but haven´t managed to move selected note in grid steps. It moves, but in tiny steps. I have set Nudge grid to be equal to Step grid and set Grid On.

    Using Studio events jump in step increments. Using Jam there is not difference if Grid On or Grid Off, it moves as if being Grid Off.

    Were you speaking about Jam and not Maschine? I do not need nudge by Jam, Studio suits me better. But I am curious.

  • Jaheid19
    Jaheid19 Member Posts: 37 Member

    I'll try this later today and will let you know. You should be able to Nudge in step mode. You just have to hold down the events until they become highlighted and then thats when you press swing and slide them over like that. Only thing I dont like about Events/Step/Piano on the JAM is that you have to manually move your Notes Page by Page. Theres no way to keep an event highlighted if you want to select more on another page and move them at the same time. You can do this on the MK3 tho if there in the same row.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Well, it does not work for me like that. On Jam it moves in tiny steps, while on Studio in nudge increments (set fractions of Step size).

  • mtamayo
    mtamayo Member Posts: 39 Member

    Sigh. I guess this is yet another thing that NI started on and just left undeveloped. Not a major thing, just annoying. But a lot of little annoying things add up, lol.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert
    edited September 2022

    No real problem for me. I use Studio for nudging....

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