More Colors for cue points

JL THE DAQ Member Posts: 2 Advisor

not Only one color for cue point

104 votes

In Consideration · Last Updated

This idea has been reviewed by the TRAKTOR team. We will consider adding it to our roadmap.


  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    @JL THE DAQ I know this idea is quite straight forward but can you please try and follow our format for ideas:

    Please take the time to give us some context as to why this is important to you and why colored cue points are a key aspect of your workflow. To help you with that with have outlined this format in our guidelines:

    As a [...]: State what type of Traktor user you are.

    I want to [...]: Describe the task you want to perform. 

    So that I can [...]: Specify the goal you want to achieve. 

    Other users are free to chime in as well 😀

    JL THE DAQ Member Posts: 2 Advisor
    edited August 2022


    As a "passionate DJ world, having had the traktor s4 mk2, mk3 and the Z2, aspiring to play in front of crowds"

    I want "cue points with different colors"

    So that I can find my way around at a glance, without having to look at my pc. For example currently, a loop point will have the same color as a simple cue point. Maybe:

    White (beat grid marker) as currently Color to choose from a small color palette for the different cue points in order to have its own logic in our markers. Visual memory, technical memo etc...

    I hope I was clear and that my proposal will bring more punch to the workflow :-)


  • SueMixALot
    SueMixALot Member Posts: 2 Member

    This is a much needed feature/upgrade. How can a DJ remember all the cue points and what they mean for thousands of songs without some sort of visual cue?

    DJ_EATON Member Posts: 4 Member

    I switched to Traktor in 2016 from Serato after 6yrs and I've missed this feature everyday

  • Davero
    Davero Member Posts: 5 Member

    Confirm - need this feature badly (alongside with hot-cues labels on the waveform).

    At the moment as a workaround I use Joe Easton mod, which allows to enter certain text as a label what produces certain color of the pad on S4MK3 (but it doesnt change the color of the hot cue on the laptop screen ofc). And it prevents me from using certain color with varied descriptions.

    I use it to mark mainly if my hot cue is on 1st, 7th, 8th beat and so on... I'd love to use more variety for other purposes but usability (even in the mod) is to limited to make it convenient enough.

    BTW. If anybody knows any other mode/software which can produce colored hot-cues in Traktor/Traktor-controller, please let me know :)

  • UncleAndyV
    UncleAndyV Member Posts: 6 Member

    Confirm. This is very necessary for creative DJing.

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