Pattern Player Misses the Mark

Sacco Naz
Sacco Naz Member Posts: 152 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Is it just me or does the Pattern Player feel a bit off the mark? The sound Quality is lacking... it just isn't very imaginative... and we loose and effects unit...I must say I was REALLY looking forward to it but I'm really just feels cheap and I can play way better loops and patterns in the Remix Deck....Anyone else here feel this way?



  • daveb124
    daveb124 Member Posts: 98 Helper

    see the original Pattern Player ideas thread from the beta forum. Please upvote and add any other ideas you may have to improve it:

  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    Me too. There are many more important things than this NI should put their efforts in.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 692 Guru

    The only thing I have used it for so far is making some tension in breakdowns/builds.

    I kinda forgot it is there already.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,213 mod

    It is great fun but definitelly not a perfect feature and the fact that it usen an FX Unit will kill it for many people. Instead, NI should give us the Slot Pitch command we ask for years.

  • MichaelK_NI
    MichaelK_NI Product Team Posts: 95 mod

    Hi @Sacco Naz and everybody who is here in the comments already.

    I definitely hear you but i still hope that with your and the communities feedback we will be able to grow the pattern player into something that the majority will see as a powerful and fun tool. 🤜🤛

    Currently the pattern player is in its very first incarnation. With the shorter release cycles now, we didn't want to invest a lot of time into something "we think is great" but rather create a fundament that we can build on top of with your feedback. Therefore we are closely monitoring the Pattern Player Ideas thread that @daveb124 was mentioning. If we see that the fact that you are loosing one fx unit is keeping people away from the feature, we would definitely have ideas how to address this 😉.

    But for now we wanted to make the pattern player something that is super accessible and pretty much plug and play. For example if we would have made the pattern player a new unit, users would either have needed a new piece of hardware or would have to deal loading mappings or creating mappings themselves. But as i said. Nothing is set in stone here. The Pattern Player is one of the topics we are very excited about and we are happy to grow it into anything that will serve all of you best.

    So keep the feedback coming in and it would be best if we could collect it where all the other pattern player ideas are being posted already (



  • Sacco Naz
    Sacco Naz Member Posts: 152 Advisor

    Cool thanks Micheal.... I submitted a feature request of having an additional Loop Slot above the track deck...

    That would be way more useful in creating layers and polyrhythms.... or having the preference option of having a Pattern Player or Additional Track Loop... in each Deck...

  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    Hi @MichaelK_NI what you are describing here is exactly what I am afraid of: putting effort into things that most of us have never asked for. There are a ton of things your fanbase has requested for for years so why don't NI address that first? I really don't get it.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Because they need to justify the new subscription plan…

  • Scratch-E Con
    Scratch-E Con Member Posts: 102 Advisor

    To me that still doesn't make sense. Then they would make more money by making the flexible beatgrids a subscription item.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Disclaimer: What I’m going to say it’s just my opinion based on my own research and limited knowledge. I’m not attached to NI or other brand in any way so all my claims should be taken as a grain of salt.

    They can’t sell what are base functions like flexible beatgrids or GUI improvements because plus functions need these to grow on top. That’s why something new and easy to code becomes first than something historically demanded but which requires Qt updates to being implemented (like AS support) or dedicated coding which they still not fully know how to do (labelled as “research”) and caused by tech debt (creator of that code part is no longer an NI employee etc etc)

    It doesn’t makes sense from common sense field but it’s very understable from marketing POV.

    And it’s probably that behind the curtain Traktor Pro 4 is being coded against time over the Traktor Dj2 app like back in the day Sdj was built over Itch 2 app.

    Time will tell if my predictions and assumptions were right or not.

  • MichaelK_NI
    MichaelK_NI Product Team Posts: 95 mod

    Hi @Scratch-E Con dont know if you have already seen our public roadmap which Friedemann has shared.

    We have different development streams now internally and are splitting our efforts between Base and Plus features and code/tech improvements in general. For example we are also already working on Flexible Beatgrids, even as part of the regular Pro version without the need of having the Plus subscription. 😉

  • dj_estrela
    dj_estrela Member Posts: 167 Pro

    I will not use this feature as i'm already fully using 4x FX units and actually need way more

    The simplest solution for th PP is just to create more FX units

    After all these years nobody answered the obvious: why don't the developers just give more copies of already existing functionality, instead of creating new features that people did not ask?

    That would be the fastest way to deliver value.

    If the laptop is not powerfull enough, users could disablw said extra FX units.


    Same story for more modifiers, bits, and conditionals


    Same story to use macro FX as mixerFX and vice versa.

    Same story to be able to change mixer FX without having a mouse macro that opens the correct tab in the preferences and clicks in the exact locations


  • Sacco Naz
    Sacco Naz Member Posts: 152 Advisor


    That's a good Idea... just allow more functionality in the preferences... Like "add an additional track would be a good one..."

  • springreverb
    springreverb Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited January 2023


    Super disappointed with the pattern player.

    No user pattern and no user samples?

    That really is extremely limited, this is supposed to be a Pro software feature right?

    Why lose an FX, why not just mix it with FX1 internally with an option to either route it through FX1 or run in parallel, then you don't lose anything, no?

    The idea of adding something but then taking an essential existing feature away makes no sense at all.

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