Vintage Organs are so nice! Thank you

AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hey NI Teams, Hey people!

It's so nice to have another instrument on Maschine+ 😁

I was positively surprised when I saw ability to download it



  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    New instruments??! Do tell!

  • Tscheggo
    Tscheggo Member Posts: 33 Member

    I downloaded it To.

    Thanks To the m+ Team .

    hope there will be more To come ???

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru

    I have K13U so VO might be available only for users with current licenes

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Yes, worked for me too. Thanks for the tip-off!

    Did you just stumble across it originally or did you hear about it from somewhere? I'm curious because it's the first time I've seen a new instrument added without any announcement. But it's very welcome! Thanks NI!

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru

    No, just checked my m+ and this popped up from nowhere. :DD

  • Tscheggo
    Tscheggo Member Posts: 33 Member

    Yeah right.

    Would be awesome if they can make some Stuff from Komplete and Kontakt availeble on M+.

  • Koldunya
    Koldunya Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2022

    I found this thread looking for information on this after I found it waiting for me under Library to download. I also own Komplete 13 👀 I poked NI on Twitter to see if they respond.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited July 2022

    FYI, I talked to the Maschine Plus team and here is some context about Vintage Organs being available on M+:

    This was an accidental release of an untested product triggered by changes on the server backend that made the product appear and potentially downloadable.

    Whilst it is possible that the product works to some extent, we would like to take note that Vintage Organs is not officially supported on MASCHINE+ and no quality assurance for the product on this platform in particular has taken place.

    We therefore would recommend users who have been able to download it, to delete the product again or if decided to keep it, use it at their own risk.

  • hubiedubie
    hubiedubie Member Posts: 12 Member

    No issues for me so far. This is promising for the future of M+.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Deja vu… what ever happened to Absynth which was accidentally available for a short time quite a while ago?

  • Koldunya
    Koldunya Member Posts: 16 Member

    I really wish I had caught that one lol... Really feeling like there is so much potential locked inside the Maschine+ via Komplete... I also think a Maschine+ sequel will have a lot more CPU horsepower and RAM.

    I'd love to have Butch Vig drums or something like that >_>

    I abuse-tested this and let them know my results. Here's to hoping it's a sign of things to come.

    ie I held down 10 pads in Chord Mode and I still had to throw a Raum on it to hit 100%/! CPU and it still wasn't crackling until I tried to push beyond even that...

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 406 Pro

    There has to be some reason that they don't let people who own a product, use it how they want IE owning Komplete and not allowing Maschine+ owners to use as many plugins as possible from it on Maschine+, these "Mistakes" show that the plugins are running in house.

    It has to brick Maschine+ a certain amount of times or they are really treating customers like dirt.

  • hubiedubie
    hubiedubie Member Posts: 12 Member

    Well in fairness, there are multiple technical reasons for this. It’s a different platform so not just a case of recompiling code for the new platform and releasing to customers.

    Even the Kontakt libraries would need testing effort at a minimum. We have no idea which features of Kontakt are actually implemented under the hood in M+ so there may be new software development required even for the ‘simple’ libraries like Scarbee EP etc.

    When it comes to the Play Series, it remains to be seen whether the current M+ hardware is powerful enough to run the granular engine and advanced FX etc. Play series is where most of the interesting activity is in NI nowadays so I’d really like to see some of these on the platform.

    For plugins much of the code would need to be rewritten for the new platform. Again, there may be hard technical constraints that mean that Massive X for example can’t run on M+

    What we do know is there was at least one Kontakt library waiting in the wings to be launched on Maschine+ so there’s likely more in the pipeline.

    Hopefully once the Apple Silicon Compatibility work is done and Komplete 14 is out in October they can focus on M+ and all that untapped potential.

  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 406 Pro

    So the ones that were released by mistake, then got removed at a later date, would technically need recoding first, nope, they worked, they exist, but they just aren't official, nothing to do with porting or recoding.

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