Arturia Pigments stuttering (KBDSW-7915)



  • Yearofthegoat
    Yearofthegoat Member Posts: 17 Member

    I saw there was an update to Komplete Kontrol today, so I updated but now all the VST(2) instruments are gone from the add.. list. Only VST3 plugins from Arturia are listed.

    Anyone know how to roll back Komplete Kontrol? I could do a system restore, I guess.

    Anyway - if you want to run Pigments in KK, or other VST2 plugins DON'T update KK to 3.4.0!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod
    edited February 20

    You probably just need to re add the path to VST2 (unless you are on Apple Silicon in which case VST2 only works in Rosetta mode)

    There's also a new option to use VST3 plugins in settings - not sure if that means just use VST3? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me tbh - if you uncheck it does that turn off VST3 support (which would be daft these days) or allow VST2 support? It's not very clear

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    edited February 20

    Yeah, KK still supports both VST 2 and VST 3 hosting.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    Can you explain the new option then Matt as I don't understand why it was felt to be needed tbh?

  • Yearofthegoat
    Yearofthegoat Member Posts: 17 Member

    I made sure the paths are there, as are the actual plug-in files. VST2s still don't show up when using the + in the square at the top, even after a complete re-install and re-scan.

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro

    Still expect a fix ASAP. As a default I host all my NKS synths with Komplete Kontrol.

  • Yearofthegoat
    Yearofthegoat Member Posts: 17 Member

    Odd my options are different (I un-ticked the VST3s to see if I could force KK to use VST2 - didn't work):

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,345 mod

    Probably because you're on windows then

    Those plugin manager options only determine what goes in the plugin menu, not what gets scanned in

  • Yearofthegoat
    Yearofthegoat Member Posts: 17 Member

    Well, it doesn't work with VST2 any more, and I only tried using it because it came with my S61 Mk3. I can't honestly see what it's for, so I'm not going to waste any more time with it.

  • ianfrank
    ianfrank Member Posts: 11 Member

    I just wanted to inform that i updated KK to v3.4.0, and i still have all my VST2's in there, including Pigments which still works great as VST2. The VST3 version still have the same stutter issues.

    I did not rescan or re-add folders, it just worked.

    The most annoying part about the VST2 version is the missing ability to change presets, so it has to be changed using the software, not on the controller.

  • Yearofthegoat
    Yearofthegoat Member Posts: 17 Member

    Well, I did a full re-install of KK and while the stuttering is still there (in FL Studio, haven't checked out other DAWs yet, and standalone VST3), the VST2s are back, and the workaround in standalone KK works again.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,086 Expert

    It's an option to prioritise the loading of VST2 or VST3 for migratable plugins.

    By default how it worked is if you have migratable plugins and you load a NKS file that can call VST2/VST3 plugins it always loaded the VST2 plugin if found with no way to force the VST3 plugin without removing VST2. These options simply set which format to load as default. It has no affect at all on plkugins that don't support migration.

    This is all "at an educated guess" as I still cannot use the latest KK software because they STILL refuse to fix the damn bank display issue people have reported for 1.5 years now or the terrible preset browser that somehow shows us less information than it did before.

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