2025 Outlook: Maschine, Kontrol, and NKS Hardware Partnerships



    DIRK ROMBAUTS Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Dear Chris,

    Nice to read your message but would you please look at bug KBDSW-7859 and finally solve it.....


  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 124 Helper
  • HugoClubs
    HugoClubs Member Posts: 95 Advisor
    edited February 3
  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,772 Expert
    edited February 3

    You asked the question and you also gave yourself the answer.

    Maschine isn’t just a sampler to play drums. There are plenty of other choices for that (included the DAWs’ own solutions).

    And that is the exact reason for it behaving as you don’t like: Play must be used for its sequencer, its “normal” mode (I mean not in midi mode) must control Maschine’s aspects and not the DAW’s ones,…

    There are a couple of solutions for what you wanna do.

    First would be to use the samples in another sampler and use Maschine in midi mode to play it.

    Second (I admit not so straightforward to set up, but giving a lot more potentiality) is to set up and map Maschine groups to send (and receive) midi to and from your DAW (so you’ll have best of both worlds).

    But, since I suspect your goal is just to use Expansions samples in other places (you don’t seem too interested in Maschine’s workflow)… ever thought to spend a little fee for a program that automatically creates kits for other samplers?


  • Phatnik
    Phatnik Member Posts: 20 Member

    Such good news, I have been waiting for Play Series and more Kontakt instruments coming to M+ for years!
    In my opinion an S-Keyboard on a M+ should not be worse than a digital piano when it comes to bread and butter sounds like Piano, Rhodes etc. - meaning: I want to press the On button and after a short bootup time I want to play a perfectly deeply sampled piano or Rhodes in NI quality - just like on a digital piano.

    Regarding CPU management, I strongly suggest two things: That loaded instruments/effects that are NOT in use, are completely cut off from the CPU and don't use any resources.
    And a key combination that shows a quick overview of the top 15-10 CPU hogs, so WE KNOW which ones do deactivate/freeze.

    For me the M+ plus keyboard would be the perfect setup to rock up with to a jam, I would love to have 2-4 groups of sounds/instruments loaded and then I switch to the one I feel like and play it.
    But what happens is that suddenly CPU overload (even if I only play one sound and all others should be dormant) leads to all audio being cut off until I restart the unit. NOT fun for a jam/live playing!
    Then I have to randomly delete sounds and check how the CPU goes down, because I don't know if it's a synth or even just an effect on a preset that uses so much.

    So with that CPU use overview and having unused instruments effects completely dormant, the M+ would finally be usable!

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,213 mod

    Even if there isn’t support for keyboard integration (although I am using the MOSS extension which works better than NI native integration anyway) the software Komplete Kontrol should not be crashing.

    MLARS Member Posts: 196 Pro
    edited February 3

    I have asked @Matthew_NI about forwarding a request to make extra NI USB-C MK3 cables (with the safety port connection anti break feature) available for owners of keyboards like the S88 MK3. With all the identified connection issues and need for USB-power, it should have been in the box with a power adapter at that high premium price. Other companies would have had a cable/power supply program started by now.

    Agree, quick change velocity profiles for hammer weight keys would nice.

    Native Access wishlist: proper uninstall buttons (like Arturia), migrate button with improved UX for migration for supported Kontakt versions. New GUI to move Kontakt libraries between drives and reindex them (similar to software like Steam).

    Improved Kontakt instrument upgrade paths should be adressed by NI, especially important for old instruments still sold today.

    More large DAW template + Kontakt + S88 MK3 users needs to voice their opinions. Go for it.

  • Wilmar Boer
    Wilmar Boer Member Posts: 93 Advisor

    Thanks for giving us this update @Chris_NI !! Good luck to you and the team to make the progress we're all waiting for! I'm happy there's some movement now. Of course everybody is calling for features in the entire range of NI products according to their personal use. And I was on the fence switching to Push 3 standalone and it's NI's luck in this that Push 3 is quite expensive. So I'm just happy with the progress in general and I'm hoping to see a lot of love from NI going into the already released (hardware) products to breath new live into them. And now back to work! :-).

    MLARS Member Posts: 196 Pro

    Overall complaints. Again sympathy for the issues mentioned. Hopefully we see improved support for the standalone category.

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 124 Helper

    Ableton Push3 doesn't do that, which is was I was suggesting a second iteration of Maschine+, which would be more powerful and capable, on top of a smart integration of Kontakt/Multisampled instruments might be the only way to prevent issues you are describing.

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 239 Advisor

    great news!

  • root one
    root one Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hello Chris , nice to Meet you Loris here i'm an Audio Engineer and Producer . I have a couple of question regarding the Maschine 3 upgrade , several years ago i proposed one important upgrade and improvement that is at the moment the only small limiting part of the automation in maschine. Is it possible to implement automation as spline (horizontally) and not only as points (vertically)? in this way it will be more easy to manipulate and create custom curves also using really few points. at moment is ok if you have directly access with a knob on the automation you want to edit but anyway is more complex when later you want to manipulate or adjust the automation.
    Another question is related to the SUPER8 instrument , do you know if it will be able to work again in maschine? are more or less 3 years now that super8 is not anymore supported but i liked a lot the instrument. Thank you and continue to make this great developemnt on our favourite controller.

  • beisi
    beisi Member Posts: 14 Helper

    @Chris_NI can you please let us know what to expect regarding ability to set/write curves for automating parameters.

    Is there anything at all planned for 2025?

    Can you explain the priority setting for this one esp considering the years of user feedback about it.

  • Chris_NI
    Chris_NI Product Team Posts: 65 mod

    Hi @GoliatGar - Yes tempo per scene will come in Q2 to Maschine+ with the Maschine 3 update.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,296 mod

    About SUPER 8:

    If you mean the Reaktor version, it works perfectly fine on Maschine.

    If you mean the VST version, it is discontinued.

    You can still use it, but it won't get any new updates.

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